"Admin Gone To The Darkside?"

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who gives a shit if he plays a 24?

he can do whatever he wants, he pays his 15$ a month
this 24(nohealsforju) complains about 20 hunters but he seems oblivious to the fact hes a 24 rogue who has the gear and enchanting advantage

obviosuly if you cant kill a 20 hunter with your 24 rogue and your p2p advantages you should go complain on the 20-29 forum since its more of a 24 thing where they will advice you how to counter hunters than are 4 levels below you without enchanting and gear advantages

have a nice day sir :)
Nohealsforju said:
why do i need to justify playing a 24. Also, you talk about the Aerie peak community pretty sure i never had any problems with except for the fact that some call me bad for rolling a 24. I just keep playing and doing my job in the BG.

Alliance it is a fact they tend to GY farm/ MF farm etc. queue wsg. You can queue AB but the queue is longer for alliance until you guys farm Wsg so much that horde stop queuing for it.

Horde (random 20s) GY farm for revenge mainly they came out of a game got relentlessly farmed for 20 minutes now they play against a few bad alliance and some good ones and dominate them they are going to farm.

24s help by either preventing further farming or stop-ing farmers.

Also, don't care about losing if it not just a faceroll and if the other team decides to not be d-bags and GY farm. i will afk out of those games. or if a team just sits in MF because they are all hunters i will afk out before i get killed by one of them i won't allow myself to be killed by a bunch of bads rolling hunters just to be OP.

I don't agree to this, you can go make a F2P twink and do the same thing, then more people would respect you.
Guys... seriously why you care so much that he rolls 24? Most 24s are so bad.... SRSLY I CAN KILL 'EM! Atleast there is something that stops Alliance from farming :3 *gives cookies to Zuty* WELCOME! TO THE AWESOME SIDE :D
Why do i always see things like "Farming" and "Alliänce". Why do we have to suffer fighting 24s all the time, sometimes in premade or in packs while on alliance they pug its more then enough allready and now i see horde ap guys welcome 24s while we all know horde has more 24s then alliance overall. Dont encourage it, you guys on horde even have these guys in the channel and helping them gear, this is getting silly if you ask me.
i like freedom in speech and thinkin. realy. but ...

for me ... i can say ... i fkin luv these 24 tards (specialy from this spin ... server), commin as premade infight, just to pwn the lowbies.

i couldn use all my nice macros, if they wouldnt join. srsly. thx lot for givin the "h" on my keyboard at least a function.
barthilastwink said:
Also sure you pay for wow so this entitles you to roll a 24. Other things you can do while your paying for wow : turning exp on on a twink char and holding flag and farming gy, ganking levelers,griefing groups in dungeons,ninjaing items(tricking people),trolling trade,being a ahole to everyone on your server using trade chat,troll the warcraft forums and more things that will hurt the wow community. Sure you can roll a 24 but it affects a community but your paying so its alright right?

have a nice day sir i sincerely hope you reconsider :)

This basically.

The whole 'I pay so I can be an a-hole' schtick is getting old.

It reminds me how early Cata the 60 bracket was killed EU side because people forgot that those with an (additional, in most cases) Vanilla account made the pops possible in the first place. Both my paid accounts are WotLK

so while of course I could - and, apparently, by TI standards, should - contribute to killing it by rolling higher levels, I chose not to.

Bottom line is that being a d*ck is a personal choice, all a subscription does is give you more options. How you use that freedom - and freedom in general - makes you the person you want to be.


while I got flamed for doing so, one of the reasons I started to list the 24's that popped up in the EU (though as noted they tend to fade away) is to show that 24's happen on BOTH FACTIONS.

So the whole 'I field 24's to save the Horde', while perhaps laudable at first glance (and I'd be lying seeing a certain camping Goatadin smacked by an equally twinked 24 Rogue wasn't given a feeling of grim satisfaction, though it's more fun to see 20 Horde now pile atop of him) and to a point understandable if the US meta resembles the EU one, only makes other people feel justified to roll 24 Alliance - even though the Eyepatch of Imba makes 24's less of a problem to Alliance toons.
Spryness said:
If they want to make 24s, it's their choice. Random BGs are mostly an honor farm for heirlooms at this point (I don't farm kills. It's meant strictly as the reason I queue BGs anymore). I doubt 24s would participate in arenas against each other, which is the funnest part of being F2P right now for me.

