<Acquired Taste> Level 70 Raiding Guild [EU-A]

LOL SOBER hahaah

I'm using LUI aswell rxr, it rocks.. You just need to edit some of it such as enemy cast bar etc etc.
Cuddle said:
LOL SOBER hahaah

I'm using LUI aswell rxr, it rocks.. You just need to edit some of it such as enemy cast bar etc etc.

My real ui is accuatly pre similer Just 8 buttons on screen for CDs then 5 hidden bars /shrug
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For those who are looking at our guild and trying to decide of not, maybe this will help.

Now that we have all PvE TBC content on farm (clearing everything except maybe gruul or magtheridon) every week, we are becoming more and more PvP orientated. Nothing is changing in our guild in terms of our PvE schedule and focus, but we are doing more and more premades, very easy to get 20-40k honor a day on a CTA weekend.

We are going to be creating a PvPer rank equivalent to our raider rank where you get provided with gold for repairs, enchants, certain gems and other things for free.

So if you are a hardcore PvPer looking for a home, feel free to come drop us a line, we have a lot of players doing 2v2 every day, occasional 3v3 (3v3 and 5v5 is something we are going to work on, creating our own internal competition with prizes as well etc).
Up we go, clearing everything every week as usual with no problems at all!

Guilds stronger than ever! Still looking for exceptional and dedicated players to join our ranks, visit acquiredtaste.guildlaunch.com for more information or read the first page of this thread.
Oh and it looks the first post by unholy hasn't been updated, if anyones in doubt we've cleared everything and do so every week, 1 hour BT & 1 hour SwP runs so far (more or less)..
Still clearing everything each week and still searching for dedicated and exceptional players for both the PvE and PvP part of the guild.
that's really serious, if not too serious.. i'm looking for a 70 guild on my rogue on hellscream, but ya know i travel alot, i can easily be 3 weeks gone. well have fun, i think i'll pass this one :) hope i wont regret it.

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