Aerie Peak Alliance!!!

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Was wondering how you did this.. Wargames or pugging 4 teams in hope you meet eachother?
If you want to premade be on in the next 3 hours were going to group people up and try and set up some 10v10s!!! still waiting for some to get home... however we can always wing it!!!
Heya androlleck, nice to see you guys ready to go :) Just Mei from MG checking in, nice to see more premading activity, and if any HORDE squads would be interested in premading MG ally, just let me or Reflex know on TI :)
Last I checked AP Alliance was dead, was about a week ago, on the weekend, at around 4pm. So I just went ahead and deleted my AP Alliance Tinks. There were never more than 4 people online sometimes, or there'd be 10+ online with no one talking in chat. :S
Last I checked AP Alliance was dead, was about a week ago, on the weekend, at around 4pm. So I just went ahead and deleted my AP Alliance Tinks. There were never more than 4 people online sometimes, or there'd be 10+ online with no one talking in chat. :S

thats becuz school and work and such.. Alot of us are busy time to time, but we are here in fact we got like 7 on right now, were waiting on a few others then were gunna go over horde side to set up the premade.
thats becuz school and work and such.. Alot of us are busy time to time, but we are here in fact we got like 7 on right now, were waiting on a few others then were gunna go over horde side to set up the premade.

Hmph, GLHF. Happy twinking.
I actually quite like the attention. Its the fuel to my pwnmobile.

this is kinda off topic but to reply to your post:

This was a thread that Eliot made on his blog right after a game Sponsor (my lvl 10) and Skope (lvl 10 legend, RIP) steam rolled him in an exp-ON BG.
^ clicky click
Getting that practice in vs pugs eh?
real classy

we told you horde side we were premading and you turned it down only to face us in a pug match. which we ended up getting expedience in, your just upset what happened here what difference would it have made if you were in midfield or gy either way 6 min 50 seconds and this is what you got outta it. next time just leave dont cry seriously...
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