<Acquired Taste> Level 70 Raiding Guild [EU-A]

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Bump, still clearing all content each week and doing a lot more PVP and Arena now.
Still standing as strong as before, clearing everything with 70s only every week while PvPing at the same time!

Apply now @ AcquiredTaste.guildlaunch.com

- Bump

With 4.0.1, Badges of Justice (if I'm getting the name right) no longer exist. Instead, the gear vendors ask for Justice Points (or so I've heard, haven't checked this particular thing out myself just yet), but they ask for prices that no 70 could possibly get in a reasonable time. Will all 70 guilds get geared through drops alone, then? I only ask because I've always been interested in something like this, but don't know if it'd be worth it.

This would probably be better served as a thread all on its own, but the way I see it, a 70 guild should know how to answer the question. My apologies if I'm wrong and just rubbing salt in any wounds or anything.
ohnoes said:

With 4.0.1, Badges of Justice (if I'm getting the name right) no longer exist. Instead, the gear vendors ask for Justice Points (or so I've heard, haven't checked this particular thing out myself just yet), but they ask for prices that no 70 could possibly get in a reasonable time. Will all 70 guilds get geared through drops alone, then? I only ask because I've always been interested in something like this, but don't know if it'd be worth it.

This would probably be better served as a thread all on its own, but the way I see it, a 70 guild should know how to answer the question. My apologies if I'm wrong and just rubbing salt in any wounds or anything.

If there is a grind, then there will be people to do it, no matter how hard it is. Look at grinds like The Insane, Justicar, Diplomat and other difficult or time consuming achievements. However, even before the change to the Badges of Justice system, obtaining many of those badge items were rather tiresome and many only acquired items through badges because they simply had the badges from attending raids. Some people love grinding for those kind of things, some people hate it.

However in general, almost everyone in a decent level 70 raiding guild gets geared up in tier 6 / SWP / brutal gear pieces. So in the end it really comes down to how much you enjoy farming heroics and running raids.

Edit: I just realized I've been talking to you and others a few times in mIRC in JMTC lol. Hai :p
Unholy[S]haman;196772 said:
If there is a grind, then there will be people to do it, no matter how hard it is. Look at grinds like The Insane, Justicar, Diplomat and other difficult or time consuming achievements. However, even before the change to the Badges of Justice system, obtaining many of those badge items were rather tiresome and many only acquired items through badges because they simply had the badges from attending raids. Some people love grinding for those kind of things, some people hate it.

However in general, almost everyone in a decent level 70 raiding guild gets geared up in tier 6 / SWP / brutal gear pieces. So in the end it really comes down to how much you enjoy farming heroics and running raids.

Edit: I just realized I've been talking to you and others a few times in mIRC in JMTC lol. Hai :p

I've actually just appeared...lol, accidentally stole someone's forum name on here without realizing it. Thanks for answering my question :)

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