Abc<insert class related word>

Hey guys I'm thinking of making a new twink in ruin... or xfering my hunter.

I'm feeling warrior. Thoughts?



^idk, off the top of my head. =)

Oh snap, did you mean thoughts on if you should make a warrior? or a name? 0.o
Hey I remember you. You were bullying my new level ten huntard in bg's last night.

Roll a horde. = )
E P I C TALE said:



^idk, off the top of my head. =)

Oh snap, did you mean thoughts on if you should make a warrior? or a name? 0.o

I meant both... I was thinking Abcstrung/string maybe something like that. Also, I think I'm gonna make him on my home server as an ally. Twink the crap out of him (including AGM, BoA's, and all that stuff) then go horde and xfer to wherever will take me. My 80 is a warrior so I think I want a warrior twink as well.




sucks reckoning is dead...eventualy when I faction change...might go over to ruin
Abcfear said:
That was you? Thats one hell of a level 10. :D

Haha, thanks. Still working on getting my skills up. I went toe to toe with you twice, died. Saw you the third time and ran the other way.
Supadrood said:
not hit capped, with a slow ranged weapon thats bad for interrupting bandaids in arena, and we cant use 15 str gloves at our bracket.

so 15 agi to gloves instead... what ranged weapon do you recommend? Should I use spidersilk drape and simple pearls or what?
we have a lesser strength enchant to gloves, i see allot of people using throat piercers, and deviate scale belt, or the boas with hit on them.
Still not hit capped. Horde hit cap is 15 vs nelfs and soft cap (anything other than nelfs) is 11. You have neither. I would recommend going for the full 15 since between 30%-60% of your enemies will be nelfs and 80%-100% of the droods and hunters will be nelfs which are the ones you really dont want to be missing hamstring on. Your best choice imo to hit cap is belt ring shoulders and cape with mail BoA chest. this will put you bang on the hit cap. If you're worried about losing dps, dont. Hit rating provides more dps than crit rating untill the cap and simp pearl gives more than wrynn/WSG. The belt is pretty much a good bet too dpswise with that agi and hit, you can do the maths if you like but it wont be substantially less, maybe even more, plus it has stam on it. In essence, hit rating = tasty stat.

I can see youre going for a utility/hamstring build so i wont trot out the 1h+sader->2h+fiery arguement again.

I'd advise getting some professions :) skinning and herbalism are best bet, more people prefer skinning to mining/engi, tho engi is fine if you like bombs etc. You might find you prefer the hp that 9 stam to wrists gives, but it comes down to preference.

The str thrown weapons are better than piercers, they have the same cast time, just longer CD making them essentially equal for interupting bandages and 2str>2agi.

I know crit from agi looks tasty on principal but its only really worth 1/2 as much per point as strength or stamina. use Silverlinked Boots instead of Lynx, more armour + hp for slightly less crit/dodge.
Secclusion said:
sucks reckoning is dead...eventualy when I faction change...might go over to ruin

ugh tell me about it :p

0 games since 3.2.2 for me

gives me plenty of time to emblem farm for when i transfer D:
roll shaman

go pro

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