Alliance problems

I dont know who on alliance thought it was meta to send two of our men to go kill one guy while the rest of the team wipes because we're outnumbered because the horde rogues and hunters are actually in the team fight being useful.

oh and guess what while we're dead they just turn around and assist their FC and kill the stupid hunter and rogue boom free cap RIP agntphodia and revo.

I guess its just meta for alliance to be stupid.
I dont know who on alliance thought it was meta to send two of our men to go kill one guy while the rest of the team wipes because we're outnumbered because the horde rogues and hunters are actually in the team fight being useful.

oh and guess what while we're dead they just turn around and assist their FC and kill the stupid hunter and rogue boom free cap RIP agntphodia and revo.

I guess its just meta for alliance to be stupid.
haha not even a response? cmon man are you trolling or are you actually that fuckign dumb? If i open in mid on my rogue i INSTANTLY die and it allows their FC to get a free pick.
I dont have to respond to you dude, 34% win ratio? That's honestly shocking. I have never seen such a low number. There are rogues with upwards of 60% win ratios including my own rogue. Take a hint.
Win ratio is the product of 19 constantly changing people. Not just an individuals quality of play.
Who the fuck cares alliance has been lost this whole fucking x pac. Trying to heal these ppl will give you aids. Witch is why ppl like me quit. Cheers
people like this:

Flybynyte @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft
Agntphobia @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft

Flybynyte - 38% win ratio
Agntphobia - 42% win ratio

These guys are just two of alliances problems right now, there are many others. these two people literally have very little to nothing to do with mid team fights. they spend the entire BG following the FC around suicide attempting to return flags.

I literally don't understand this guy.. Like he seriously seems like a troll. These are two of the consistently alliance players which have an actual impact on the game. I would take Revo and Phobia any day of the week for a pug..

Ciren pops drums on CD and thinks healing charts mean something.. He prebubbles the entire team which is basically sabotaging my ability to react to burst damage on my priest.. I ask him to not and he tells me to "F**K OFF"...

When I have to heal with him, I've resorted to precasting damage bursts and stopcasting if they don't take enough dmg to warrant a flash heal..
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people dont understand how easy it is for a alliance healer who ques game after game to start getting irritated with the teams after only a few days of doing it consistantly, and alli most times can't afford to lose healers, rather alli would do better replacing certain priests who aren't able to do a proper job with mistweavers & restoration shamans. i've actually seen a few vet priests playing shit like shadow (in pugs, proly for fun)now, the overload of discs while not being properly proportioned has a strong gimping effect on alli getting a foot up in pugs against the usuals that que horde on most evenings.

real shit, when theres 3 other discs on alli fighting for bubbles, I'd rather be holy or shadow too honestly.... disc with the stacked #'s of them is about as fun as holy or shadow... disc stack SUCKS when all the priests are not playing at 100%

but honestly there is probably like 25 rogues who are of much more significant concern of not being able to contribute & continueing to que up on alliance than what flybynyte(revo) does with his rogue, I usually don't even personally see him on rogue more than mage..
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Hey you're that priest that uses ridiculous outside buffs, overextends, and flames at your team all game.
I literally don't understand this guy.. Like he seriously seems like a troll. These are two of the consistently alliance players which have an actual impact on the game. I would take Revo and Phobia any day of the week for a pug..

Ciren pops drums on CD and thinks healing charts mean something.. He prebubbles the entire team which is basically sabotaging my ability to react to burst damage on my priest.. I ask him to not and he tells me to "F**K OFF"...

When I have to heal with him, I've resorted to precasting damage bursts and stopcasting if they don't take enough dmg to warrant a flash heal..

ciren > marb
marb r those binds in your sig for real?

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