Aerie Peak Horde: Need help with WSG Jumps?


Hey guys, if some of you don't already know; I am helping everyone on Aerie peak learn their WSG Jumps(most importantly top of horde tunnel). If you haven't already been helped or you want more help, feel free to let me know when I am in game.

I won't be on tonight but tomorrow morning-night I will be happily able to give some lessons and my own personal tips/tricks on how to do each one of them.

I consider myself knowledgeable on each and every jump there is. I can do 99% of all the WSG Jumps and currently practicing jumps that people most likely never heard of(or at least never seen in WSG Jump Videos).

Like I said, hit me up in game and I'll be happy to do a 10 man Aerie Peak WSG Navigation Class :)
Im so up for this, hope i can catch you when you're on
Great idea. At one time there was talk about doing wargames just to learn jumps.
I've always wanted to learn the jumps but never did.
i also made a mini helper to learn the jump Here . the vids are a great way to learn. glad to see someone else in the community helping others :)
I just want to give my opinion and some info about the jumps in wsg and blizzard pretty much agrees and thinks the same as me.

Even though you are able to use terrain exploits doesnt mean you got to use them. Blizzard tried to fix alot of these jumps but was not able to fix the whole map wich means they didnt want to redesign wsg in a way that there are no jumps at all. Instead blizzard put in some other things in the places of those jumps like invisable walls and smaller designs to the map wich makes you not able to use several bugs in the terrain and the most common thing is that you will just disconnect while doing jumps.

Simple because of this reason you should not use these jumps at all while playing bg. It is not a fair thing to do. While some races are easy to do the wsg jumps, there are also races wich have a pretty much harder time doing them.

For the love of sportsmanship and fair play, dont do them and never ever mention these to new people at all and i believe that this topic should be removed directly but since twinkinfo jumps alot on this wagon, anti wow rules, they probably wont do it even though its the right thing to do.

If you want to practise them for yourself, please go and try but dont bother others with this exploiting behaviour in bg because that is a bannable offense.
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All races are capable of all the jumps in WSG, just some races are harder to master then others. They're "against the rules", but personally who cares. If you do, go outside. Learn the jumps and step your game up, chumps.
I just want to give my opinion and some info about the jumps in wsg and blizzard pretty much agrees and thinks the same as me.

Even though you are able to use terrain exploits doesnt mean you got to use them. Blizzard tried to fix alot of these jumps but was not able to fix the whole map wich means they didnt want to redesign wsg in a way that there are no jumps at all. Instead blizzard put in some other things in the places of those jumps like invisable walls and smaller designs to the map wich makes you not able to use several bugs in the terrain and the most common thing is that you will just disconnect while doing jumps.

Simple because of this reason you should not use these jumps at all while playing bg. It is not a fair thing to do. While some races are easy to do the wsg jumps, there are also races wich have a pretty much harder time doing them.

For the love of sportsmanship and fair play, dont do them and never ever mention these to new people at all and i believe that this topic should be removed directly but since twinkinfo jumps alot on this wagon, anti wow rules, they probably wont do it even though its the right thing to do.

If you want to practise them for yourself, please go and try but dont bother others with this exploiting behaviour in bg because that is a bannable offense.

the biggest difference between all other WSG and twink WSG is the jumps. alot of people in this bracket don't know these jumps, which is what differs the good twinks from the bad. all the races can do the jumps easy, you just have to learn your race. if you play a tauren, yes you are gonna have a hard time learning on a gnome. if you play a gnome, then it mite be more difficult on a tauren.

p.s. if blizz really wanted to fix these jumps they would, but obviously its not "glitchy" enough.
I thought I'd offer it up if anyone wanted to learn. If you're against it, then don't participate. I've been doing these jumps since TBC and from my experience I feel as though I can probably show a trick or two on how to do them.

As far as the Disconnecting comment. I will just quote as far as why you are being DC'd from each jump:
I believe DCs occur when your character's frame attempts to push through an object or even the terrain. Typically if I find a spot that my character shouldn't fit into or a hole of some sort, I get dcd. I don't think blizzard went around and said "lets dc them at this mountain and not this one". I believe it is something that glitches out and creates a malfunction in the system. If this were 100% intentional, they wouldn't mess up your frames, zone map, and gear sets too. This is why I believe it is a phenomenon that occurs when your character's base attempts to break through the physical world or structures.

I found this to be correct and I found out how to get around the "Disconnecting Jumps". If you would like to learn, hit me up in game.

Thank you for the support!

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