Alterac Valley

Is there a reason Blizz couldn't add Alterac Valley as a 20-24 BG option? Surely the number of players in the bracket warrants expanded BG options? AV was always my favorite and miss it spending so much time in 20-24.
Well the only issue i see with AV is that the mount speed would make the game go a bit slow, unless you would get a mount speed boost in the battleground. alot of people would enjoy AV lower levels but i not sure blizz would cater to that. A more realistic bg i would say is eye of the storm, that would be pretty reasonable if they were to add another to the lower levels

but yea, id be all in favor to play the fun bg's of old ^_^

Also not to mention it would be a nightmare coordinating 40 f2p (roughly 1/3 of which do not speak english) to play objectively in a bg designed to have distractions. "lets summon the ice lord u guyz" - how about no
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[battleground] omg! nub you capped ib gy?

[battleground] lol yeah, more honorz.

no, just no
Is there a reason Blizz couldn't add Alterac Valley as a 20-24 BG option? Surely the number of players in the bracket warrants expanded BG options? AV was always my favorite and miss it spending so much time in 20-24.

Yes, a very simple reason. As you pointed out, the bracket has a massive player base, paying diddly squat to play WoW....So it doesn't make sense, business-wise, to give more content to people who don't pay anything.
bliz dont care bout twink brackets

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