Am i the only one who doesnt see an issue with this?

unnatural? well let me give you another example for "unnatural" humans: fat people(or unhealthy ppl at all). with their lack of fitness they couldnt survive/hunt for a single day = dead. its also "unnatural" that we have medicine, animals (including humans in lower evolutionstages) just died when they had diseases.
soo.. you dislike gay ppl because its unnatural, do you dislike fat(or unhealthy) people , handicapped ppl and ppl with lets say cancer aswell because "natural selection" should do its work?
"unnatural" haha
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unnatural? well let me give you another example for "unnatural" humans: fat people(or unhealthy ppl at all). with their lack of fitness they couldnt survive/hunt for a single day = dead. its also "unnatural" that we have medicine, animals (including humans in lower evolutionstages) just died when they had diseases.
soo.. you dislike gay ppl because its unnatural, do you dislike fat(or unhealthy) people , handicapped ppl and ppl with lets say cancer aswell because "natural selection" should do its work?
"unnatural" haha

Lol what? Fat/skinny is a lot of times a genetic build. yes, sometimes it can be from eating a lot/not eating a lot. Being a male having sex with another male and doing nasty things with the same sex is unnatural in the fact that we can't reproduce like that. Not sure why you are making this more complicated than it really is.

Fat humans can reproduce.
Skinny humans can reproduce.
Skinny person and fat person can reproduce.
2 gay guys can't reproduce: = unnatural
2 gay women can't reproduce = unnatural
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as someone who cares about fitness and nutrition let me tell you one thing... "genetics" is a lame excuse (which is scientific proven, maybe one out of 10000fat ppl is fat because of his genetics) and whats your problem with my points?
you say gay people are unnatural and thats kinda true if you say humans only cause is to reproduce, gay people cant reproduce = unnatural. okay, if you say so you have to realize that everything i said is true aswell. unhealthy persons are unnatural, handicapped people are unnatural, ill people are unnatural. its also unnatural that we can simply go to the supermarket around the corner when we are hungry, thats why i listed all these things.

nearly everything in modern society is unnatural, so dont hate on gays while on the other side you benefit from the other unnatural things. your lack of sense is driving me crazy

edit: "fat people can reproduce", they can do it now, in our "unnatural" society. for 100k years (jk earth is only 4k years old) they wouldnt even live long enough to do so.

edit2: in the early stages of the homo sapien the % of fat people were way lower than the % of gay ppl now (simply because you couldnt get fat due lack of infinite food), which means fat people = unnatural, just sayin
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as someone who cares about fitness and nutrition let me tell you one thing... "genetics" is a lame excuse (which is scientific proven, maybe one out of 10000fat ppl is fat because of his genetics) and whats your problem with my points?
you say gay people are unnatural and thats kinda true if you say humans only cause is to reproduce, gay people cant reproduce = unnatural. okay, if you say so you have to realize that everything i said is true aswell. unhealthy persons are unnatural, handicapped people are unnatural, ill people are unnatural. its also unnatural that we can simply go to the supermarket around the corner when we are hungry, thats why i listed all these things.

nearly everything in modern society is unnatural, so dont hate on gays while on the other side you benefit from the other unnatural things. your lack of sense is driving me crazy

I think your missing the point here. People are born fat/skinny and with diseases and most times there's nothing they can do about it and people have to deal with those things in their lives. Homosexuality is a choice, and people chose wether or not they want to be gay or not. Sure, fat people can workout and use fitness to get skinnier and skiny people can eat a lot to gain some what but that doesn't necessarily mean they are "unnatural" when that's their genetic makeup. Being homosexual is a decision and is not something that impacts someone upon birth. Just about everyone has a problem wether it be health issues like being overweight, too skinny, disease, and stuff that hit them when they are born but that doesn't keep people from reproducing therefore people can't be unnatural just from getting these disease etc
dude this is so much bullshit...
1. you can controll your weight, as i said 1 out of lets they 10000fat people are fat because of "genetics" aka an illness. other people are lazy and have no clue about nutrition
2. being gay is a choice? well as a straight male i never "chose" to be attracted by girls, it just happend. do you think ill be attracted by boys when i now say "i choose to be gay"? thats now how it works
3. again (because it pisses me off), you are fat because you choose to be fat, not because of your genetics
dude this is so much bullshit...
1. you can controll your weight, as i said 1 out of lets they 10000fat people are fat because of "genetics" aka an illness. other people are lazy and have no clue about nutrition
2. being gay is a choice? well as a straight male i never "chose" to be attracted by girls, it just happend. do you think ill be attracted by boys when i now say "i choose to be gay"? thats now how it works
3. again (because it pisses me off), you are fat because you choose to be fat, not because of your genetics

I know a guy who used to be married to a woman and then after they divorced he chose to be gay, so you can't tell me it wasn't his decision because I knew him when he had a wife and I still know him to this day. Being homosexual is a decision. As far as being fat/skinny, some people are born that way because it's in their genes and some people chose to be fat/skinny depending on what they eat and wether or not they excercise or not.
Floored by the idiocy in this thread.. but not at all surprised.
I guess I shouldn't really expect much from a random thread in the random section for our random game;
but honestly, it seems like all the mental midgets come out to play whenever a thread about politics, religion, tolerance of (x), etc.
I've seen debates, for lack of a better term, in trade chat that have fewer logical fallacies than I'm reading in here.
Floored by the idiocy in this thread.. but not at all surprised.
I guess I shouldn't really expect much from a random thread in the random section for our random game;
but honestly, it seems like all the mental midgets come out to play whenever a thread about politics, religion, tolerance of (x), etc.
I've seen debates, for lack of a better term, in trade chat that have fewer logical fallacies than I'm reading in here.
since you just came here to insult everyone id like to know your opinion on this topic
Floored by the idiocy in this thread.. but not at all surprised.
I guess I shouldn't really expect much from a random thread in the random section for our random game;
but honestly, it seems like all the mental midgets come out to play whenever a thread about politics, religion, tolerance of (x), etc.
I've seen debates, for lack of a better term, in trade chat that have fewer logical fallacies than I'm reading in here.

