US Another best of list... Personality


There is always best of list on who is the best player, and who is over rated but as a close knitted community we have all gotten to know each other decently well, and no one seems to talk about the thing that also contributes to a team/community. Personality!

Mvq - you could seriously have a 2 hour long conversation, about one play, trying to dissect ever little mistake or a better alternative that you could have done. He analyses and talks about everything which some people take offence to but I think it is an amazing thing to have on a team.

Saxx- He is a great leader and tries to help and que for the losing team to make games even.

Trendy- Pretty much only ques alliance and after getting qued into unfair comps over and over keeps trying to better the community and make games fun and even.

Pizza- The best leader I have ever seen. He has taught me and so many others how to improve our play and is always willing to discuss a mistake after it has happened. Amazing shot caller and all around great mind for this game.

Team STARTER- I recently joined this team for TC and I have to say that these guys put in more work than any other team. After the game we talk about what we need to improve on and what we did really well with. They are excellent players and this team deserves credit for always being willing to wargame vs anyone.
#1 Trendy: He's the realest f*cking ***** out there, funny and warm guy! Also really fun to play poker with.
#2 Pitter: Really fun guy on curse, always up for shit and a real teamplayer!
#3 Conq: Always up to help people, whether he plays or not.. really passionate tink.
#4 Zioni: He's literally a sweetheart, nuff said.
#5 Delayed: Although I don't really know him that well, he seems like the kinda guy that NEVER insults anyone. The kind hearted player.
I've said this to Lenny many times, and I totally agree with @Phobia on the fact that STARTER is a very dedicated team. The synergy they have is amazing. They will be competitors!
Honorable mentions: Mith / Marblea / Roula (funny guy) / Purj / Lenny / Tacochampion
In love with the concept of this thread, I'm assuming this is only for 19s

Was in the middle of a list but I cant be asked to play favorites, there are just so many amazing personalities here its actually insane.

Shout outs to all the driven, dedicated, passionate, kind, creative, and intelligent twinks out there. Honestly you guys are so amazing this community wouldn't be what it is without you, you probably know who you are <3
Every single one of us is a special snowflake. But STARTER is the biggest one. Inbred f2p scum gonna be contenders for the twink cup yeye
Realek Tarentino, funny as fook
Yorky, another funny guy
Livingforce, all around LAD
Trendy, entertaining streamer chill AF
Hunnybuns, same as above
Hardbass, chill as fuck, pleasant to chat with
Zioni, activist twinker and can be hilarious

Shoutout to people who are not special enough to be on this list but are friends, lindenkron, muskiebad, ephidel, conq and many more of you plebs
I have to say I was skeptical at first, but after getting to know the overworked, underpaid video game savant who pilots Original's account has been nothing but a joy. His complete lack of self-esteem due to Original's constant verbal and physical abuse has made him into a non-threatening personality to PvP with, and, dare I say it, a friend.

His skill in the game and his cheerful disposition despite immense hardship will take him far in life - or at least it would, if he wasn't entirely financially reliant on Original to pay for the moldy bread and stale soup of which his diet entirely consists.
Blackout, for his passion and hard work to revive this bracket. Moreover just a genuine guy.

Zioni, for his passion for this bracket, working behind the scenes, setting up games etc. His personality also just bursts through the way he speaks and what he has to say.

Trendy, really entertaining to watch.

Mvq, because he is sometimes what you need. Unfiltered, blunt and straight up front. Some people tend to take this the wrong way.

Fake (Eclipsis), for being the biggest chatter, ever.

Devm, believe it or not, we have similar interests. Despite of what reputation he has ingame, he makes up for outside the game.

Quack, dude has a big mouth, but you gotta give it to him, he can be rather funny at times.

Razugal, for his competitiveness.

Ben Tilley, an all-around good lad.

I probably missed some people, and I apologize if you feel that you are one of them. There are a lot of great people in the community.
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I think almost everyone here is pretty good people and pretty easy to get along with, once you get past the forum personas and drama people like to cause. I get along pretty well with everyone these days, with an exception of 2-3 people.

Shoutouts to a few who have been around and been chill with me since I started talking to them, in no specific order:

Geno, Zeiren, Ko, Mocha, Telly, Laurasia, Kancer, Phobia, Conq, Drugs

Sorry if I forgot to name anyone specific, we're all homies though <3
Baldi, Sami, Squidgy, Yndigo, Mesikammen, Sputnick, Gingerbred, Stickerz.

The real OG's, sorry if i missed anyone ^^
Its crazy how many respectable twinks socialize with the most toxic twinks. Only serves to encourage their behavior.

There is a mile of difference between being toxic and being involved in drama that inspires competition.
To name a few

Pizza - Q's pugs consistently and helps both sides, contributing to the community on a major scale since forever, great personality to have in the bracket, hate if you will but if he and sr just disappeared one day this bracket might be toast forreal... stay woke

Trendy - Real GOON!, solid dude, Pug Lord love for the bracket, alliance and music? whats not the like. really humble dude! these other dudes got airheads for nothin, dont play yourself! be more like trendy

Stablit- If you dont know you wont know, but this guy is on some dan type shit. just been real since we met, loyal, real dude! wouldnt talk down on you and behind your back like the pit of snakes 19's is. he a leader he the young goat the don dada really good and respectable guy dont sleep

Geno - . A1 dude with loads of personality, super friendly and been real since forever. Can hit him up whenever and its always love!
Grizzle - Super humble and still a beast and fucks with the hood. can chop it up whenever talk about music or anything, real dude!

Jetlife- if you dont know you wont know. realest in the game.
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