Clearly you're queing at the wrong time
Incorrect, not the only twink bracket that's alive
Mounts make the games easier, positioning matters less.
Twinks began as a way to smack levelers. It was not until late MoP. The essence of twinking evolved, not suddenly changed, from TBC to WoTLK. It's not new age twinks with this mindset. The new age twinks are the legion / early BFA twinks. I am very happy with the patch and it's why I've resubbed both EU and US.
Those months of queues have far outweighed a long period of shit tier games full of idiots with no coordination, no aspiration.
And the second half of your post was not comprehendible. "When it’s easier for twink v twink when there is insentives for twinks to log on." makes no sense.