I take it you do realize the whole 'farm because we need Heirlooms for War Games/self-created Arena's' isn't a viable argument because with player-created events you can decide to do them in e.g. in Whites as well.

(wether or not such games in Whites would actually be more beneficial for the game as a whole as this would give more data on the actual class-abilities is something I'll let rest for now).

It also leaves out entirely the effect things like 24's and camping has on the genuine Trial players, or those outside the US AP clique for that matter, and the eventual (if any) attention Blizzard will give to the PvP aspects of their new marketting tool.
We are not a clique, by the way. On the contrary, we want everyone to join us on our server. A clique is exclusive. We are extremely inclusive. We WANT you to join us.
Ciroe said:
We are not a clique, by the way. On the contrary, we want everyone to join us on our server. A clique is exclusive. We are extremely inclusive. We WANT you to join us.

Plenty of firewood, but the topic of this Thread - and I think that having one (one) Thread of this kind is good - is wether 24's are beneficial or not for the bracket at large, and, to a lesser extend, what happens in the actual Battlegrounds.

But if you are upset of my using the term 'clique' to refer to some of the aspects of the AP community (or rather the way it sometimes manifests itself on a general Forum on a general twinking site, not the 'AP Facebook page'), my apologies, I'll try to refrain from using the term.
Crying about other people taking advantage over undergeared people on a twink forum its hypocrital IMHO

After all,thats the definition of a twink.

Sure 24's "destroy" the community,but theres a lot of people that doesnt care bout that community.
Ciroe said:
We are not a clique, by the way. On the contrary, we want everyone to join us on our server. A clique is exclusive. We are extremely inclusive. We WANT you to join us.

Agreed - this is probably the most friendly helpful inclusive PvP group I've encountered. Don't let the hype on TI cloud you - join the chat channel and roll with a few of the many people on AP to see for yourself.

@ OP - It's really no big deal and it's not nice to tattle :p
Was this really that big of a deal? I've yet to run into a 24 that has proved a problem for me on any of my F2P characters. I also asked in chat if anyone would mind it and no one objected to it, so I went ahead. I'm doing it because I know the ques will be instant so I can get BoAs faster than I would on any of my other characters.

Also, as I mentioned in the chat log with the OP, I am rolling Horde now. I've had a major issue with Alliance in general, not just F2P Alliance. This really shouldn't be an issue at all; it's my account and I can do whatever I want with it. I'm sure there are some great Alliance players out there, but I've only met a hand full of them which pale in comparison to the amount of d-bags and a-holes I've met through my journey on the Alliance side.

I'll also eventually get an AGM, but it's never been on the top of my to do list for any character; I'll probably settle on Insignia and RoD.

Zuty said:
Was this really that big of a deal? I've yet to run into a 24 that has proved a problem for me on any of my F2P characters. I also asked in chat if anyone would mind it and no one objected to it, so I went ahead. I'm doing it because I know the ques will be instant so I can get BoAs faster than I would on any of my other characters.

Also, as I mentioned in the chat log with the OP, I am rolling Horde now. I've had a major issue with Alliance in general, not just F2P Alliance. This really shouldn't be an issue at all; it's my account and I can do whatever I want with it. I'm sure there are some great Alliance players out there, but I've only met a hand full of them which pale in comparison to the amount of d-bags and a-holes I've met through my journey on the Alliance side.

I'll also eventually get an AGM, but it's never been on the top of my to do list for any character; I'll probably settle on Insignia and RoD.


Great answer =D Btw if you need help I wouldn't mind helping you :3
(or rather the way it sometimes manifests itself on a general Forum on a general twinking site, not the 'AP Facebook page')
Ohwait, is there really a FB page?

I've said it before and I'll say it again, 24's HAVE VERY LITTLE IMPACT ON THIS BRACKET. But regardless, someone not paying for the game has NO RIGHT to bitch about people who do /thread
For real, if the 24s bother you that much start uip the ol' subscription and bring your own, **** it.

This bracket is 'anything goes'. You wont see anybody whinging about potions or aimed shot here.
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