Abc<insert class related word>

Rend warrior que es eso? I already have the name Abcstring, but I havn't really developed the twink at all yet.
hold on let me clarify something... horde hit cap is 15 and alliance hit cap is 11 right? Cus I've decided im going horde on my lock cus hes my main twink and im keeping my warrior ally.
Abcfear said:
i already have a hunter in mah sig. Abcshots (hes bad though).

Paid name change, or make one on hamcake land with the name i gave you.
How about ABCOP, because thats how you will feel when it's done. Make sure you go for the most AP possible. My friend got his up to 400 and his GOTN heals him for 920 HP. He went full ap and still ended up with 1350 Hp. Also, make sure you go Drenaei, the extra hot is.... well... Hot! Not to mention they start with the highest strength.
Thanks for the input... guess ill have to delete my level one warrior and make a new level one warrior. I think Abcop is the one im gonna go with.
Hit cap for ally in Arena and in duels vs nelfs is 15 not 11. However elsewhere hit cap is 11.

Edit: Abcop? i think your other names were better tbh, this one could be mistaken for an AB twink. It might sound cool in your head till you rrealise people are reading ArathiBasin Cop instead of ABC Overpowered. Just my thoughts.
Abcnaab sounds good, fits every class YOU play.

Joking ofcourse, just couldn't stand the fact that i wasnt creative enough to think of a name. byebye

Yeah I think if I make a third twink I'm gonna go with Aybeecee. I'll have to do some thinking about these names. I'm currently choosing between Abckrit, Abcsection, and Abcstring.

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