Achievement points!

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Grabco said:
Looks like you need to turn on XP and start farming HK's to get the 25K achievment, you could probably get there pretty fast. I also wonder if you can level to 20 for the achievement then have a GM delevel you because you're "brother" leveled your toon. Alternatively, level get the achievment then quickly delete then have a GM restore your character at level 19. That achievement would be epic if a 19 had it!

Kurian has lvl 20 achiv
If I were to do this I'd go all out meaning : LVL 20, Giddy up!, Stable Keeper(10), Leading the Cavalry(25), Filling up the barn(50), All of the Arathi Basin Achievements, Have Keg, Will Travel (via preserved hops), Bring me the head of...Oh Wait all during Hallows End. and if you know you can get de-leveled from lvl 25 then you can get Rotten Hallow to complete "The Hallowed" Title. I won't be doing any of these unless something changes. As by current means they are not possible for a lvl 19 toon.
I don't believe Leading the Calvalry is possible and Filling up the Barn isn't possible for sure.. My 39 hunter is an Ambassador and has all of the city mounts as well as a celestial steed which puts him at 19 mounts.

There are a few more I could get though, that might push me over 25.. but would require me to spend literally THOUSANDS of rl dollars to get it.

I'd need:

60% Spectral Tiger

TCG Turtle

Fishing Turtle

Blizzard Bear

Love is in the Air Rocket (Big Love Rocket - Spell - World of Warcraft)

I'm probably missing a few because I can't think atm, but even having all of those would only get me to 24.
ok so not 50, but I have the turtles, bear and steed. so when cata drops there will be 3 more mounts for either worgen or goblin factions making it 25 exactly
Good luck on it. ^_^ Don't ruin your twink though, Blizzard dropped the mount requirement from 40 to 30 to 20 already.
<----crossing fingers for lvl 10 or 15 mounts when cata comes out :p
Rantcasey said:
<----crossing fingers for lvl 10 or 15 mounts when cata comes out :p

10 would be best imo, or level 10 twinks would lose their viability.
Sylvictus said:
congratz on haveing alot of useless points .

congrats on having an opinion no one gives a shit about.
Rayu said:
10 would be best imo, or level 10 twinks would lose their viability.

Why bother, twinking is taking a turn for the worst with every new patch.

Sorry for being so negative but; I believe its true.
I would have to agree CIHC, as cool as mounts at level 10 would be ... I think it would be better without them :) I preferred it when they were level 40! 30 wasn't bad, but 20 is too low imho.
Splenda said:
no one really cares

You need to really change your attitude or just not visit these forums anymore. This board is for discussion of all aspects of twinking and everyone has the right to post about what interests them. If you don't agree with that I really don't see why you don't just leave.
Go Rayu

Like I was saying, I'm Mr T and I'm a Night Elf Mohawk!! :mad:

I Had a pretty nice weekend. Got my 1st Kalu'ak Fishing tournament win; picked up the Dread Pirate Ring. I went back out and nabbed another black tip shark and wouldn't ya know it: a Weather-Beaten fishing hat. Too bad it has a lvl requirement now. Also its too bad that even if friendly with the Kalu'ak you still cannot do the daily quests. Got the two Children's week achievements done to finish off the weekend. It's hard to believe this toon's 1 year anniversary is only about a month away feels like its been a lot longer.
Secclusion said:
Like I was saying, I'm Mr T and I'm a Night Elf Mohawk!! :mad:

I Had a pretty nice weekend. Got my 1st Kalu'ak Fishing tournament win; picked up the Dread Pirate Ring. I went back out and nabbed another black tip shark and wouldn't ya know it: a Weather-Beaten fishing hat. Too bad it has a lvl requirement now. Also its too bad that even if friendly with the Kalu'ak you still cannot do the daily quests. Got the two Children's week achievements done to finish off the weekend. It's hard to believe this toon's 1 year anniversary is only about a month away feels like its been a lot longner.

Keep it up mate!
Stealthbot said:
Reeto from skullcrusher dtbts is 2.5k achieves around there i think havent done stuff on him for a while

Confirmed this and the front page is updated. I know Dom & Beastly haven't done anything in a while either, probably wouldn't have to do that much to take 2nd. Sorry Rantcasey.
Secclusion said:
Confirmed this and the front page is updated. I know Dom & Beastly haven't done anything in a while either, probably wouldn't have to do that much to take 2nd. Sorry Rantcasey.

why are there different versions of the same achievments for ally and horde is this possible maybe someone that didn't use their honor on the tabards can tell me? I think you should just pvp until you get exalted with silverwing, 25k HK's and then you can get the honor for the cavalry achievment it will take some grinding but might be worth it
I tried this already I bought one of the mounts, no achievement, then refunded it. Theres a lot of achievements that are the same but are separated for factions, especially for the holiday events. When you compare an alli & horde characters on armory a lot of the "same" achievements won't match up.
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