@All twinks. New PTR changes.

Ramune said:
all i can say is... WTF. if blizz goes through with most of these changes, i know me and a lot of other people will be pretty pissed. with current endgame disappointing at best, Twinking is the only thing keeping many people playing. if Boa shoulders/leg armor/prof buffs are nerfed, it could change Twinking is a huge way, and for the worse.

How exactly does it change twinking for the worse?
People will find ways to make this work; Closing this door is only opening more. After a few weeks of these changes taking effect, people who are not fond of the changes may loosen up and like them.

Level 80 is already a gib fest, arena is a joke. I sold my main and play only my twinks because you can actually fight for more than 5 seconds and use some skill instead of big hits omg crit you dead lol. Reducing stam benefits will just make twinking more like level 80, getting instant aim shot crit by hunters for 1k and having their pet stun/snare you while you sit there getting push back and being pelted by 200+ damage auto shots, 500+ damage arcane shots, etc... yeah real good move...
i still have no idea how a loss of just 300 health is going to make everything fucked up.

you shouldn't have 450 mining, it wasn't intended.

you shouldn't have shoulder enchants, it wasn't intended.

leg kit loss with an added 100 hp on leggings (which can now be BoP leggings) results in a loss of a maximum of 300 health.
well, i always plan my twink characters ahead and i can get my experience EASILY under 15 bars of leveling (5 bars into the level) if i don't get deadskull shield.

for those that did not plan ahead, it really sucks not to be able to get BoP quest items. but you should plan your twinks so that they receive the least amount of experience possible into the desired level.
Druiddroid said:
well, i always plan my twink characters ahead and i can get my experience EASILY under 15 bars of leveling (5 bars into the level) if i don't get deadskull shield.

for those that did not plan ahead, it really sucks not to be able to get BoP quest items. but you should plan your twinks so that they receive the least amount of experience possible into the desired level.

I breezed through this thread and don't know if it was said, but I just thought I'd mention again; leg enchants are not working for level 80 characters either, so don't QQ yet.

Also, does it annoy any other EU players how our Twink thread is full of 80s going "stop the QQ" while the US one actually has constructive discussion going? =/
Retownsyou said:
I breezed through this thread and don't know if it was said, but I just thought I'd mention again; leg enchants are not working for level 80 characters either, so don't QQ yet.

Also, does it annoy any other EU players how our Twink thread is full of 80s going "stop the QQ" while the US one actually has constructive discussion going? =/

collective US laziness is greater than EU's. thus, we have more twinks and more twink sympathizers. :)
Adt said:
collective US laziness is greater than EU's. thus, we have more twinks and more twink sympathizers. :)

I kind of feel making twinks are hard...
Naturaltalnt said:
Thats not constructive Adt, even if its in a joking manner ;). I think we have derailed this thread long enough, back on topic! lol.

hah, i made a constructive post in this thread. no one responded to it. lol
Everyone seems to be complaining about how these changes are going to make them weaker and/or waste a lot of time and money people spent on their twink (which is funny cus WoW in general is a waste of time and money) but really it doesnt bother me much. I just wish bliz would figure out what they want to do with twinks and leave them there. Heck, i wouldnt mind mandatory exp in the BG's. All these constant changes tho are really starting to bug me. The reason i like to twink is cus i enjoy the planning and optimizing process and i cant do that with a major change to twinks every little patch. Anyone with me?
ßeef said:
Everyone seems to be complaining about how these changes are going to make them weaker and/or waste a lot of time and money people spent on their twink (which is funny cus WoW in general is a waste of time and money) but really it doesnt bother me much. I just wish bliz would figure out what they want to do with twinks and leave them there. Heck, i wouldnt mind mandatory exp in the BG's. All these constant changes tho are really starting to bug me. The reason i like to twink is cus i enjoy the planning and optimizing process and i cant do that with a major change to twinks every little patch. Anyone with me?

Yeah, i want to have a reliable set of rules which isn't changed all the time. Like now, will librams still work? If they do and i get libram enchants on all of my legs how can i be sure they will stay there? Or the XP thing: I would mind having XP in BGs because the idea behind twinking (for me) is that i have a more or less finished steady char which doesn't have to be changed anymore. So if i adjust to all the changes now, respec, regear, reenchant and then they introduce XP it was all for nothing. I don't demand that things have to stay the same eternally but it would be really nice to know what Blizzard is doing here and what their plans are. I would also be ok to level some of my twinks up and play them at higher levels, i just want to know what's going on.
Its not a waste of time/money if you enjoy what your doing.

Its a form of relaxation, escape from realism.

Twinks were never part of Blizzars orginal plans, so its something they have to work around, we choose to play this un-supported style in the game, so we gotta deal with things as they come.
Naturaltalnt said:
Its not a waste of time/money if you enjoy what your doing.

Its a form of relaxation, escape from realism.

Twinks were never part of Blizzars orginal plans, so its something they have to work around, we choose to play this un-supported style in the game, so we gotta deal with things as they come.

If they put an end to twinking today i wouldn't regret having made them at all because the process was fun and playing them was fun. But i still would like to know what's going on. A clever company would acknowledge that there are twinks and at least let them know what the plans are. If you don't inform people of the decisions you make they will become pissed and they might stop paying that monthly fee. So as a company i would try to keep my customers happy. The problem really is that Blizz has too many customers. In a way they are much like Microsoft, you know. a bascially good product but bad handling of quirks of said product. And people do stay because there are no real alternatives. And it's not like people at 80 would be treated so much better. Just look at Warlocks. Used to be overpowered and now they're at the end of the food chain. And you can't just reroll a lvl 80 like that. It's just not right and nice to treat players like this. Maybe it can't be done better when you are managing such a huge project like WoW but that's just an explanation no excuse.

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