An easy way to bring the nerf to hunters that BGs crave...

Add a miss penalty to bow abilities casted while moving. You want to use concussive shot while back-flipping? 50% chance to miss, same cooldown. You get the gist.

The thing that's always made hunters OP is their mobility... it's not a measurable advantage. It's something that any decent player gets to abuse that other classes do not get. Mages? They have to hold still to cast; no comparison. This is the only way I can think of to nerf their kiting ability without killing it. Thoughts?
that'll just nerf the good hunters lol

most hunters don't move much, they just stand and shoot and backpeddle : /
the good hunters are the only ones who need nerfing :p i eat crappy hunters all day
Believe me, I've learned about all there is to learn about managing hunters, but no amount of counters can change the fact that they have that advantage of mobility that just can't be matched. Sure, I can pop free action potion and hamstring most hunters, and that's usually gg. But a hunter has access to free action as well... and disengage. Only NEs really have a way around it, and even then proper kiting is virtually impregnable. The only option is to burst them down. It's doable but hunters just have so much more potential because of that mobility.
well, at higher brackets where you get abilities like intercept is when the hunter's mobility isn't as effective.

/shrug, i'd rather not have to see the hunter be a standnshoot class. it's class's uniqueness is brought on by how mobile it is with its abilities. if you nerf that aspect then they would become even more boring than they already are.
Druiddroid said:
well, at higher brackets where you get abilities like intercept is when the hunter's mobility isn't as effective.

/shrug, i'd rather not have to see the hunter be a standnshoot class. it's class's uniqueness is brought on by how mobile it is with its abilities. if you nerf that aspect then they would become even more boring than they already are.
...and then maybe there won't be 4-5 hunter per wsg? Plus this could be fixed with a trainable skill or talent but fat chance of Blizzard focusing that much on low level PvP >.>

It also just makes sense... have you ever tried shooting a bow while moving? I haven't lol but I've shot holding still and I can't imagine having the same accuracy while running, even on flat ground.
fuzzles said:
...and then maybe there won't be 4-5 hunter per wsg? Plus this could be fixed with a trainable skill or talent but fat chance of Blizzard focusing that much on low level PvP >.>


there needs to be a way for hunters to be nerfed at lower levels while maintaining their relative balance at the higher brackets, but like you noted it'll probably never happen anyways

It also just makes sense... have you ever tried shooting a bow while moving? I haven't lol but I've shot holding still and I can't imagine having the same accuracy while running, even on flat ground.

it's a video game

rogues can blind from behind

hamstrings are injured for only 10 seconds

ok so ur saying to take a hunter movablity away well then why not take a rouges stealth why not take a mages frost slow downs away why not take a pally heals away why not take a warlocks dots away thats what ur saying i have a 8 sec slow down on my hunter 4 with concussive 4 with tendon rip from my hyena within that 8 secs most dont live past it
Nit said:
I'd be happy if they just made trees solid in WSG.

LOL I second that. Wtb abit more los in wsg and just more in general like outside sw ... Trees,cattapolt hunters don't need a nerf do u really want to hear more of their QQ. IMO just suck it up and own em for rolling hunter to start with :p
Trees at least, man... I remember the first time I noticed that. I was yelling at my pc "THAT'S FUCKING BULLSHIT ah damn blizzard WHY for the love of god."
Twinkz r Uz said:
ok so ur saying to take a hunter movablity away well then why not take a rouges stealth why not take a mages frost slow downs away why not take a pally heals away why not take a warlocks dots away thats what ur saying i have a 8 sec slow down on my hunter 4 with concussive 4 with tendon rip from my hyena within that 8 secs most dont live past it
Because like I said earlier, it's an immeasurable advantage. There's a huge difference between these attributes. Range is one thing... range combined with cc and great dps and completely no penalty for moving around is completely different. Hunters will still be unique, just not OP.
i say make them immune to turning off xp so they'll be forced to level up to where they aren't overpowered, say at level 49 then they can bracket camp
Making everything that "should" be LoS in WSG would be the best nerf in itself. How many of us can shoot through trees or huge stumps?
fuzzles said:
Trees at least, man... I remember the first time I noticed that. I was yelling at my pc "THAT'S FUCKING BULLSHIT ah damn blizzard WHY for the love of god."Because like I said earlier, it's an immeasurable advantage. There's a huge difference between these attributes. Range is one thing... range combined with cc and great dps and completely no penalty for moving around is completely different. Hunters will still be unique, just not OP.

You know - you might actually get me to back you up with your statements - if you didn't play two Paladins... Tell me that with their endless mana, bubbles galore and their Jesus-heals that they're not OP. Please - no sympathy from this hunter. I'll continue to laugh at the hypocrisy of those that call out for nerf on any class they can't beat one on one - better known as the nerf herder.

You know - I hate that a lock with a Spell Power or Shadow Wrath build can hit me with three DoT and drop me unless I'm hanging around a healing hut... but I do not call for the nerf - I know to just stay away from certain classes b/c when playing a certain class b/c we don't match up well against them...
we just QQ because Pally Godmode < Hunter Godmode in the 29s. there's really no melee method to stopping the hunter who does the 180 jumpshoot while in retreat mode in 1v1 after burning cooldowns to survive killing their spiders

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