i think i am the only mage left on allaince side now, we are near extinction.
and the ice age hasnt even came
I don't know why a year-old thread got resurrected, but the idea that either faction is currently better, stronger, faster queueing, etc than the other is a) false, and b) inflammatory.
Both sides always think they have something, or don't have something, that the other doesn't. It's not true. It's perspective bias.
The signups for the cross-realm World PVP event prove that the sides are even. Please stop trying to convince people otherwise and trying to get them to change what they're doing.
Normally agree with you but this is wrong. It was rezzed cause the troller got unbanned and likes drama.
Horde is better
Horde obviously has faster queuing
The CRZ event shows nothing? Half of those people I never see in pugs or haven't seen in months.. Those are just people who wanted to come have fun in an organized event but that doesn't mean they play wsg.
I have an addon that keeps track and I play all throughout the day at times my numbers aren't bias or solely between 5-8 or something like that. To MY EXPERIENCE they are fact. I would understand if I was the ONLY person saying horde is dominating but I'm not. Horde is even saying that. If I have the real numbers and fact it would be pretty stupid of me to go off of someones complete opinion right? Why believe someone elses opinion that contradicts your facts to be true?
Saying the bracket is completely even and same win ratios is something I don't think you can say honestly.
With all due respect, Lil, it doesn't sound like you actually read the thread.
the only people who roll F2P alliance are douchebags or griefers we established this like 8 months ago