Hi everyone,
Last night went well and ques popped for many hours into the night. Overall I'd say the revival was a success and I am looking toward to ques next week. There are a few things that need to be addressed to keep the quality of games high:
To begin with, after the first few games it became obvious that the games were leaning towards the alliance side. Guilds that came to 39s for this revival were group queuing and using voice communication in comparison to those on the horde. In order to keep games running I suggest solo queuing as well as making horde toons to even out competition.
Furthermore, there are too many people making rogues, enh shamans, and bm monks. If you are joining this bracket please do not create these classes, and if you have one make something else to play when there are too many queuing. You don't have to always play the OP class guys...
Lastly, HORDE NEEDS HEALERS please make some healers this week so we can have some quality games.
Overall I found the night really fun and hope to see you all in the gulch soon!
Next Que: Saturday August 16th @6pm EST (don't even try for pops before then we cant push this)
Arenas: 2s pop every evening.
Last night went well and ques popped for many hours into the night. Overall I'd say the revival was a success and I am looking toward to ques next week. There are a few things that need to be addressed to keep the quality of games high:
To begin with, after the first few games it became obvious that the games were leaning towards the alliance side. Guilds that came to 39s for this revival were group queuing and using voice communication in comparison to those on the horde. In order to keep games running I suggest solo queuing as well as making horde toons to even out competition.
Furthermore, there are too many people making rogues, enh shamans, and bm monks. If you are joining this bracket please do not create these classes, and if you have one make something else to play when there are too many queuing. You don't have to always play the OP class guys...
Lastly, HORDE NEEDS HEALERS please make some healers this week so we can have some quality games.
Overall I found the night really fun and hope to see you all in the gulch soon!
Next Que: Saturday August 16th @6pm EST (don't even try for pops before then we cant push this)
Arenas: 2s pop every evening.