Balanced classes Ex:
Mages get there shields
Give warriors Hamstring
Take lay of hands away from pallys
Nerf Holy pally heals (no insta mana free heals)
Nerf hunter dps 50% and put conc shot on a cooldown (conc shot for 5 sec then 15 sec on cooldown)
Give Ele shammys a faster nuke
Give Enc shammys more melee skills or shorter cooldowns
Nerf priests a little less nukeing power and a little less healing power
Give druids more CC
Give rouges 1 more stun either cheap or kidney shot
Up health stone heals for Locks
That would balance the classes so all are equally playable and no one dominates
Mages get there shields
Give warriors Hamstring
Take lay of hands away from pallys
Nerf Holy pally heals (no insta mana free heals)
Nerf hunter dps 50% and put conc shot on a cooldown (conc shot for 5 sec then 15 sec on cooldown)
Give Ele shammys a faster nuke
Give Enc shammys more melee skills or shorter cooldowns
Nerf priests a little less nukeing power and a little less healing power
Give druids more CC
Give rouges 1 more stun either cheap or kidney shot
Up health stone heals for Locks
That would balance the classes so all are equally playable and no one dominates