I understand you are all passionate about 39s and its activity you just need to understand that this is a slow process. Our bracket just doesn't have the numbers to start with multiple ques nights. Ffs play wargames if you want to play so bad. There are a lot of people who would log over to play if you try! As for the trolls of this thread please leave this bracket and the forums if you are not interested. Your constant negativity is not wanted here. As for this "soccer dad" insult. Are you kidding me? Honestly act your age and respect your fellow players who are trying just as hard as you to make this revival happen. We are all nerds so get over yourselfs. See you all on Saturday and gear your twinks.
Honestly no disrespect meant but I think this mentality is why the past 39 revivals have failed. I've taken part in like two now I think? Every time it ends the same way.
#2847 tries to revive them, they pick a day & a time slot everyone must q.
People end up have real life stuff to do & realize they'll be unable to make that day/time slot for several weeks in a row.
People begin quitting because making a 39 twink to play 1-2 times a month isnt worth the time or effort.
Bracket dies.
I honestly don't see the argument for not expanding. We had 2, almost 3 wsg games going on the first night of the revival. For people such as myself i'll miss many saturday games simply due to real life responsibilties beginning again soon such as school, a ever-changing work schedule, ect. If i'm unable to participate that 1 day a week i'm simply shit out of luck with the mentality many of you have. Why would I waste my time, energy, & gold making 39s to participate maybe once a month?
That's the beauty of twink brackets right? It's always promoted simply logging on, no grind, & qing with friends. If you limit days & times you're going to q it essentially becomes a schedule, something many people aren't going to clear their real-life for.
I'm not saying we should expand to a daily q like other brackets have but if you actually think the bracket will grow & survive based around a 1 day a week q time I think you're delusional.