Then enlighten us please :)
I know a guy who used to be married to a woman and then after they divorced he chose to be gay, so you can't tell me it wasn't his decision because I knew him when he had a wife and I still know him to this day. Being homosexual is a decision. As far as being fat/skinny, some people are born that way because it's in their genes and some people chose to be fat/skinny depending on what they eat and wether or not they excercise or not.

Atleast I was able to explain to you that homosexuality is a choice. Offtopic about genes and what not well that's just your opinion :p
I personally feel no need to voice my opinion on said topic;
anyone that knows me would likely be able to guess where my opinion falls on this issue.

My comment was not meant to come off as an attack on everyone in this thread;
but more so to cover my ass by not calling a moron a moron and getting an infraction.
I personally feel no need to voice my opinion on said topic;
anyone that knows me would likely be able to guess where my opinion falls on this issue.

My comment was not meant to come off as an attack on everyone in this thread;
but more so to cover my ass by not calling a moron a moron and getting an infraction.

It's ok, that last post would get an infraction over this one haha tell us how you really feel mate hahaha

Having an opinion won't get you an infraction man!
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im done here, i cant argue with you. the points you said are plain wrong, there are scientific proves, you dont give a shit about them because "you have a friend who did this and that and so on", same with the weight/fitness topic.
sadly twinkinfo wont ban people because they are dumb or tell lies, so you can keep on infecting threads with your uneducated, stupid opinion. grats, you won :cool:
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im done here, i cant argue with you. the points you said are plain wrong, there are scientific proves, you dont give a shit about them because "you have a friend who did this and that and so on", same with the weight/fitness topic.
sadly twinkinfo wont ban people because they are dumb or tell lies, so you can keep on infecting threads with your uneducated, stupid opinion. grats, you won :cool:

oh.. and i dont give a shit about infractions so yes... you are exceptionally retarded

and if i get a ban, i atleast know why :)

Lol, I wasn't really trying to prove a point. Just trying to state facts. Well, was fun debating :)

And yeah I'm "retarded" (in your opinion),but I beat you in a debate? :D
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Easy guys! A few relentless posts in this thread! I see you guys are done debating. We just have to remember that language is a no go and to always be respectful.

One thing I used to do in my leadership classes when debating was to apologize that someone feels a specific way, or apologize that they have been mislead by society, and then provide them with factual points with undeniably conclusive evidence that disproves their most recent point. I found that always being calm and cool would always help me to provide knowledge to my opponent and I'd usually end up winning the debate. The second my opponent would stoop towards even the slightest personal remark, I knew I had won as he was now losing his grip on his planned points and evidence relative to the topic.

Just some food for thought. Next time guys, keep it calm, respectful and don't resort to using harsh words or points. Obviously the language is against the CoC, but being able to debate whilst doing so in the manner that I'm referring to, will also make you a much more effective debater among other things.

(not saying anyone needs improvement, not trying to sound high horse or anything, just sharing some knowledge that I learned early on and have tried my best to adhere to)

Atleast I was able to explain to you that homosexuality is a choice. Offtopic about genes and what not well that's just your opinion :p

many gay men from previous generations got married to women in an attempt to fit in. They've always been gay they were just in denial/hiding it as homosexuality wasn't as accepted as it is nowadays. And of course those marriages later crumble. Also as a gay man I can assure you being gay is not a choice.
I think the debate has been heated, but other than a few places, I'm okay with the way they've expressed themselves. Maybe the harsh language had already been edited out.

My degree is in biology, and my specialty is Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior. Thus I feel that I can speak on this topic with a certain amount of factual expertise. Homosexuality is natural, it occurs throughout the animal kingdom. It might be hard for a layman to grasp how a species can survive with that being true, but, short of teaching several semesters worth of classes on it, I can only tell you in very simplistic terms that species survival and adaptation is never a zero percent, one hundred percent affair. A species can survive just fine with part of its population being non-reproductive, whether that's from homosexuality or sterility or geographical isolation. Essentially the number of individuals that a population can sustain as being non-reproductive is just as many as chance can produce while not becoming the primary population control factor. In other words, in simple terms, if the biggest survival pressure on your population is the pack of wolves next door, then it's not going to matter if a couple of guys are going at it. This is population control dynamics. Just take my word for it, it's way difficult putting four years of education into a forum post. Homosexuality is natural.

To the point, i would have to point out that it doesn't make sense to turn to genetics to explain why some people are fat, despite your making the argument that fat people are bad for the population, yet you can't apply that exact same logic to why some people are gay. It's also genetics: it is not a choice. I'm sorry that that isn't what you may have been raised to believe, but that's the hard science of the matter. There really isn't any functional debate about it.
im done here, i cant argue with you. the points you said are plain wrong, there are scientific proves, you dont give a shit about them because "you have a friend who did this and that and so on", same with the weight/fitness topic.
sadly twinkinfo wont ban people because they are dumb or tell lies, so you can keep on infecting threads with your uneducated, stupid opinion. grats, you won :cool:

You cant argue against ignorance bro

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