Best Class to Pick?


Hello, I have decided to return to twinking after about a 3 year absence from WoW. I previously had a 19 twink rogue and a 29 twink paladin who were BiS geared for the current expansion and patch, but since I've been gone so long, I am once again lost in the twink world.

I need some opinions on what faction and class I should go in making my twink. I have read up a little on this forum and I know that the population is overrun by hunters, according to Pizza's hunter guide. So i previously was going to make a hunter but they are so popular now that I doubt anyone really wants another hunter. The way I wish to play my twink is mainly a DPS player on the field that has great burst damage and some survivability. It also needs to be a fun character in the long run, because I will be playing this toon for a while, along with many more. And, the amount of work that I will have to do for the character does not matter to me, no matter how long it will take, I have time.

My last question is what faction i should go. I know Horde is mainly dominating WSG at the moment, but without more new twinks going to Alliance, they will never be able to beat Horde. So just let me know the BEST possible thing for me to do. I'm all ears to you guys so post whatever your opinion is. Thanks and I hope to soon join the twink community and be well known amongst it.
BGs go in cycles, even within a 24 hour period. no faction dominates

if you want a good alliance caster/paladin imo, you need to start your player as horde and then pay to transfer to alliance

for a horde caster/paladin you really need nothing from alliance side, unless you want a ret/prot pal

currently priests and h-pals are more OP/gamebreaking imo than OP hunters.

MOP is changing alot of classes, h-pals will pretty much stay the same even though losing exo. hunters are losing concussive spam (posted by a beta tester) slow is part of arcane shot which means slow won't be spammable. priests all-specs are losing renew (holy only at higher level) it does get them and players thru alot, warlocks will be tougher too due to new talents.

rogues become bank alts again
Okay thanks, thats good to know. I was thinking of going paladin because of some videos i viewed on youtube. I will most likely have to go alliance and then transfer horde due to my main being on alliance. I will strongly consider you opinion. And being holy will i still be able to dish out good damage?
Nope, your damage will be quite low but with the support you can provide to your teammates as very high healing and a 6sec stun, you will still be very useful in O aswell. :) And you can always switch specs aswell if you feel like playing a different role! GL for your twink!
Nope, your damage will be quite low but with the support you can provide to your teammates as very high healing and a 6sec stun, you will still be very useful in O aswell. :) And you can always switch specs aswell if you feel like playing a different role! GL for your twink!
Alright so I can have like the best of both worlds cause I get a damage spec/set and good heals. That makes it easier on me. And if i make a second class is should just be just a fun class to play in general that i can relax on haha. Thanks for the great responses guys! :)
Another thing is realm. Does it matter if my main is on one realm and my twink is on another? Or if my main is alliance and twink will be horde?
Is picking a certain realm important? Other than certain guilds you want to try and join...
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The realm and faction you choose for your twink is quite important indeed. If you make it on a different realm than your main character, you might have hard time aqcuiring gold and heirlooms etc. If your twink is on a different faction than your twink but same realm, you can still send the BoAs but can't send any gold, or any other items than BoAs for that matter. Realm choice is important for the enjoyment of your twinking experience aswell, as highly active twinking realms provide you with company to play wargames and other events. The downside is that AGM will be significantly harder to get on these twink realms.

I recommend making your twink on a realm you have a main to easily assist your twink with heirlooms and gold, and when you're done with gearing and shit, move it to a realm you really want to play at with your twink. Another choice is to make the twink on a realm you want to play it in the first place, then make another main (DK maybe?) on that realm to provide your twinking needs.

Faction choice is about 2 things: On what side you want to play the twink, and secondly, are you going to faction change for both horde and alliance gear. You wont usually lose much even if you don't faction change, but some people just want to get their twinks to the full maximum potential at all costs, hence the change for all possible gear.

So if you aren't going to faction change, the decision is quite clear. Just make the twink on whichever side you wanna play. If you are gonna change, then I would recommend making your twink on the opposite side that you want to play more, get it all geared up with every possible item you will need in the future, then migrate it to the side you wanna play on and you're done. This way you'll only need to pay for 1 faction change.

Hope this was of any help, don't be afraid to ask any questions if you got anything in mind! :)
i built some twinks on low pop servers, each got two AGMs in less than a week with ease. one time i forgot, so i went to the arena and arrived at 9:21 and chest was still there, unlooted. this would not happen on the server where i have most my twinks, it can still take 2-3++ weeks to get just one AGM

gold is easy, after one darkmoon faire and doing fishing. i bought all my enchants and have 5000+g one side and 3000+g on other side

heirlooms are easy i BG'd as a i leveled so i would have some honor banked and using gold to buy DMF turn in items i did not get from dungeon runs, after third DMF i had my players with BOA weapon/staff, BOA chest, and BOA shoulders

only thing my twinks are lacking, is the BOA helms, which will be solved when MOP rolls hopefully, for right now my h-pal does really good with just the 15 stam fishing hat and my mage with the keeshan bandana.

they are both 19's on a imo dead server, and doing quite well, i have already been asked if they are twinks, questions about twinking, and most thought it died
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Well, I will most likely have to start on Alliance on Thunderlord (faction and realm my main is on) to get all my heirlooms and gold easy, plus i have lots of friends willing to run me through shit, then i will have to spend the money on a faction change. My other choice is my old main, a horde dk on Akama, that i can just put my new twink with my old twinks on Akama and then go from there. The problem with that is im short on gold on that char and ill have to farm for heirlooms on him as well. I have many choices but what to choose lol. But Mesikämmen thank you for the advice haha i will probably end up doing that. :p
Well, I will most likely have to start on Alliance on Thunderlord (faction and realm my main is on) to get all my heirlooms and gold easy, plus i have lots of friends willing to run me through shit, then i will have to spend the money on a faction change. My other choice is my old main, a horde dk on Akama, that i can just put my new twink with my old twinks on Akama and then go from there. The problem with that is im short on gold on that char and ill have to farm for heirlooms on him as well. I have many choices but what to choose lol. But Mesikämmen thank you for the advice haha i will probably end up doing that. :p

BOA's are cross faction if that helps matters. You can send boas from an ally character to horde if you wanted to. Im not sure if this is on PvP servers but it is on PvE.
Yeah i figured that lol but not over different realms correct? Idk i really dont wanna pay $30 for faction change. Does anyone know if Thunderlord has a decent amount of twinks on the server?
Lol, thats a negative. never been fond of casters lol. Ive always been melee such as pally or rogue. So i sorry but nahh that aint me...

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