<Against All Odds> vs <Tough Love>

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This is comming from the guy who wouldn't want any drama regarding this very premade:

[2:17:30 PM] Sputnick: All I do is setting a premade, which you guys couldn't comply.
Gave you a date, you couldn't make it.
Dodgin' it much.

<<< [2:19:58 PM] Sputnick: We gave you 1 date which is a friday, perfectly understandable. Also, it was your boy muslimwane who challenged us publicly. So you should act as good boys and comply to the date.

<<< [2:20:35 PM] Sputnick: Too much talk and less action.

<<< [2:22:08 PM] Sputnick: I won't take any scum just to premade. I'll take my team, the one who we'll wipe the floor with you'll, like in the good ol' days.

<<< Speaking in Americans
[2:24:39 PM] Sputnick: I saw DA's video
[2:24:44 PM] Sputnick: Where he trashed you badly.
[2:24:53 PM] Sputnick: That was a shame, really.
[2:25:00 PM] Nicozy: Oh yeah DA's video
[2:25:09 PM] Sputnick: As when I played them I wiped the floor with all their druids comps and their divas.
[2:25:13 PM] Nicozy: did he go 1-20 vs you guys vianco or how much was it?
[2:25:32 PM] Sputnick: With that comp
[2:25:35 PM] Sputnick: Losing atleast once
[2:25:38 PM] Sputnick: Is humilliating.
[2:25:41 PM] Nicozy: you are clueless
[2:25:45 PM] Sputnick: I'm real.
[2:25:47 PM] Nicozy: you dont know anything about that patch
[2:25:51 PM] Sputnick: You went to the US and got shit on.
[2:25:56 PM] Sputnick: Last time I played US players
[2:25:57 PM] Nicozy: lmaoooooooo
[2:26:02 PM] Sputnick: I wiped the floor with all of them

[2:27:15 PM] Sputnick: Don't go and shame EU in the US.
[2:27:34 PM] Sputnick: Big deal, you won a tournament full of cripples.
[2:27:42 PM] Sputnick: Out of the 100 twinks that still exist.

[2:43:30 PM] Sputnick: Could you read
[2:43:34 PM] Sputnick: AAO
[2:43:36 PM] Sputnick: Been stomping
[2:43:38 PM] Sputnick: on you
[2:43:39 PM] Nicozy: hahahaha
[2:43:40 PM] Sputnick: this whole time.
[2:43:52 PM] Sputnick: Where have you been?
[2:44:03 PM] Nicozy: you have not done shit lmao
[2:44:06 PM] Arkant: I mean, of the top of my head I couldn't even tell you who's in AAO
[2:44:07 PM] Arkant: So ye
[2:45:06 PM] Sputnick: Keep on denial.
[2:45:11 PM] Sputnick: You're getting stomped
[2:45:13 PM] Sputnick: every BG
[2:45:19 PM] Sputnick: By the might of AAO
[2:45:25 PM] Sputnick: Getting small and afking
[2:52:20 PM] Sputnick: YOu either need to be carried by your healer,
or step up your game
[2:53:54 PM] Sputnick: the point is
[2:54:02 PM] Sputnick: AAO stomping TL
[2:54:03 PM] Sputnick: every bg


The hostility by Sputnick is just disgusting...
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This is comming from the guy who wouldn't want any drama regarding this very premade:

So you go and post a private skype conversation on a public forum?


Yeah, that will definitely keep the drama away...

I'm pretty sure everyone knows which guild has the people circumventing bans daily on TI just to trashtalk people from other guilds... ^^
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So you go and post a private skype conversation on a public forum?


Yeah, that will definitely keep the drama away...

I'm pretty sure everyone knows which guild has the people circumventing bans daily on TI just to trashtalk people from other guilds... ^^

I've heard you are still not sure to play with Hardbass ? what's up mejt ?
I've heard you are still not sure to play with Hardbass ? what's up mejt ?

Why would I have problems playing with HB? QTs been one of my closest wow friends since I made my druid in cata, I have no problems playing with him or anyone else in the team. Could you tell me where you got your conclusion from?
Mods, can you ban this troll pls? His only attempt is to cause drama and obviously to look retarded day after day!
post the whole conversation or none of it.
Why would I have problems playing with HB? QTs been one of my closest wow friends since I made my druid in cata, I have no problems playing with him or anyone else in the team. Could you tell me where you got your conclusion from?

I'm sorry i mean, You and Hardbass are still not sure to play the premade, play with my words again mate that's the only thing you can play with.
I'm sorry i mean, You and Hardbass are still not sure to play the premade, play with my words again mate that's the only thing you can play with.

Well, your post was implying that I wouldn't want to play with HB in the premade. I'm not "playing with your words", I merely answered your question, which apparently wasn't phrased well enough. Can you now answer my question: "Could you tell me where you got your conclusion from?"

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