
Nice, I will add you, after I figured out I could get into a BG with xp off I tripped fucking balls, I was like WHAT THE FUCK I COULD HAVE BEEN DOING THIS FOR SO LONG @_@
24's is fun, if you want to remember how it was before xp on bg's were around. Too bad blizz split up the bracket or 29's would be in same bg's as f2prs lol.

blizz splitting the bracket from 20-29 to 20-24 & 25-29 had no effect on 29 twinking. 29 twinking mostly suffered due to XP on/off patch, excessive hunters, although alot did a migration like what happened in 19's but to Reckoning BG. they even tried rules on hunters such as no MM spec along with no aimed shot, etc. anyway still failed

after blizz merged battlegroups 29's started to get action, but once again certain classes killed it.

this all occurred way prior to the F2P program and JCL-24's
gomer - mannoroth

that is my last 29 of four total i had. paladin and hunter went to 70 long ago, warrior (now at 38) was gonna do 39, but due to warrior nerfs in that bracket when CATA rolled is being seriously considered for deletion

mannoroth once had large 29 twink guilds, this was due to mannoroth getting a jump on twinking and alot of players made 20's. then the brackets changed from 10-20 to 10-19 and 20's were forced to go to 29.

by 2008 and end of BC "the victors" and "pwncakes & rofls" merged making a even larger 29/39 guild. when XP on/off patch rolled....then many went to Reckoning Battlegroup servers. that failed and did not work like the 19 RUIN migration, some of the 29's came back told me what happened. i haven't seen much or heard from them since about 2 years now. nor have i seen them in any on the rare/random BGs i have been able to do

from inc MOP changes appears 29 rogue will be trash too, blizz declared war on any rogue below level 34 it appears, and when you hit 34+ you are getting back what you originally had in vanilla WOW and will still be behind other classes with their level 40-60 abilities still make rogues gimped/worthless..

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