hehe mvp didnt you and your guild exploit vs f2ps in mop i could be wrong hehe
hehe mvp didnt you and your guild exploit vs f2ps in mop i could be wrong hehe
the solution shouldn't be to have EVERYONE spend their time to try and learn these jumps through whatever way they can manage, that's just unfair to the rest of the community. I've seen multiple people saying they've lost interest after only a few games and it's a little disheartening. I know it's hard to give up an obvious advantage, but I'm encouraging anyone and everyone to tone down the terrain bug abusing because it's not something most people are interested in.
I can sum this thread up to 4 lines of text.
Dimebrew, shock hunter, et al: "flash bomb arcane bomb speed pot blablabla"
Backpeddle: "i will stop when they stop exploiting jump"
Boostz: "i didnt know about it, i'll talk/have talked with him"
Blaze: "it isnt an exploit"
lmao i thought ppl talking about this were just trolling
you have gotta be joking me, jump macros built into a mouse, jesus christ.......
I didn't read what I presume is page after page of the same assholes trying to ruin the bracket justifying their asshattery. On the hut jump / exploit, the WHOLE reason I originally suggested TP was to avoid ALL jump debates. But there's always one piece of shit that has to go out of their way to fuck things up. If you guys think there's something to debate, knock yourselves out. 39's was probably the last best thing to get me excited about this game and SOME people shit all over that right out of the starting gate. Pretty much done with this hot steaming pile of shit game.
Less bitching please - you want no jumps make a premade team
Rofl you mad over a jump that can be done by cats? We're better off without you then. /wave
So no matter how many times you nerds parrot the same thing "it's so easy to do!" doesn't actually mean shit because it's still imbalanced towards one side
Less bitching please - you want no jumps make a premade team
Very high chance that Gaytwinker will be banned from 39 TC and will potentially DQ jcm if he isn't g kicked. Unless ofc he stops using flash/arcane bombs
Less bitching please
Gaytwinker has been warned if he wants to enter the TC he won't ruin pugs any-more with flash/arcane bomb - as well as if anyone wants to enter the TC you will respect this and not do it yourself - idm pots and normal bombs and crap but it just shows how you have to rely on random shit to win - but flash/arcane bomb isn't avoidable.
Less bitching please
Pot, meet kettle.
Since when is a warning bitching?
Since when is a warning bitching?
Come on guy, don't make me go quote a hundred posts of you and your buttbuddies crying their eyes out