Achievement/Collections hunting at 20


New Member
I have gotten back into the game, but not ready to commit monetarily. I want a challenge, and from what I’ve seen PVP is kinda meh. I decided I want to level a character to the f2p lock of 20. I then want to gear up and try to get as many achievements, completed quests, toys, pets, mounts, transmogs, etc. Basically a completionist run at level 20. I know this will take millions of years, but I honestly don’t mind grinding. I only have a few hours of play time per week, so I’ll be happy just to be in-game.

Does anyone else do this in their free time?

I wanted to play a rogue, but I read that rogue is pretty garbage at 20. I’m considering fury warrior, some version of hunter (no pvp I promise, just for nostalgia. It was my first character ever back in TBC.)
Any comment on a suggested class? I want to run dungeons and such solo.

Also, for PVE purposes, would you play on a not so great server for a good name? I managed to score the name “Something” on Mannoroth for a rogue, which I thought was epic for a sneaky boy.
I know this is a lot of questions, but any input or advice would be awesome. I’ve been thinking about this for days and I’m very excited. Thank you guys in advance.
Many play F2P for the main purpose of the challenge of collecting stuff all by themselves.
I can't say that right now is the golden age of those type of players, but there are still some around, and you'll find help on the "how to" for many challenging achievements, especially on discord, either on the xpoff server or the wow20 one (the lattest being more relevant for F2Ps and lvl20s)

I've done active achievement hunting on my 20 for few years, and now i'm barely progressing because i'm working on other wow-related projects, but @Conzil is pretty active, on the top of the leaderboard ^^

For class, you have to know that it evolves greatly at each expansion launch which kinda rerolls how classes behave at low levels, so it's not always the same classes on top, but the top pretty often regroup hunter, druid, and shaman, for doing solo PvE content.

For server choice, it only matters for who you're gonna meet there, sure name can matter for some but isn't the priority for many. Either random players or other twinks, that's the only difference you'll find with servers (PvP queues being shared). Personally I recommend taking a RP server, simply because the F2P life can be a solo experience some times, and that RP realms bring life to the world during your adventures, especially when chasing achievements.

Good luck with your adventures, F2P is a tough but fun experience!
With chromie time being available for F2P now, Im having a ton of fun as prot warrior. Quick queues without having to beg for runs in discord.
Does anyone else do this in their free time?
100% do this. I used to love 20's for PvP when we had the same queue as levelers and bg's popped frequently. I am holding out that we will get that privilege again some day.

I am similar to you that I play an hour here, half hour there etc through the week. The game is so huge now even for F2P 20's that you are right it would take years to try and be a completionist.

I personally like to mix things up because if I get stuck for too long on one task I will get bored. So I jump around from say, questing for a few days here and there, then maybe try for some achieves for a day or so, then switch to treasure hunting, then run some WoD dungeons for WF gear etc. I find mixing it all up works for me. Other things like going back and trying for profession recipes that I don't have or making some items with professions for mog's is also fun.

I keep one profession - Engineering for good, and the other I flip between professions depending on what I'm trying to achieve. I haven't even picked up archaeology yet...... the game is just massive now..... I actually miss having limited professions :p

Most importantly though, find what tickles your fancy and go for it!
Does anyone else do this in their free time?
I did once. I highly recommend it!
Warlock and Hunter are good choices for fully solo, once you're geared up, thanks to the pet. Hunter is probably the easier choice, but I'm biased towards it as that's what I played.
Go for the Moonguard server. It's always crowded in the main cities so you feel less lonely.
My sig has my 100% solo character linked. It's highly outdated now, but you can check out the achieves/collections to get a glimpse at what can be done solo.

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