Anger Issues

I do understand that hunters are hated, TBH i deleted my hunter a bit back. My issue is not his honesty, it is the tone of a lot of the posts here as of late, so many people who feel they have the right to be a bunch of tools because the intarwebs provide a level of anonymity. that is all.
Rayu said:
and the 'I have a gf but just going to tell it indirectly so it looks like I really do' really adds to it.

Wtf is your problem?

I mean you make it look like it's not normal
KeepinItJuicy said:
So today kinda opened my eyes that I might have a problem. It was my 3rd week now trying to get that lucky fishing hat and I play on a PvP server. So i was in STV with no escort like usual and i kept getting killed by these 2 horde twinks..over and over. its like cmon, im just trying to get my hat too. So it got to the point where i took my keyboard broke it in half over my knee and threw it at the wall. Putting a keyboard size hole in it. So i filled it with putty the best i could and painted it white. I think i might just transfer my twink to a PvE server till i get this hat and xfer back when i do but idk what to do. Im tired of getting pissed from horde camping my twink in STV. UGHHHHHHH! lol. My gf saw it all and just laughed at me. "lol cmon its just a game" that maybe true but its REAL dbags causing me this stress in the game. What should i do, xfer till i get my hat, try and find an escort, seek therapy lol. Bring on the suggestions

Oh man some guy has fished for all of three weeks without getting a fishing hat, intense! How do you get by on your two 19 hunters without hats? Man you're just so awesome and so skilled that you deserve those hat pixels, but hey, if it continues to elude you just go have another temper tantrum and break something else.

Most people telling the truth in this situation wouldnt tell it. I mean how many people do you know that are like "I lost my hat so I broke my keyboard." Also when my girlfriend comes over I dont play WoW. I dont give a damn about the next raid, the next fishing tournament etc.. I dont like people knowing I play WoW.. Your girlfriend honestly has no problem coming over and watching you fish in an internet game instead of hanging out with you?
Evocate said:
I dont remember Bragh talking like that when I used to participate in =/

No u! How ya like dat lol'z? that better? you know you grow allotmentally in like a year xD

And I'm no guildclown xD
Maelstrom said:
Oh man some guy has fished for all of three weeks without getting a fishing hat, intense! How do you get by on your two 19 hunters without hats? Man you're just so awesome and so skilled that you deserve those hat pixels, but hey, if it continues to elude you just go have another temper tantrum and break something else.


You're silly flaming people for having that inner fire, the desire to get perfect. Leave now or get nicer to people, or else you will not be tolerated in life, nor on here.

I do not know what respect or status i still have in twink community, but I'll use what i have left to make people more positive to new players, rather than random stupid flaming.
Bragh said:
To be honest, you're all pricks for mocking himfor something that isn't even the topic.

My excperiences from PvP server, is that if you get camped. You ress at the nearest GY, go to another place to fish. Keep calm, even thoug you want to cut your wrist. (I KNOW I WANT TO!)

Anyway, don't fight back. They keep trying to kill you. Don't fight back just keep running if they chase you, they are just stupid. They ruin for themself too. Keep that in mind.

Not worth the irl money to transfer for some extra stam. Keep your patience, keep it. Patience.. I kept fishing for over a year on a PvP server. With 70's loving to gank. So I've excperienced it. Just ignore them players and soon they will ignore you.

who are you =\
Ramune said:
who are you =\

I'm a new moderator. Nice to meet you.
Good post. 5/5.

And I agree with Bragh. Don't bother flaming someone for getting mad at horde *potentially* keeping them from getting their hat. Just goes to show there's an elitest "must be perfect" side in all of us, eh?

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