Hunter, if you have any experience with pvp, any at all, then you'll know the difference between these two analogies:
Example 1: A Random person in trade chat is wanting to form a RBG. After spamming trade for a good 15-30 minutes(maybe longer), he gets a decent solid group between DPS, Heals, and somewhat of an FC.
I would define ^this as a PuGmade. A random person wants to do PvP in a group, and forms it with random people that meets the minimum requirements for the RBG spot.
Example 2:
Nerd Cleave runs a dedicated solid team for RBGs almost on a weekly basis , if not daily. They have been running the same comp of people for months, each of them are 2.2k+ experienced, and they have a solid tactic for each type of BG they may enter. If for whatever reason one of them cannot come, they have dedicated subs who can fill in for their RBGs.
I would define ^this as a Premade. This was not a random person trying to form an RBG team with random players who he/she may not know if they are even exceptional PvPers.
The fact that is 5man 24 team faced off against 9 people from AP, not 10, goes to show it wasn't even a premade(A premade would have 10 people).
There is an obvious difference between a PuGmade and Premade. Majority of the time, you will fight a PuGmade in BGs. Let me repeat myself as to what a PuGmade is:
A random person in f2ptwink chat starts spamming that he's forming a group for BGs, he needs more people, anyone can come. Majority of the time this it to help people farm their BoA gear, because they are not BiS yet.
An actual premade would not let just anyone in. They would all need to be 100% BiS geared, need a full team(IE: 10 or 15 ppl dependings on the BG), everyone would need to be in skype/vent, they'd have a dedicated DPS calling out kill-targets, etc etc.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the difference between a PuGmade and a Premade after explaining it a hundred different ways to you and others.