Oh yeah werent you the one that basically ran those nights?
I did a little promotion for 59s, but most of my forum promotion went toward the midbrackets (59 and up were considered the upper brackets at the time).
I remember someone figured out how to force an AV queue with a 10v10 and we had a brawl in the field of strife till the resources ran out lol
Totally forgot about that -- good memory!
Most of us had zg sets and dungeon sets that were pretty powerful from what I remember, so our gear made us pretty beefy. The DK starter gear was comparable, but couldnt carry you in our xp off games. Enchants and engy and stuff (etc) were basically mandatory.
They really were, and we had to gear stam-heavy. One of my favorite stories from wrath twinking exemplified the high requirements for playing in the midbrackets and for 59s:
We were all in Vent (that's right, Ventrilo), and my Horde shammy was in the thick of healing a huge brawl in the mid of WSG. Suddenly, someone shouted, "GRENADE!" For whatever reason, that triggered a pavlovian response and everyone on Horde randomly threw a grenade. Alliance evaporated. We thought the game seized or something, but after a couple of seconds, we realized what happened and died laughing. (Died on the field, because the Alliance respawned and we couldn't keep ourselves together, so they wiped us. Totally worth it.)
For that moment to even be possible, 59s had to have organized games, and everyone had to have leveled engineering to get the good bombs. In Wrath, the higher the bracket, the less of a chance a given twink actually capped their professions. I remember doing an analysis the armory threads at the time, and like 50% of 29s saw capped professions, 33% of 39s, and 25% of 49s capped their professions. But 59s took the numbers over 50%, because engineering was so critical to that bracket.
Who was the warlock back then that basically spammed sapper charges and was damn near unkillable? That dude is the reason I main'd a lock for the next few years, lol!
Good question, 59s had a couple of really strong locks!
now, ive never actually played 59s at all so there's that, but from my hearsay™ it was a really lopsided bracket w/ gnomes just being the GOAT due to sonic boosters, and gnome DK w/ two of those just being the low-hanging meme, but yea
Alliance did have the upper hand for those reasons, but it wasn't enough to make games lopsided, from what I remember. The wrath 59s Wednesday/Sunday schedule actually lasted longer than any of the midbrackets, including 39s, even though 39s got games daily for a while.
Every bracket had some insane grinds. For 59s, it was the ZG gear, ZG enchants (exalted rep by destroying bijous and only applicable to the specific character who reached exalted), 375 engineering, and a 450 gathering profession. Running around Northrend as a 59 to mine cobalt and saronite was a trip.