Kithkaid said:
Almost 100% of the animosity in this bracket is due to the power disparities between lvl 60 raid gear and 58-64 Outland gear combined with the fact that the BiS 60 raid gear is no longer obtainable. So you have a minority of people with Naxx gear who are strongly opposed to the acceptance of 64s because they're - understandably - unwilling to level their Naxx outfitted toons to 64. In addition, because of the gear disparity the people who choose to stay at 60 have to put in lot more effort to get their BiS pieces than 64s, since their BiS pieces mostly come from raids while 64 BiS pieces come from Outlands quests or dungeons.
Not that they ever will, but if Blizzard restored all of the 60 content that was removed and properly rebalanced the 60 raiding & early Outlands gear the animosity between 60s and 64s would disappear, guaranteed.
Restoring the ability to get T3 gear would go a long way to helping close the gear gap between different levels in the bracket. But that's not the main problem. Putting level restrictions on engineering items so that grandfathered 60s can't wear Wrath gear or use Big Daddies and Bolt guns would also help the bracket, but that also is not the main problem.
Getting people to play as an objective-based team is the problem.
The first time I ever saw MSRagePaint on the battlefield, he was screaming at our team to stop farming mid, protect the flag carrier, stop farming mid, get our flag back, and quit farming mid. He was really giving our team some lip, and I wanted to step in and say something, except he was
People want to blame the bracket's problems on 64s, but the truth is, the proportion of good-to-bad players at any level in the bracket is the same. It's just easier to blame 64s because for now, there are less of them.
To address two of MSRagePaint's claims directly, the healing difference between 60 and 64 for resto shamans is anything but minimal -- 37% in base healing alone, without including a single gem. Moreover, to say that you wouldn't need 64 healers if 64s weren't plaguing the bracket holds about as much water as me saying you wouldn't need 64 healers if you didn't have grandfathered 60s with engineering and Naxx gear.
I think MSRagePaint's other argument is much more important. Every bracket has standards they follow, and if the 60-64 bracket came together and ignored higher level characters, the bracket would find the same success with bans as lower level brackets do. Which is to say, very good, with only occasional issues. I would support such a ban, and never field my 64 again if the bracket consisted of MSRagepaint-caliber players. But the 60-64 bracket can't even come together to help a flag carrier. Nobody agrees on anything, other than to propagate old prejudices, and even that doesn't find much agreement. I walk into a battleground, and get lip during the warmup period for being a 64. Then my heals start to speak for themselves, and complaints turn into thanks. And here's the kicker -- I got thanks not for being a 64, but for actually backing up my teammates and boosting them to glory.
Yes, I could do that at 60. Or 63. Anyone could. But they don't. And they need to. At any level.
If this bracket can get over its prejudices, you will have some great games to look forward to. But the hatred of 64s will attract those who feed off of your hate, and this bracket is not prepared to deal with them. Which, in the long run, may not be a bad thing.