About to roll a 19 trial hunter, please comment.

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edit again:

apparently 20's get grouped with 20-24 exp-off. so i am back to my original plan.

edit: so i'v decided to abandon my 19 horde hunter project and reroll 20 alliance rogue, as

1, i realized that hunter is just too easy to play, Concussive Shot lasts 6 sec yet cool down is 5 sec and costs no focus. i am going back to my root: the rogue class!!!

2, i also realized that i will probably have an easier time if i leveled to 20 because 20-24 exp-on BG's are probably more fun than 15-19 exp-off BG's. not that i am afraid of competition. plus it's just a nightmare to have to farm 10g without access to AH or in game trading...

my rogue's set-up, at 20 i have access to a lot of kick-ass blues, my damage and health are comparable to a FULLY TWINKED OUT 19 rogue, so i imagine that i'd manage well against leveling 24's with BoA's

p.s. you get crippling poison at 20, oh yeah!

the remaining of this post you don't have to read as that was my original plan which is abandoned now

original post: blood elf hunter.

wowhead profile

has about 20~30 less stamina and 60~70 less agility than twinked out hunters.

using that 2-h for big raptor strike and also it has hit. also, when you have such low stats, you mise well have a unique weapon.

it's going to be A LOT of work (you have to do EVERYTHING by yourself, skin+leatherworking first, then drop leatherworking and pick up enchanting, then drop enchanting and pick up mining, drop skinning and pick up engineering, lastly, drop engineering re-pick-up skinning), since trial account comes with limitations:

for those curious:

* A level cap of 20.

* A maximum of 10 gold.

* Trade skills are capped at 100 ranks.

* Inability to trade via the auction house, mailbox, or player-to-player.

* In-Game public chat channels will be unavailable. (Players will still be able to communicate using say, party, or whispers).

* Characters will be unable to create or join existing guilds.

* Accounts will no longer be able to whisper other players unless they have been added to those players’ friends lists or have received a whisper from them first.

* Characters will not be able to invite players into a party.

* Characters will not be able to join parties with other players above level 20.

* Voice Chat is disabled on trial accounts.

* Realms with login queues will give priority to customers with retail accounts.

* Will not be eligible for any Character Transfer service.

all in all i think it will be worth the effort as it will be fun to own and/or annoy noobs in that gear(wingclip spam ftw!) on a free to play account.

eventually you will be able to earn enough honor to buy BoA chest/weapon/shoulder.

DIY project in an MMORPG ftw!
This thread would be 100000% better if you had a little bit of integrity and chose a different class other then a hunter. But nah you rather be a robot like all the other trash in the bracket. GG it's kids like you that mess this game up. Thanks for having the decency of singling yourself out though.
Daike said:
This thread would be 100000% better if you had a little bit of integrity and chose a different class other then a hunter. But nah you rather be a robot like all the other thrash in the bracket. GG it's kids like you that mess this game up. Thanks for having the decency of singling yourself out though.

hey man i just figured that a trial account twink is already gimped, so why not roll an OP class to balance it out.

but ya, if i feel OP, i will most likely roll a different class.
this is actually better than just rolling a hunter, but plz make it ally we dont need anymore horde thats the bad part in ur plan
Athylle said:
Your satchel gear is bugged in the wowhead profile.

it is wowhead that is bugged...

only a mouseover-display error tho.
this isnt a bad idea, people think it is just because it will be a hunter but it will be way more challanging because you have to farm for BoE gear that will be hard to see drop like feet of the lynx and other gear, BoA's will be hard to get, enchants will be hard to get, alot more reasons! good luck on your twink and have fun
Diiesel said:
I dont think you can turn xp off on trial accounts.

last time i checked, all it requires is 10g which happens to be the gold limit!...

so are you sure?

@people who think this is a bad idea, think about it this way:

if WoW was free to begin with, with a monthly $15 fee you could get a permanent 30 stam/70 agi buff (at 19), would you pay that money? i don't know about you but i would rather refuse to pay and play as an underdog, that way, you have nothing to lose:

a, you get by owned other twinks, so what? they pay money, you don't. they have more health and attack power etc to begin with.

b, you own other twinks, bam! you are getting a lot of satisfaction and fun from a free game.
actualy the chant would need some1 to enchant the item break it send in mail and stuff like that, you cant get mail on a trial, you cant have a toon high enough to use the enchant so yeah :S
As long as you play Alliance I'll be happy.
I will maybe try this out on US server (cause I'm on EU servers) to check out the difference with balance and all. These free trial accs are gamebreaking for me, 20 twinks inc?
D`awwww. How sweet. Thanks Waw Tawent. But we`re fine really. Alliance currently has a severe overpopulation problem. Glancealot and other f2p twinks would be greatly improving queue times for themselves and others by going Horde.

<Typing from my phone, sorry for errors.>
Human -- double AGMs. You better think about friends/guildmates helping you along with runs and AGMs.
i am set on bloodelf, no point to go human because my stats will still be severely gimped even with 2 AGM's.

i am pretty sure i will be more effective than most average twinks given my experience and battlefield awareness.
Opinion said:
Obviously. What's your expected buffed health?

unbuffed health is whatever base health is + 800. so around 1200.
so i am leveling a trial hunter as we speak...

this class is stupidly easy mode now...
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