Accurate unbiased twink rating x

We can confirm they are F2P from this post

After channeling my inner Bigmoran by going into sleuth mode, I realized that this list may be nothing more than an attempt to draw attention to a previously unknown person in order for them to land themselves on a twink cup team.

I haven't concluded my investigation but I'm 90 percent certain I know who made this list, partially based on a conversation I had with them and the rest being common sense :rolleyes:

I'll report back when I've finished.

Mr. Chewie the detective, i like it
Lols, somebody is trying to be slick. So they can get on a TC team.
It is coming down to the wire. They better hurry up! Only a few more days left of practice time! We all know how organized everyone is around here.

These threads are always authored by one of three people.

Agonist, Uraflamer, Beau.
When Saxxon made his list a year or two back he rated me an Alpha+ twinker. And now I'm a 4.3 on this list. Lmfaooo I've gotten way shittier than I thought apparently.
unless you are void of emotions it is impossible to make an unbiased list.
Wooo! I made a list!

I wouldn't take it much more than a list of people who contributed to BGs that OP happened to play in. I suppose that's every list, but this probably has a smaller sample size than most. It's nice to see how, what I assume is someone new to the bracket, perceives other peoples skill in BGs (without the bias of prior knowledge).

For instance, I got a fairly high rating as hunter, but that's probably because I play objectively. However, I'm new to the class and disengage into walls. Someone else would see that and assume I suck. I guess I happened to play alright in the particular BGs this list is based on.
When Saxxon made his list a year or two back he rated me an Alpha+ twinker. And now I'm a 4.3 on this list. Lmfaooo I've gotten way shittier than I thought apparently.

Your 4.3 is the most accurate thing about this thread.
this list is not accurate at all lol and i just find it weird how you seem to list as many ppl per class u can yet i see alot of ppl that are active and play well that are not listed, including myself.
Looks like a list of everyone said op has either faced or paired with. Please remove my priest Antixdotez from the list. I do not enjoy my priest and am mediocre at it. I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

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