Starting new twink here. Encha shaman name : Øffline
How do I get in touch with u guys?
Just created my acc here, just dled the F2Paddon, rolling on Aggramar in about a few seconds!
Forgot to post but, 20 it is now. Now trying to get all the stats up and very, very new to pvp. So if anyone's bored or whatever, add me: Ismae, cause I really could use some help. If not, np ofc!
Hello I am thinking of rolling a toon and was wondering if this server is still as populated(20-30 active players online at any given moment) as I have heard?
Forgot to post but, 20 it is now. Now trying to get all the stats up and very, very new to pvp. So if anyone's bored or whatever, add me: Ismae, cause I really could use some help. If not, np ofc!
Thank you for your post Mol I have the f2p chat addon ready to go but still have not rolled a toon yet... I am thinking about multiboxing and was wondering if you see people in the f2p group doing this on Aggramar?
I could use some help and some idea's for setting up a effective 3 man team.
Never played Wow I am still doing my homework and suggestions for a new player would be welcome especially those pertaining to multiboxing,macro design or good race/class.
Thanks again for the welcome.