


Hey guys, new to F2P twinking and looking for some info/advice. I have twinked throughout my WoW career at 19, 39, 49 and 70, and I'm looking at starting up in what appears to be an interesting bracket.

First off I'm not yet sure if I want to use a F2P account or my main P2P, as that also depends on the answers I get to the next few questions;


I know they are a pain, and always have been in twink brackets. I'm looking at reducing their impact in the battlefields I play in, and that will require an anti-hunter class. Question is, at level 20 which class does this best?


The next thought I had was to do with my account choice, as a 24 anti-hunter would be better off if that's what is needed. I'm not a fan of out levelling the standard bracket players, but if it is the only way to make an impact I might go this route. Question is, do you think its a correct thing to do, even if I use a P2P level 20 with heirloom headpiece, etc?


So in summation, I am looking to piss off hunters in the best possible way. I will be rolling horde, as they seem to need some help, but am going to queue solo (australian timezone screws me a bit). Could you please assist?

make a normal FTP... after a week of your "anti-hunter" crusade you will just be campin the 20s like all the other 24s or p2p 20s withs enchants..
Resto druids/boomkins are anti-hunters.

Hey guys, new to F2P twinking and looking for some info/advice. I have twinked throughout my WoW career at 19, 39, 49 and 70, and I'm looking at starting up in what appears to be an interesting bracket.

First off I'm not yet sure if I want to use a F2P account or my main P2P, as that also depends on the answers I get to the next few questions;


I know they are a pain, and always have been in twink brackets. I'm looking at reducing their impact in the battlefields I play in, and that will require an anti-hunter class. Question is, at level 20 which class does this best?


The next thought I had was to do with my account choice, as a 24 anti-hunter would be better off if that's what is needed. I'm not a fan of out levelling the standard bracket players, but if it is the only way to make an impact I might go this route. Question is, do you think its a correct thing to do, even if I use a P2P level 20 with heirloom headpiece, etc?


So in summation, I am looking to piss off hunters in the best possible way. I will be rolling horde, as they seem to need some help, but am going to queue solo (australian timezone screws me a bit). Could you please assist?


disc priest p2p 20 imo

make a normal FTP... after a week of your "anti-hunter" crusade you will just be campin the 20s like all the other 24s or p2p 20s withs enchants..

cause f2p's never camp each other, do they. :rolleyes:
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As a priest (holy/disc) i have no problems with f2p hunters even if there is no los. 1 vs 1 they usually drop like flies.
Prots are the true antidote to hunters. That is, you can lock them up fairly well and they have a very hard time killing you. A fully geared prot will win against a hunter in duels and in BGs u are the true survivalist.

But to be honest, there is nothing that can really piss off a 24 hunter. They are extremely OP and 1 on 1 u will not be able to make a big difference against them. Except a prot imo.

Also, go f2p - p2p is gay and they are outcasts. I dont even like them on my team. Every time I see one I have this image of a 12 year old teenager in his daddys office playing wow.
why no one agree with me? Resto/balance druids can rock a hunter no prob.
There are a few classes that are good 1v1 against hunters, but the problem is that you're almost never going to be 1v1 in bgs. Most teams you're up against as horde have on average 4 hunters, 2 rogues, 2 paladins, and a healer. The problem with rolling a prot paladin to go up as the "antihunter" is that unless you have heals behind you, you're probably going to die before getting in range of those 4 hunters in mid. Add to this that horde is not lacking in prot paladins, and it's probably one of the less useful things you can decide to roll, imo.

As pointed out above, healers are pretty decent against hunters. Priests have it easiest in dpsing, whereas the other healers are better off just staying alive until a teammate can show up (10-1 someone posts after me to say how their hpally/resto shaman has no problem with hunters, but they're dilusional when you compare it to how fast you can burn someone down with a priest). If healer isn't your cup of tea, no worries as horde usually have a 1-4 anyways, in which case just roll a dps you can rock.

In all honesty, it doesn't really matter what class/spec you want to roll. Hunters complain about every class/spec/race, so pretty much anything is guaranteed to piss off someone. Teamwork is the real "anti-hunter" or rolling anything as a geared 24. Most hunters in this bracket aren't very skilled, so if you're good at your class you can probably take them on. Horde side, dps I enjoy seeing on my team are warlocks/mages (they're usually good players), druids, and non-retarded rogues, or pretty much anyone with more than 1200 health.
i would say make a lvl 20 rogue on your p2p acc. rogues do very well against hunters.

a really good option that some people use is make a f2p gear set and a p2p gear set (with enchants and stuff). if your using a f2p set with the BoA helm and cloak its not that big of a dif, as alliance has the skillpatch. also the cloak enchant would be fine, im not expecting u to get 2 of the same BoA cloaks.

welcome to the bracket!
It's true that Horde is tons of Prot's and paladins in general. Imo Horde could use more hunters for dps.
That might be the best "anti hunter" -> a hunter. If you're good with timing your own and your pet stuns etc.
The best hunter counter is a Priest, specifically Disc spec. Nothing else comes quite as close. A fully geared f2p priest can also take down a (bad) 24 hunter 1v1, I know because I've done it before.
As a feral drood i can -almost- kill the 1200-1400 hp'ers, but feral is really the Fmage hard counter, i would agree with disc, penance is a good nuke/heal, and bubbles are epic
Never tried as boomkin (yet)
I would make a p2p char, but gear by f2p rules, unless ya facing a hunter/24, then pull out bis p2p 20, with 24 chants, (if mage/disc/lock, mog your boa head, to FTG's, and they will think wtf it this 20 noob clothie beating the hell outta me ,/reroll)
boomkin boomkin boomkin

and resto druid.
Also I'd suggest a separate F2P account and boosting it with your P2P. This way if you ever let your sub rest for a while you have something play.

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