As long as you have the will to only use the BOA from your linked account that are available to true F2P and enchants,titles and such that you have personally achieved then yes you ARE F2P. When F2P started you had to create a separate email to have an account. Then later you were allowed to create the "WOW1" account on your normal Btag but prior to there being any shared BOA, Titles, Achievements or any thing. Even before this, most accounts had the option to merge accounts under the same Btag and I'm betting more people than not did. This is what led to all the hate when account wide achievements merged preventing any one from knowing just how OOber true F2P were any more. There are some but I'm betting there are very few out there who honestly have a true separate F2P account un-associated to an old vet account regardless of how PURE they claim to be. I have one which could be considered PURE but not completely. At one point I activated the account but instead of playing the F2P on AP I made a mage on a different server and got him to 70 and locked it in. I then have a F2P account WOW1 linked to that with a PURE hunter on it. The previous account never acquired any BOA or titles while being played so it's about as true to PURE as I'm guessing there can be.