I assume the boss must be lower than or equal to level 29, otherwise it would be considered skull and wouldn't drop loot.
if you know one, post it here please
if you know one, post it here please
Why do people keep saying the Brambleking Staff is going to be nerfed? Is it jacked up at other levels and impact endgame?Pretty sure every single one, but that one got nerfed, i also assume that one will be nerfed in not to long. Just go for other gearpieces instead is my suggestion.
This, exactlyBecause everything like it was fixed, and that stuff had zero impact on endgame beyond them crying about level 10s melting LFG dungeon bosses.... instead of "thanks for the fast free run" it was "WAAHHH NO FAIR BLIZZ FIX!!!"
if anything, the 49 relic weapons are way more powerful
There's a couple grandfathered items, but most (all?) are not broken OP or likely even "better" than normal gear.
I got a staff and helm, i think? Ilvl 36 and req 30 to euip, but if you got them before the fix you can still use them.
That shammy one should be easy too... just guess the wheel of QQ didnt stop there yet.
Honestly, to use familiar example, 20 PvP is kind of like ilvl 49 artifacts... it's only a "problem" when everyone could lock their XP and ruin levelers, now they let people unsub and do exactly the same thing.
Basically vets/f2play are the ilvl 49 artifacts of XPon PvP.
(except you can still do it, so kinda not.)