AB Call to Arms weekend. EU


Right guys from the 7/10/2011 it is AB Call to arms fro 8 days out of 2 weeks. i dont about you but i plan to play AB in those 8 days soo if you all could Queue AB and forget WSG. We should get alot of pops like we did last time, i know for a fact <Atoma> will be Qing for AB all weekend.

Why queue for AB?: show your support for 19s, prove to everyone its not just another bracket. Its a bracket with community, morals and a good standard of play!.

Represent your bracket and get a shit load of honor in the process!.

Thanks, Junoo.
Let's make some honor(if possible)
No need to sandbag this is thread. Im also xferring juno to alliance aswell as a couple of other guys from atoma, mainly for gear and better competion.

rawr, Atoma boys<3. i will see who i can strum up.

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