Accurate unbiased twink rating x

Does Rampdweller really even deserve a 6.4?

Ripsin with the 8.8 makes the thread though..

Naturexo 9.3 x
Srgntpizza 9.2 x
Troye 9.1
Unmeld 8.8
Ripsin 8.8 x
Baconn 8.6
Ripduck 8.6 x
Gadrinqt 8.6
Kadaspala 8.5
Sorryboutit 8.5 x
Nighthour 8.4
Tooleet 8.3 x
Swiftysnaga 8.1
Boomtastic 8
Phawse 7.6
Boombllothch 6.7


Harvestlord 9
Rapido 8.7 x
Sudowoodo 8.7
Ohriginalx 8.4 x
Teamroula 8.4
Cowmilk 8.4
Nudge 8.3
Darkchewie 7 x
Muskie 7
Puempeekstoh 6.4


Agonist 9.2 x (I actually laughed when I read this)
Ezeron 9.1
Agntgrizzle 8.9
Hardbass 8.8
Agntsliq 8.8
Swoops 8.8
Aoitsakaxo 8.7
Gobi 8.7
Azngirlswagx 8.7
Brunomarsirl 8.7
Fancy 8.7
Gunz 8.7
Craycray 8.5 x (deserves higher)
Menix 8.5
Srs 8.4
Erizel 8.2
Myyce: 7.7
Toxicwho 6.5


Revomanxd 9.2 x
Ilovemydogxo 9
Mikejones 8.9
Fearthebuns 8.9 x
Grizzlefoot 8.9
Gloryboyz 8.8
Razugal 8.6 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (should be 9+)
Camo 8.5


Curleyrollsu 9.1
Frogsnbeans: 9 x (Buns is a good player but you're clearly biased towards him. He's not a better monk than half the monks below him tbf)
Skeezin 8.9 x
Blurz: 8.9
Aoitsaka 8.8 x
Sapah 8.8
Wuxueyangx 8.7
Kamo 8.7
Byakugan 8.7
Tipx 8.7
Twinlionfist 8.7
Paulqt 8.6
Rheo 8.4
Monkworkz 8.3
Marblea 8
Grundlesweat 7.6
Conq 7.2
Butters: 5.3


Saxxon 9.4
Gankerixer 8.8 x (Idk how he's above Tapout/Moran/Save)
Kushkumen 8.7
Hamgodx 8.7
Iggzxo 8.6
Edmxd 8.5
Menisi 8.5
Save 8.4 x
Requielm 8.2
Leeroy 8
Syncx 7.9
Muskiegood 7.5
Diplo 7.2
Grimmtong 6.7
Phillem 6.6
Rampdweller 6.4 x (How is he a 6.4? and Gankerixer 8.8?)


Hojington 9
Symphonies 8.9
Silk 8.7
Unathletic 8.4
Imacheeser 8.1


Livingforce: 9 x (Unpluggd/Kancer>Livingforce by a small margin I feel)
Kancer 8.9
Meldgodx 8.8 x
Unplugged 8.8 x
Bone 8.8 x
Antixdotez 8.5
Baked 8.5
Cipe 8.5
Flashealz 8.4
Yessi 8.3
Wtfisaheal 8
Shiromajyo 7.1
Scuzbag: 6.9
Dontdodrugs 4.3


Zeirenn 9.4
Restopathic 9 x (hm)
Sliquemylove 8.9 x (hmmmmm)
Mutando 8.9 x
Repulsed 8.9
Edsheerinirl 8.9 x
Drcooperphd 8.8 x (How is Muntando above Edsheerin/Cooper and Maineac?)
Maineac 8.6 x
Cyberbullyxd 8.6
Cristoxic 8.5
Myrmu 8.4
Artgox 8.3 x (deserves higher)
Calypseaa 7.8 x


Revolutionxd 9.1 x (He's pretty new to lock to be the #1 )
Dragonslayer 9
Yorkye 8.6
Dorygoon 8.6 x
Iggzx 8.6
Lucyxoxo 8.5
Unicycle 8.4
Dip 8.4
Youredead 8 x (just lol)
Axie 7.8


Lukenukemx 9.1
Yowzaguady 9.1 x (afk)
Oi 9
Randylayhee 9
Trendy 8.7
Twonkcitybish 8.7
Ericbro 8.4
Trashglamour: 8.4
Papapopper 8.3
Pepperroniboi 8.2
Bigbodybogat 7.5
Whatistwink 7.3

But an "x" wherever I felt you went wrong
i was already laughing on first shit i read (boomkin category) and by the time I'd skimmed to around halfway down the thing, i stopped reading............

... had no choice, i laughed so hard, that the browser closed the page for me, understandably :/

hey good thread tho ;)
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Way to many people are overhyped getting them high numbers of votes/recognition while many of the actual good players fly under the radar.

Gankrixer in my opinion is a top 3 rogue in the bracket.

Lukenukem a 9+?

1 sec.

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way to many people are overhyped getting them high numbers of votes/recognition while many of the actual good players fly under the radar.

Gankrixer in my opnion is a top 3 rogue in the bracket.

Lukenukem a 9+?

1 sec.


inc ddos
The least you can do is put me at an even 4.20 please mate. Cheers
Dory has the right of this, if you don't like the list make your own or give specifics. Anything else is really irrelevant.

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