An Update After Last Nights Qs


Hi everyone,
Last night went well and ques popped for many hours into the night. Overall I'd say the revival was a success and I am looking toward to ques next week. There are a few things that need to be addressed to keep the quality of games high:
To begin with, after the first few games it became obvious that the games were leaning towards the alliance side. Guilds that came to 39s for this revival were group queuing and using voice communication in comparison to those on the horde. In order to keep games running I suggest solo queuing as well as making horde toons to even out competition.
Furthermore, there are too many people making rogues, enh shamans, and bm monks. If you are joining this bracket please do not create these classes, and if you have one make something else to play when there are too many queuing. You don't have to always play the OP class guys...
Lastly, HORDE NEEDS HEALERS please make some healers this week so we can have some quality games.

Overall I found the night really fun and hope to see you all in the gulch soon!

Next Que: Saturday August 16th @6pm EST (don't even try for pops before then we cant push this)
Arenas: 2s pop every evening.

Last night experience:

Need more locks, mages, and healers.
Hoping for more success so that it can expand to another night.. not sure how this is the most convenient night for everyone.. do you guys never go out?
Hoping for more success so that it can expand to another night.. not sure how this is the most convenient night for everyone.. do you guys never go out?

Lets give it some time before we start thinking about night 2. One night a revival does not make.
39 revivals were always about farming the soccer dads and retards on horde though

i call it mission accomplished
The quality of the first hour or so was really high. The bracket has a lot promise, especially in organized tourney style play.

But it became very clear as games went on that some classes were extremely overpowered. And low and behold, people began queing on those classes. Which is understandable (trust me, I get it) but greatly destroyed game quality as the night wore on.

I also think we'll get higher quality objective play as the bracket goes because, as is the case with all revivals, the first night overemphasizes mid fighting because of the "well, lets see what this baby can do!" mentality. Which I also get. I really just wanted to put my axe in someones face. The flag was a secondary concern.

Random observations based on 1 nights play

1. Need Horde healers
2. Need Ally FCs
3. Need More mages and locks (to CC those annoying shaman and monks into oblivion)
4. 19s meta isnt gonna work here, please stop trying and then complaining that it doesnt.
5. Warriors are still Most Fun Class in the bracket (you know, in my obviously unbiased opinion)
6. Best FC is probably still resto druid but they require a bit more team support.
7. I did not get juked off graveyard by Roula. One up on Moran.
8. I also killed Rubikz once. Bucket list item checked.
9. Arenas are a blast at this level.
I had a lot of fun last night! Faction balance didn't seem toooo bad to me. A bit tilted toward alliance, but I saw wins on both sides. There were a ton of close games with a couple last second wins mixed in. Not nearly as imbalanced as we've seen in the past, and the numbers were good enough that people could easily switch sides. I thought games even went pretty well when only one side had an FC.

Definitely agree with [MENTION=7345](Hass)[/MENTION] about Saturdays. I think we can start looking at adding Sunday or a weeknight if next week goes just as well, maybe with a week+ notice so we're not adding a second night until the third week of the revival.

OP classes didn't totally ruin games. BMs could be killed, Enh seems a bit less bad once you adjust to them casually walking by and chunking you for 40% of your health. I've spent the last 3 years pretty much ignoring them, outside of a pat on the head when they thought they were doing damage. I think that contributed to how bad they felt. Ferals should be discouraged too, but at least there weren't too many of them running around.

At least too many rogues wasn't quite as bad for games as it is at 19. They hold up a bit better when they can do more than sap, ambush and get kited. Still something to keep an eye on though.
Hoping for more success so that it can expand to another night.. not sure how this is the most convenient night for everyone.. do you guys never go out?

I'm not sure why we're trying to stifle growth by only queing on Saturday nights.
1) Saturdays is the most widely excepted night to go out.
2) there were a handful of people who couldn't show, that I know of, who would probably que tonight.
3) why buy a ROLLS ROYCE and only drive it once a week!
4) the Hype is here, run with it. you should be pushing this bracket atm. 19s are bored. 100s are bored. everyone is waiting to roll there Demon Hunter. why give them an opportunity to find something better to invest there time in??

P.S. I have made a healer on horde for every class except pali.
I'm not sure why we're trying to stifle growth by only queing on Saturday nights.
1) Saturdays is the most widely excepted night to go out.
2) there were a handful of people who couldn't show, that I know of, who would probably que tonight.
3) why buy a ROLLS ROYCE and only drive it once a week!
4) the Hype is here, run with it. you should be pushing this bracket atm. 19s are bored. 100s are bored. everyone is waiting to roll there Demon Hunter. why give them an opportunity to find something better to invest there time in??

P.S. I have made a healer on horde for every class except pali.

1. A poll was taken and Saturday was the most popular choice. Say what you will about social lives and all but 39s do have a lot of soccer dads. We have jobs. Not everyone can still be on summer break.

2. We dont want to push expansion too hard right off the bat because it NEVER works. We come off a night like last night and everyones all "THAT WAS AWESOME LETS DO THIS EVERY NIGHT!" and so they start screaming for sundays and tuesdays and wednesdays and yet... those nights dont pop for as long or at all (aforementioned soccer dads gotta get up in the morning and earn a living), people say RIP 39s and the bracket dies in less than a month. It's happened what, 3 times now? 4?

