AP or Moon Guard for Alliance?


I m goin to roll a 20 twink on alliance and i m trying to decide which server to go with. I want you guys to help me decide. I currently have a 17 rogue on MG, still have not put a char on AP yet.

AP is the more established server with the more recognizable players and bigger community than Moon Guard. The also have strong, well known players in the community. However, AP Alliance is overshadowed by AP horde F2Ps. AP horde F2Ps' strong presence makes going for AGM very difficult.

MG, getting AGM is much easier, no need to worry about F2P horde players fighting u for it because their arent any. Friendlier community, lots of people offering to help with dungeon runs, quests, and obtaining Arena trinkets. However, smaller compared to AP alliance, less P2Ps to help with services. Players are virtually unknowns.

I think the last point is the most important to me in deciding where to go. Does AP MG have good players or is it filled with mediocre ones? Who are the top 5 players on Moon Guard?? Have we heard of any of them?
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It seems like you're relatively committed to Alliance, so I won't try to sway you.

If your concern is getting AGM, AP is most definitely not the server for you. Regardless of horde/ally the real issue in getting AGM are those players that choose to bring a higher level. That being said, there is a reason AP is a generally stable and consistent community; the staple f2p server.

MG is still pretty new, I'm very interested to see how that turns out. I think it's too early to judge their ability at this moment. It seems to me as if you want to play on MG - go for it! It's super easy to gear up other f2ps, so rerolling is not really an issue. Good luck, have fun
there is No Doubt we have Great players on both sides of AP and I have been in MANY BGs that were true midfield skirmishes....
to me its cut and dry AP had more than enough to run 3v3 or 5v5 arena consistently with zero hunters being involved.
AGM is near impossible unless you bring 85's with you to the arena I have 8 since FEB going 3-4 times a day I have had help with 1/2 of them from fellow AP lvl 20's giving it to the guy who has the most on hand.
I have lost more 1 ally vs 3 horde than I care to count... and probably 5 or more 1 on 1 my hunter vs horde pallies... So much for Hunters being OP.
We very frequently have P2P on to help with issues.
I've been escorted by a P2P in Tenaris to farm mageweave and Escorted through BFD 3 times looking for the EGG drop for DMF. So, help is there and we constantly run grouped BGs and win more often than lose. AP HORDE is getting an abundance of BULLIES... Level 24's that pick on the kids rising the small f2p bus. CtoA weekend was AB and there was on avg 2 24's per node for many of the ABs i ran. Sad to think those were the only games I lost.
Welcome to AP if you decide to join us
I play horde as well. AP seems to be the best server for horde, but alliance it seems MG offers an alternative for alliance based upon what I read and seen. AGM is a factor, but its not the biggest. A dead server is prob the best place to get AGM but there is no community on a dead server. The biggest factor for me is the quality of players and premades.
It's not always easy to get AGM on MG either. There are quite a few casual 85s that are achievement hunting and will kill you if you attempt to loot. As I said in another thread, I originally rolled MG to solo play and I had no interest in joining a community. But as it turned out I ran into a few other f2p players and they turned out to be pretty good. So yeah.... if you roll MG I'd do it for the community alone. Of course it's not nearly as big as AP horde.
there is No Doubt we have Great players on both sides of AP and I have been in MANY BGs that were true midfield skirmishes....
to me its cut and dry AP had more than enough to run 3v3 or 5v5 arena consistently with zero hunters being involved.
AGM is near impossible unless you bring 85's with you to the arena I have 8 since FEB going 3-4 times a day I have had help with 1/2 of them from fellow AP lvl 20's giving it to the guy who has the most on hand.
I have lost more 1 ally vs 3 horde than I care to count... and probably 5 or more 1 on 1 my hunter vs horde pallies... So much for Hunters being OP.
We very frequently have P2P on to help with issues.
I've been escorted by a P2P in Tenaris to farm mageweave and Escorted through BFD 3 times looking for the EGG drop for DMF. So, help is there and we constantly run grouped BGs and win more often than lose. AP HORDE is getting an abundance of BULLIES... Level 24's that pick on the kids rising the small f2p bus. CtoA weekend was AB and there was on avg 2 24's per node for many of the ABs i ran. Sad to think those were the only games I lost.
Welcome to AP if you decide to join us

I have played both AP and MG. Completely agree with NavyRetired on getting AGM in AP, I could only muster 7 arena masters in three or four months of trying as an AP Alliance. That was one of the main reasons I decided to leave. I made double AGMs (that's 24 arena masters) in about 3 weeks on MG, without any help. But this was before all the F2Ps started showing up in MG, our channel was empty at that time. So now its harder to get AGM but no where near as hard as AP. Horde F2P interference is a non-factor here. 85 interference, however, still is factor.

We run arenas, but not as consistently as AP alliance. Hunter involvement about half the time. Full premades and 5/10 premades we've been doing a lot of recently, but also prob not at the scale of AP alliance yet.

In terms of players, AP alliance has more established players than us. I don't know if we have any "recognizable" players but our players are not mediocre. We can hold our own against other premades and steamroll pugs. However, our "A" team 10 man has not really been tested yet. We haven't had many opportunities to play our "A" team against a 10 man AP horde team. So in terms of measuring how good our players are... that has yet to be determined.

Hey Osirion, what do you think about how good our players are? Do we have anyone that's "recognizable"?
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Arena = AP =/= AGM
AGM = MG (or any other server) = 0.1% chance of all good players doing arenas
AP would be better choice for the long run. If you are going to play trial while waiting on other games like GW3 or D3, you should go for MG since AP horde is kinda boring atm (no one talks) but community always changes so AP would be very good in the future
Arena = AP =/= AGM
AGM = MG (or any other server) = 0.1% chance of all good players doing arenas
AP would be better choice for the long run. If you are going to play trial while waiting on other games like GW3 or D3, you should go for MG since AP horde is kinda boring atm (no one talks) but community always changes so AP would be very good in the future

You must have me on ignore then :O
Arena = AP =/= AGM
AGM = MG (or any other server) = 0.1% chance of all good players doing arenas
AP would be better choice for the long run. If you are going to play trial while waiting on other games like GW3 or D3, you should go for MG since AP horde is kinda boring atm (no one talks) but community always changes so AP would be very good in the future

Unlike "any other server," we have a very large alliance F2P community here. Atleast thirty active members based upon my estimation. And we actually do alot of arena in our peak hours. Really intense games.
Moon guard if you like sitting in an inn all day staring at female dwarf tits. Ap If you actually want to get things done.
Hey Osirion, what do you think about how good our players are? Do we have anyone that's "recognizable"?

I can't really give a comprehensive list of all the great players on our server because I don't play during peak hours or on weekends, but some of the notable players I've grouped with are Pro, Hathrow, and Reflexz.

Sorry if I left someone out :p

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