AB Call to Arms weekend. EU

Ok Ab is popping atm ... alliance need more well geared players. You cant win a bg with 8 undergeared ppl
Ok Ab is popping atm ... alliance need more well geared players. You cant win a bg with 8 undergeared ppl

you wont get any decent games with the amount of undergeared ally.
The solution to solve the faction imbalance issues is not to stop queuing as an alliance. Just keep queuing and eventually you'll get into a good game.
The solution to solve the faction imbalance issues is not to stop queuing as an alliance. Just keep queuing and eventually you'll get into a good game.

Na the solution is to faction change right? ;-)
I'm not going to start an off-topic war but if you feel like arguing with me do it over PMs or contact me in game.
I'm not going to start an off-topic war but if you feel like arguing with me do it over PMs or contact me in game.

i'm not gonna argue with ya mate i think you and most of atoma are good guys but alli are not gonna keep queuing to get destoyed over and over again.

i know a lot of horde guys who have alli toons but are still Qing horde whitch dont help
They enjoy the faceroll atm, or at least most of them enjoy it. Alliance got more good ppl the last days but still to much 800hps who fill up the grp. The AB stat is horrible... 23 abs and 5 ally wins!
Many <Atoma> players do queue on their Ally toons, Hurrx and Baldi for instance.

yeah and junoo. but it shouldnt be left all down to atoma
Yeah, but its a big difference between a disc priest and a wintrading druid that goes help phone getting achies instead of focusing on the game... It's not fun to play this many AB's as alliance and win like 7 out of 27... Please, we need better players.
oh please ... there was 3 hordes stareing at that druid , theres no way he could have keept / taken that flag anyway = u would have lost that game either way , nothing to do with win tradeing
oh please ... there was 3 hordes stareing at that druid , theres no way he could have keept / taken that flag anyway = u would have lost that game either way , nothing to do with win tradeing

in other words

stop i will not, cause phonebook i am, if some one else did it moan i would.
Either some of the good horde players needs to start rolling alliance, or the pathetic FOTM reroll kids that went horde needs to come back to alliance side.

Stop ruining the bracket, its only a matter of time before the alliance stops queueing all together if things keep going the way they are.
Either some of the good horde players needs to start rolling alliance, or the pathetic FOTM reroll kids that went horde needs to come back to alliance side.

Stop ruining the bracket, its only a matter of time before the alliance stops queueing all together if things keep going the way they are.

giveing it a week i am, if it gets no better horde i will go, like everyone else care i will not.
IMO, you guys need to actually queue up and experience these BG's for yourself. I've been queuing all weekend (apart from prime times cause I've been out) and all this doom and gloom you are spreading about how shit it is to be alliance does not exist.

I'm playing mage, and fair enough, dying alot, but it doesn't dampen my spirits. Just need to put the tunes on, get a beer and enjoy it. Stop posting about everything sucking hard and most of all stop moaning at Phone for going horde... Actually can't believe the amount of people on this moaning about it. The way I'm reading it at least it sounds like "we need phone to carry us or we lose QQ" it's honestly degrading to see...

Anyway, i realise this is a QQ post about people QQing but it had to be said.

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