Im super glad y'all are excited and this bracket can be golden but lets not rush things this time.
Without a doubt, enhance shamans are incredibly strong. BM monks aren't terribly OP in comparison to 29s. But Frost mages and Aff locks have so much control over Melee it's unreal.

Rather than: "If you can't beat them, join them" I'm just gonna reroll a "If you can't beat them, Annoy the shìt out of them with CC"

Not to mention, Aff locks Dot pressure isn't terrible and icelance crits are decent :)
Ww > bm
Without a doubt, enhance shamans are incredibly strong. BM monks aren't terribly OP in comparison to 29s. But Frost mages and Aff locks have so much control over Melee it's unreal.

Rather than: "If you can't beat them, join them" I'm just gonna reroll a "If you can't beat them, Annoy the shìt out of them with CC"

Not to mention, Aff locks Dot pressure isn't terrible and icelance crits are decent :)

Aye, they have their weaknesses. Enhance can be kited relatively easily, BM monks CC is outstanding but they arent hard to bring down and correct me if Im wrong, but wouldnt windwalk totem negate their slow?
Aye, they have their weaknesses. Enhance can be kited relatively easily, BM monks CC is outstanding but they arent hard to bring down and correct me if Im wrong, but wouldnt windwalk totem negate their slow?

yeah but then they'd have to give up their root ): and it's on a 1 min cooldown within 40 yards.
I have a Mage on both sides ready to go. If horde needs the help, get me a healer and I'll call in Horde's TS/Dolby. I want to reiterate the need for a public venue, or 39s Alliance will remain cliquey if they are using Skype by habit/ease.
Enh has always been strong at 39. I still have fraps of right clicking warlocks for 80% of their health in wind furry. RIP 2 handed Enhance. Sad to see that Enhance is being discouraged it is almost literally the only class I play in the game. But I do have a 39 shadow priest on horde I can get amped up. I think I will do this because it has always been my experience that at 39 shadow priest counters Enhance really well. Edit: I just looked at my 39 Shadow priest, he no longer has fear, or silence so he doesn't really counter enhance at all. Does good damage after ramp up though.
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1. A poll was taken and Saturday was the most popular choice. Say what you will about social lives and all but 39s do have a lot of soccer dads. We have jobs. Not everyone can still be on summer break.

2. We dont want to push expansion too hard right off the bat because it NEVER works. We come off a night like last night and everyones all "THAT WAS AWESOME LETS DO THIS EVERY NIGHT!" and so they start screaming for sundays and tuesdays and wednesdays and yet... those nights dont pop for as long or at all (aforementioned soccer dads gotta get up in the morning and earn a living), people say RIP 39s and the bracket dies in less than a month. It's happened what, 3 times now? 4?

Im super glad y'all are excited and this bracket can be golden but lets not rush things this time.

I love how this poor response is all about the soccer dads! you gave no constructive answers. Just, "I have a job and kids". I have a job and a child too. I'm more then willing to give up an hour of sleep or so a few nights a week to enjoy myself! Stop complaining and be helpful to the bracket.

I suggest sunday nights as well. no other ques really pop on Sundays so seize the opportunity?
I also suggest an earlier start time for Soccer Dads to get a few games in. say 5pm?
I suggest we get a guild recruitment thread going. (I will start that right after my rant)

Let's be proactive and guide this in a good direction. let's not sit back and que one night a week and watch it die due to lack of interest.
had lots of fun the three times i got into the gulch before i had to go . Couple of my observations.

Rdruid is Viable <3 <3 <3 as a healer

a lot more class diversity than 19s

Id like to see some horde guild everyone can join in.

overall great fun and i can't wait till i get my key binds perfect :p
Sunday is usually bad because of NA Football. A weekday should come next, but after at least 4 solid weeks of games in which 2+ concurrent games on Saturday. [MENTION=23595]bigmoran[/MENTION] 's last revival was an utter failure for trying to do too much too fast (and not having a dedicated bracketmaster/qlist).
I love how this poor response is all about the soccer dads! you gave no constructive answers. Just, "I have a job and kids". I have a job and a child too. I'm more then willing to give up an hour of sleep or so a few nights a week to enjoy myself! Stop complaining and be helpful to the bracket.

I suggest sunday nights as well. no other ques really pop on Sundays so seize the opportunity?
I also suggest an earlier start time for Soccer Dads to get a few games in. say 5pm?
I suggest we get a guild recruitment thread going. (I will start that right after my rant)

Let's be proactive and guide this in a good direction. let's not sit back and que one night a week and watch it die due to lack of interest.

Not getting ahead of ourselves is being proactive. The last revival lasted maybe three weeks as a direct result of what you are trying to push. Be patient wait a bit and more nights will come if things continue in this direction.

I will say it again. Expanding to quickly is the single most efficient way to kill a revival. I say this from experience not as some insane theory. It may not seem it because the idea of 39s is so fresh and new, but that new car smell will wear off. Do you want to take the car out and enjoy it every week or do you want to go on one crazy 100 mile an hour ride into a brick wall?

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