Alliance problems

Honestly if you're looking up people's win rates you are a fucking nerd. How the fuck do you even do that? Jesus christ guys give it up this is retarded
Honestly if you're looking up people's win rates you are a fucking nerd. How the fuck do you even do that? Jesus christ guys give it up this is retarded

Like I said at the beginning, he is stalking these people.
Similar to when people make a level 1 on your server just to whisper you because you beat them in a BG. Sometimes, there are people that are a special kind of special.

I literally don't understand this guy.. Like he seriously seems like a troll. These are two of the consistently alliance players which have an actual impact on the game. I would take Revo and Phobia any day of the week for a pug..

Ciren pops drums on CD and thinks healing charts mean something.. He prebubbles the entire team which is basically sabotaging my ability to react to burst damage on my priest.. I ask him to not and he tells me to "F**K OFF"...

When I have to heal with him, I've resorted to precasting damage bursts and stopcasting if they don't take enough dmg to warrant a flash heal..

its not my responsibility to back out of the front line for other people when theyre taking damage while they have weakened soul debuff

i end up in the front line often because people dont know when to back out and im reduced to spamming flash heals on people, or let them die and run away. not a hard decision.

unfortunately you cannot move while casting that so while casting that my team regularly runs behind me and i end up in the front

i guarantee there are many players on the team with full health and a shield on them that could be taking the front line but they would rather sit back and let me take the heat and thats fine with me whatever.
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That's because the foolish shamans in this bracket, besides me, never purge shields. It seems as if I am the only one purging and dispelling. All the others are padding the healing meters, instead of taking care of business.


Funny, the few bgs I did on US, I only ever noticed Zeiren, Partygirl, Art and Roula purging consistently..
its not my responsibility to back out of the front line for other people when theyre taking damage while they have weakened soul debuff

i end up in the front line often because people dont know when to back out and im reduced to spamming flash heals on people, or let them die and run away. not a hard decision.

unfortunately you cannot move while casting that so while casting that my team regularly runs behind me and i end up in the front

i guarantee there are many players on the team with full health and a shield on them that could be taking the front line but they would rather sit back and let me take the heat and thats fine with me whatever.

So you are stating that it is not your responsibility to watch out for yourself?
A clothies place is at the back. It is on you to adjust, not them. If you want to play a more aggressive style of healer you should pick paladin or shaman.

I dont have to respond to you dude, 34% win ratio? That's honestly shocking. I have never seen such a low number. There are rogues with upwards of 60% win ratios including my own rogue. Take a hint.

29% win rate get at me
Win rate doesn't determine your skill level lmao. Yeah it's a factor but it doesn't mean everything. It's all about your positioning and how you react to your current situation's.
thanks for the free bumps man im getting real famous

follow my stream haters

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