Are Game Masters stupid?

and now he's got like 3 infractions because he nerd raged on me over vent private chat with about 3-4 different names

best. christmas. ever


UmpteenthTwink said:
oh my god i hope so

best. christmas. ever.

I do feal kinda bad for him since his pally got leveled and his shit was deleted and then boom banned on TI, merry Christmas John. Lmao
UmpteenthTwink said:
won't be any better than the next.

he still sucks.

maybe he should roll a hunter class, and start from there.

you ever post anything useful?
UmpteenthTwink said:
won't be any better than the next.

he still sucks.

maybe he should roll a hunter class, and start from there.

And maybe you shouldnt play on a private server.. xD jk love you.
about gms: eh. a lot of gms are screw ups. a lot, imo, get the job just to say they work for blizzard and have no clue what they are doing. the last... 5 tickets or so ive had to do the work on getting things done by telling the gm what to do. i dont call them lazy, and i try not to be rude... but sometimes they really shouldnt have the job they have.

about john: this is the kind of kid i dont like playing with... "ya i played beta classic wow and was there when they added mc" "ya i had full naxx gear but vendored it" "my twinks dont take it up the ass" etc... if he made the mistake of letting someone onto his account then fine.. flame him once, but leave it at that. theres no point in traumatizing someone over being stupid. ive been hacked, i let a friend down the street onto my account during bc and he vendored all my toons and posted it on ebay for $500... i got my account back, i felt like an idiot, and i moved on after learning from my mistakes.

about dude with slash as his avatar: dude why are you such a prick? no joke, every time i see you post its just to flame someone or deal a lowblow. is that all you do? this is a website for people with like minds and interests to come together and have fun... maybe make friends... but all you do is flame. what do you eat that makes your shit better than the rest of ours? is your $14.97 a month worth more than ours? is your life and time put into your characters greater than everyone elses? were all supposed to be chill and friends here...
about dude with slash as his avatar: dude why are you such a prick? no joke, every time i see you post its just to flame someone or deal a lowblow. is that all you do? this is a website for people with like minds and interests to come together and have fun... maybe make friends... but all you do is flame. what do you eat that makes your shit better than the rest of ours? is your $14.97 a month worth more than ours? is your life and time put into your characters greater than everyone elses? were all supposed to be chill and friends here

we are qtpis we aloud to be pricks.
thats not Slash...

you just insulted the whole 1990 metal generation!

R.I.P Dimebag Abbot Darrel
pooor johnny boy

oh well, who wouldnt want to lvl his character when he is wearing [item]Feet of the Lynx[/item] in a holy spec
Poor Johnny-boy, indeed. Not much mention of the "twink" who leveled and deleted John's toons, though I guess it's only hearsay as to who did it. If it's true, it's awfully scummy.

@John: mega-tantrum, much? When the first GM isn't that helpful, you get abusive. Given that the game involves computers, did you consider the possibility that they have a notepad system to keep a commentary about their interaction with you? (Possible, not probable.) Never a good idea to be a douchebag to the person you're asking for help. That may work with your parents, but GMs don't love you unconditionally. Likewise, it might not be a great idea to rage at GMs/mods of Twinkinfo in PMs. That won't get you unbanned.

There's a big difference between forgiveness and toleration: people can forgive your behavior because you are 14 after all; but, that sure doesn't mean they'll tolerate it. Ironically enough, all this stuff makes for great IRL life-lessons. This is about learning to interact with the world around you when they're not tied to you by family bonds or part of your small school community. You earn yourself a reputation with what you do; and it's very difficult to change that rep. Words won't do the trick. Most people will just watch your behavior over time; it's far more revealing than the promises you may make in order to get what you want.

Johneffer was a pretty good toon, a legit threat in any duel and well-geared. Folks that rip on his gear choices may not realize that he probably had whatever gear they think is BiS. If he rebuilds, he could probably have a BiS toon of whatever class in a matter of three weeks or so, given his youthful enthusiasm, but barring grandfathered items, of course. Now, duels aren't the same as battlegrounds and Johnny-boy would need to close his mouth and open his ears to be among the ranks of great twinks. But, damn, this kid is 14; think of what a monster he could be by 18 if he learns to learn from others.

R.I.P, Johneffer. Maybe a little obnoxious, but not especially malicious.

I always thought when I was a kid, "I can't wait 'til I'm in high-school, then life really begins!" Then, in HS it was "I can't wait 'til college..." And, of course, in college it was, "I can't wait 'til I'm outta school and in the 'real world'". But, in truth, it's a continuum. No one's gonna throw a switch that starts your life for you: you're already living it and making your choices. Learn from the mistakes and improve upon the successes. Isn't there some Chili Peppers line, "Life is not a run-thru"? I like the even more convoluted line from a Robert Fripp concert Tee:

If where we are going is how we get there, then we already are where we are going.
keydenscrow said:
about dude with slash as his avatar: dude why are you such a prick? no joke, every time i see you post its just to flame someone or deal a lowblow. is that all you do? this is a website for people with like minds and interests to come together and have fun... maybe make friends... but all you do is flame. what do you eat that makes your shit better than the rest of ours? is your $14.97 a month worth more than ours? is your life and time put into your characters greater than everyone elses? were all supposed to be chill and friends here...

>slash as his avatar


i ate filet mignon and lobster yesterday so that be why my shit is better

yes my 14.97$ is worth more

yes my time is greater than yours

edit: johneffer is 13 as of december 15th.

p.s. he would have been playing at the ages of 7-9 if he played when Vanilla was out.

Bankbeauty IS happy.
UmpteenthTwink said:

Bankbeauty Happiness > Ump Hapiness


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