An Update After Last Nights Qs

So when are we going to graduate to a different battleground map?

probably not yet considering there were often 10+ minute delays between games
Anyways the games leaned a lot towards Alliance and that doesn't bother me one bit. I prefer Alliance. So horde just step it up. (Can't control every bracket)

Stop thinking this is HvA. This is 39v39. When the bracket becomes us vs them, it collapses. Faction balance doesn't happen by chance. Observant players notice the underdog and support it. They are the real heros of the revival. [MENTION=13341]Swoops[/MENTION] [MENTION=22431]Shook[/MENTION] [MENTION=22555]Fird[/MENTION] types.
Stop thinking this is HvA. This is 39v39. When the bracket becomes us vs them, it collapses. Faction balance doesn't happen by chance. Observant players notice the underdog and support it. They are the real heros of the revival. Swoops Shook Fird types.

Sounds like you're looking for a hero. Which faction I prefer doesn't mean I support unbalanced games. Horde or Alliance, there will always be an underdog. I guess you're looking for people to play both factions and to log over to the underdog side everytime one side is not doing well. Lol.
Sure, just make a toon on each side of the fence. The differences are neglible at this level. Is there any reason why you would not leave that option open? It is not like you are fighting against your own country. It is just a game...
If you have the time/means to create a toon on both factions you should really do it. Each side has guilds looking for people if you prefer to be in a guild. Some are even funding.
Most long time twinks have toons on both factions. They do what is necessary to get games going. Not what is necessary to get their ego going.
Sounds like you're looking for a hero. Which faction I prefer doesn't mean I support unbalanced games. Horde or Alliance, there will always be an underdog. I guess you're looking for people to play both factions and to log over to the underdog side everytime one side is not doing well. Lol.

Thats exactly what most people do in order to make sure games keep going. I can't think of a single person who doesnt have a toon on both factions.
Thats exactly what most people do in order to make sure games keep going. I can't think of a single person who doesnt have a toon on both factions.
I dont. Both my 39s on this account and my old bc/wotlk account are alliance. Never leveled a horde toon high enough to fund a 39.
this isn't really the great insult you think it is.

Most "soccer dads" consider it a compliment. You know...someone that cares enough to be involved with their children's lives. I just think some people are a little jealous of "soccer dads and moms" and wish they had one. Kek...
Which faction I prefer doesn't mean I support unbalanced games. Horde or Alliance, there will always be an underdog. I guess you're looking for people to play both factions and to log over to the underdog side everytime one side is not doing well. Lol.
"Preference for a side" is the excuse you (and others) use to justify not being proactive and making a toon now for the rainy day ahead when the other side might need a little support earlier on in the night to get things rolling into a time when you can switch to your "preferred side".

It doesn't take long folks! Do it now during this slow time before activity heats up. I'd even recommend requiring a verified dual faction toon for anyone that wants a say at the eventual day that will be added to the schedule.
I understand you are all passionate about 39s and its activity you just need to understand that this is a slow process. Our bracket just doesn't have the numbers to start with multiple ques nights. Ffs play wargames if you want to play so bad. There are a lot of people who would log over to play if you try! As for the trolls of this thread please leave this bracket and the forums if you are not interested. Your constant negativity is not wanted here. As for this "soccer dad" insult. Are you kidding me? Honestly act your age and respect your fellow players who are trying just as hard as you to make this revival happen. We are all nerds so get over yourselfs. See you all on Saturday and gear your twinks.
Soccer Dads guild on BH.. gogogogo!

Good job to everyone who has made a 39 and is participating in this revival!

on a side note, Sunday night there was at least 7 Horde queing for almost 2 hours. (from various guilds). It isn't always horde that's lacking. I only saw maybe 3 alliance queing. BUT I was told that all the old school 39s are alliance and also the ones who only wanna que on Saturdays so maybe this was the issue. At any rate it seemed like there was at least 10 or more queing.

If you would like to que on a night other then Saturday make sure you are using the Qlist please. It really helps everyone see what side or role is missing and needs to be filled.

If you would like to que on a night other then Saturday make sure you are using the Qlist please. It really helps everyone see what side or role is missing and needs to be filled. Ghetto Q List |

I can almost guarantee that if, on a sunday or some other off day, you were like "hey, we're queing 39s 2s/3s" thatd you'd get a number of teams interested without any measure of scheduling :)
Sounds like you're looking for a hero. Which faction I prefer doesn't mean I support unbalanced games. Horde or Alliance, there will always be an underdog. I guess you're looking for people to play both factions and to log over to the underdog side everytime one side is not doing well. Lol.
Yes, that's pretty much it. Role playing is fun and all, but it doesn't work if everyone plays the same side.
I understand you are all passionate about 39s and its activity you just need to understand that this is a slow process. Our bracket just doesn't have the numbers to start with multiple ques nights. Ffs play wargames if you want to play so bad. There are a lot of people who would log over to play if you try! As for the trolls of this thread please leave this bracket and the forums if you are not interested. Your constant negativity is not wanted here. As for this "soccer dad" insult. Are you kidding me? Honestly act your age and respect your fellow players who are trying just as hard as you to make this revival happen. We are all nerds so get over yourselfs. See you all on Saturday and gear your twinks.

Honestly no disrespect meant but I think this mentality is why the past 39 revivals have failed. I've taken part in like two now I think? Every time it ends the same way.

Person #2847 tries to revive them, they pick a day & a time slot everyone must q.

People end up have real life stuff to do & realize they'll be unable to make that day/time slot for several weeks in a row.

People begin quitting because making a 39 twink to play 1-2 times a month isnt worth the time or effort.

Bracket dies.

I honestly don't see the argument for not expanding. We had 2, almost 3 wsg games going on the first night of the revival. For people such as myself i'll miss many saturday games simply due to real life responsibilties beginning again soon such as school, a ever-changing work schedule, ect. If i'm unable to participate that 1 day a week i'm simply shit out of luck with the mentality many of you have. Why would I waste my time, energy, & gold making 39s to participate maybe once a month?

That's the beauty of twink brackets right? It's always promoted simply logging on, no grind, & qing with friends. If you limit days & times you're going to q it essentially becomes a schedule, something many people aren't going to clear their real-life for.

I'm not saying we should expand to a daily q like other brackets have but if you actually think the bracket will grow & survive based around a 1 day a week q time I think you're delusional.
By all means, convince the entire 19 bracket to move to 39s and we can play nightly. Unfortunately the powered interests don't want to relinquish their kingdom for the greater good.

The last revival had simultaneous games the first night. [MENTION=23595]bigmoran[/MENTION] added two more nights the next week, then stopped playing (along with Livingforce and the other Aussies, Skeezin, Randy, Kunz & other 19s). The revival was over by the next week.

Show me 50 players with dual faction toons who are interested in 39s and I'll support 3 nights a week.
There may be 50, just not 50 that visit TI or that are TI members. We have more guests online at any given point than we do members.

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