AB Call to Arms weekend. EU

Sorry, but this guy is gold.

For eight hundred years jedi i have trained, the other hundred years round europe i triped.
Baltimore, whats in it for you to act so mean? To me it might seem like you want to hurt other people when you comment like that, and it would be sad to me if that were the case. I just approved of Kekks point, and if you are implying Kekks is an account made by me then thats not the case, but I dont have to prove myself to you (imo ^^). Just try to act more nicely to others and try to accept that other might have other viewpoint then yourself, and maybe I should too.

Ps. Also I feel this is relevant to the AB weekend as this thread is about.

Much love and apriciation


(New and improved less anger version)
Baltimore, whats in it for you to act like a retard? All you want to do is obviously start a fight or insult other people, and I pity people who act like you and cant seem to get a sense of fulfillment in other ways. Im not quoting myself, since my account isnt Kekks, and if you do belive that I would actually care to make other accounts then sure, go speculate, 9/11 was all made by the american goverment and illuminati? Snap out of your dream world and stop acting like a dickhead. Rotten personality with nothing to contribute at all to this thread except trolling and flaming. Get the fck out of TI, but before you do that please unplug the giant carrot stuck in ur ass, okay?

Ps. Read the title of the thread before acting like an idiot.

sorry to say imnaked, but that was a c#@t move.

Baldi was trying to lighten the thread mood by saying " well its not all doom and gloom" and your obv still raging over the amount of lose's you got being alliance. bit of advice dude, take a break from wow/19s before raging at someone who trying to help the 19s bracket.
Baltimore, whats in it for you to act like a retard? All you want to do is obviously start a fight or insult other people, and I pity people who act like you and cant seem to get a sense of fulfillment in other ways. Im not quoting myself, since my account isnt Kekks, and if you do belive that I would actually care to make other accounts then sure, go speculate, 9/11 was all made by the american goverment and illuminati? Snap out of your dream world and stop acting like a dickhead. Rotten personality with nothing to contribute at all to this thread except trolling and flaming. Get the fck out of TI, but before you do that please unplug the giant carrot stuck in ur ass, okay?

Ps. Read the title of the thread before acting like an idiot.

AB Call to Arms weekend. EU: thread title wich is almost over, ppl are haveing a joke no one is flameing/trolling apart from your above post, even junoo the thread starter is in on it, baldi has been around a hell of a lot longer then your self i personly remember when he 1st started (has alli) i wouldnt trade he's little finger for your whole account.

nooow i'm yoda again, peace with you be
I've been around since 2005 where I twinked on my druid Desaloz. Got rank stone guard back then, and i've played wow on other peoples accounts before that. I dont care about ur preferences in accountowning or whatever, I dont care about if you want to suck up for ur friend and lick his feet, please get a room and discuss things like that in private. Or start a shoutout thread.

Noow im naked again, peace with you be
I've been around since 2005 where I twinked on my druid Desaloz. Got rank stone guard back then, and i've played wow on other peoples accounts before that. I dont care about ur preferences in accountowning or whatever, I dont care about if you want to suck up for ur friend and lick his feet, please get a room and discuss things like that in private. Or start a shoutout thread.

Noow im naked again, peace with you be

if i dont know who you are then your no one .

“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”
Sorry if this post ressurects this thread, but not been on TI really, just refreshed the browser on my ipod to come across this!

Got a few points:

1. Baltimore is a different twink who I have only heard about because of the slight resemblence to the names I use.

2. I never insinuated at any point in any of my posts that Imnaked = Kekkx, there are literally no grounds in this thread (until your flame post) on which I could ever base that assumption.

I do apologise I was cranky in my post, but if there is nothing constructive/nice to add, don't add it
or people like myself will get tired of it really quickly and easily

3. Where were the French & Germans!? I was queuing kinda earlier than I normally do so maybe thats why I never seen them in a pop.. Would be interesting to find out what happened from one of them if there is any french or german players who read this??

Also got a question: after 4.3 hits, can we folk on english servers invite those on say a german server to the realID group and queue with them??
Alright, I feel ur post was unconstructive, you feel mine was, Lets leave it at that and agree to disagree, k?

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