Scum of the earth
Dear Xpoff, in a recent stroke of drunken brilliance I decided I wanted to become a snowboarder. So I picked up my laptop deciding it was a good 'board', ran to my staircase, jumped and putting my laptop under my feet. As you can imagine this didn't end too well for my laptop and sadly it broke in two pieces.
Now I won't be able to play games on the PC I was sondering if you Guus could recommend any Android games. I prefer multiplayer/pvp games, or ones where I can sink some time in. Currently playing hearthstone, but I would like some more stuff!
Btw I'm fine, just some scratces and bruises and maybe some permanent braindamage
Now I won't be able to play games on the PC I was sondering if you Guus could recommend any Android games. I prefer multiplayer/pvp games, or ones where I can sink some time in. Currently playing hearthstone, but I would like some more stuff!
Btw I'm fine, just some scratces and bruises and maybe some permanent braindamage