@All twinks. New PTR changes.

Lets take two extremes here for a minute.

World of Warcraft & Warhammer Online Age of Reckoning.

World of Warcraft for the longest time kept every thing absoulutly secert and still to a point keeps most of there things under wraps, Generally this is a better idea so you won't have to deal with all the theroy crafting people yelling dooms day because something to changed.

Warhammer on the other hand tells there community any thing and every thing, you could probably even find out when there secert donut meetings are (j/k). This could also be good since it informs your players, but it also spoils them. WAR had a major change that was a last minute decision and the players made a massive uproar becasue they weren't "informed".

So personally, it benefits Blizzard more so to keep us in the dark than tell us what there plans are (if they even have plans??).
Naturaltalnt said:
So personally, it benefits Blizzard more so to keep us in the dark than tell us what there plans are (if they even have plans??).

I don't doubt that it's easier for Blizz to run their game this way because frankly if i was a dev and had to deal with the millions of whiners and crybabies everyday it would make me run amok (even the official PVP forums are hard to bear). But maybe one could find some middle ground and let people know a little about where the ship is heading so they don't invest too much time and effort in something which won't last. I mean how can they let the TBC leg patch thing go for years and then suddenly change it? It's just not a good style to deal with things. But i am not complaing, i just hope if they get rid of all these things they really get rid of ALL things and don't leave new loopholes. Having to rely on enchants of your actual level sounds kinda appealing to me really as it will also make rolling a new twink way easier and cheaper. Plus it will give "normal" players a chance to participate in a decent way.
Can't really say twinking hasn't been worth the effort, its been around for like 3 of the 4 years WoW has been out.

and remember things are in the PTR, its always subject to change...at this point its all speculation, while if the leg enchants do get removed I will be slightly bummed but thats about it. The shoulder enchants and prof nerfs make me jump for joy.

Blizzard does realse a decent amount of information, but its a big game...3 versions, tons of content, thousands of spells, monsters, hundreds of dungeons and etc. They are focusing on the important stuff. End game content > a side game played by 1/4 of the population.

sad? yes...but it is what it is.
i find it ironic that you guys are saying all this stuff about blizzard not listening to twinks when blizzard is actually adhearing to grandfathered twink stuff. they listened, and now are taking action.

if you look at leg kits, they are the same sort of thing as the BoA shoulder enchants. you get a main, you gather mats, you make the item, apply and there you go, a 30 stam/15 resil shoulder enchant/leg kit. and yet people want the BoA shoulder enchant to go, but leg kits to stay?

i think it's because leg kits have been around so long that people have recognized them as a twink's standard. i would think that if the BoA shoulder enchant was available for a year longer, and THEN they nerfed it, people would then bitch about how blizzard is taking that away, because most twinks would have it by then. /shrug
Possibly, but the leg kits came around in BC when twinks were flourishing, on top of this it doesn't require a main, it only requires one person have a main.

BoA requires you to not only have a max level toon, it also requires you farm instances in LK, speaking of which..LK messed up alot of crap for twinks, and BoA is lumped in there with it, so it takes more heat.
Druiddroid said:
i find it ironic that you guys are saying all this stuff about blizzard not listening to twinks when blizzard is actually adhearing to grandfathered twink stuff. they listened, and now are taking action.

if you look at leg kits, they are the same sort of thing as the BoA shoulder enchants. you get a main, you gather mats, you make the item, apply and there you go, a 30 stam/15 resil shoulder enchant/leg kit. and yet people want the BoA shoulder enchant to go, but leg kits to stay?

i think it's because leg kits have been around so long that people have recognized them as a twink's standard. i would think that if the BoA shoulder enchant was available for a year longer, and THEN they nerfed it, people would then bitch about how blizzard is taking that away, because most twinks would have it by then. /shrug

Leg kits don't require you to have a main to use. They require you to find someone with a main, that's all.

That said, I agree on the grandfathering part. It's taken them several months since 3.0, but they're finally getting profession buffs right too. We all agreed that the people who lvled after 450 profs were taken away were going to be shafted in the end. This is a good solution (even if it would've been nice to keep the buffs around for everyone).

So two things: one, I suspect for these reasons that Blizzard may be trying to at least make things a bit more consistent on what is available at what level. That may be a good thing or it may be a neutral thing. Two, if Blizzard is changing things in our section of the game, there should be communication between them and us. And this is as good a time as any to get that going. Probably better than most times actualy.


Also, this change could also be merely the beginning of things to come. If that's the case, we should really want to try to get communication going. Obviously, a lot of us (me included) got shafted by the changes going through, even if it's going to be good in the long run. It should be in their best interests to let us know what they're doing and what they're thinking.

Because this could lead to better things, but it could also lead to worse things. For example, Blizzard could be leveling the playing field in advance of adding xp to bgs to allow another way to level. If this is the case, we have no choice but to try to communicate with them and point out that the loss of the dominant population pre-80 would make leveling in pvp less enjoyable (due to slower queues), and could make leveling more enjoyable in pve if an xp toggle were to be added.

Ultimately, what I think I'm going to do is post a thread asking for communication. I'll post here or in a new thread here when I finish it. Going to choose my words very carefully.
Jadyn said:
Ultimately, what I think I'm going to do is post a thread asking for communication. I'll post here or in a new thread here when I finish it. Going to choose my words very carefully.

i saw it. well done.
as i said before. it is logical for them to do this.

after all, right now a level 1 fully geared is able to kick a level 20 ass if he is not half geared.

this is in no way supposed to be hapenning either, so even if they do not think of twinking as a part of the game, low level pvp IS a part of the game and that they know about that must includes us in the process. so i feel this change in to reverse the fact that we level 1 twinks can defeat way higher level when we're not suposed to. of course they can't just change the whole engine like this without advertising it first and see how it works, but they can change how PVP is played at any level, and this is what is hapenning, by changing our gears the way we gears and forcing twinkers in changing their gears, they actually force us to change our play style.

logically, this was needed a long time ago. and this is why it sucks so much now, because it should have been changed a few days when they hapenned now people are to into it that now its part of them, so they brag cause they lose it.

for me its all logical !
Druiddroid said:
i saw it. well done.

Thanks. I posted this in all bg forums to let people know:

I wrote my first post asking for communication from Blizzard, with what I think are some pretty good arguments. Would love a simple /sign, or an addition of your own thoughts on why it's in Blizzard's best interest to talk to us. So please no trolling, or counter trolling the lvl 80 trolls. They happen, arguing against them doesn't help our case.


I'll be writing more in the future. Maybe they'll work, maybe they won't. But it's not all that much of a time investment, especially compared to the potential payoff if they succeed. And it's not all that hard to contribute either. ;P

Oh, also you can leave out the pronouncements that blizzard won't listen. I've heard that plenty of times, and I don't care. Lets actually make some productive points, and maybe, just maybe they'll work.

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