A Quick Recap on Tonight's Games

are they all going to quit 39s after he jumps around tot in wsg too? thats basically the same jump

Riddle me this, has he ever sat TOT for 15 minutes being untouchable?

Didn't think so

Watch the video on how to do the jump, it took me 1 attempt and I am TERRIBLE at jumps

*some jumps i just don't bother doing because my mech keyboard/i'm bad at them:

all the fence jumps on horde side
horde tunnel entrance side to tot jump
the small side jump at bottom of horde gy to get into the gy

all of those range from easy af to advanced, and I just don't even bother. And i tried, many, many times.
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How are you a bracketmaster, rofl

Because I value the continued participation of a large group of people over a single player's preference to be selfish for their own enjoyment. The fact I even have to argue this with you is absolutely absurd. Your actions are causing people to stop playing 39s. If this was a 24/7 bracket then I might risk something like that, but it's not. You're removing participation numbers that we need to queue to get games in the first place.

There's maybe 2-3 people that will learn the jump to a level that they can do it quickly without concern. The rest will struggle or won't do it. What you don't understand is that it's not about how I personally feel or would like, it's about keeping the games going to a level that people keep wanting to queue.

Your actions are causing people to not want to queue. That single jump is not worth risking the 39 bracket's future over. I would LOVE it if everyone learned to do the jump to the extent they get it 99% of the time in 2-3 seconds. But that's not going to happen.

Fuck my life why is this so hard to comprehend.

The reason I have no issue with your wsg jumps is that the ones that are a single drop, such as tot are achievable without knowledge of specific spots. The reason I have no issue with your tunnel/gy bottom to top jumps is that even if someone can't do it, they can still target you. Those jumps only lead to other spots, you can't sit there and be safe for apparently 15+ stacks. This particular jump puts you in LOS of over half the dps indefinitely until YOU decide otherwise.
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How are you a bracketmaster, rofl

Reading this made me rage, honestly go fuck yourself

I'd do the exact same thing as him, what you do in every match is just completely stupid, you singlehandedly ruin games for a lot of other players and just chalk it up to "u can learn it in 30 seconds xDDDDD"

Regardless of how fast you can learn a jump, it doesn't make them good to do in games. This is the exact reason why the 19 TC banned a ton of jumps and why the 39 TC will have a ton of jumps also banned if I have any involvement with it.

This bracket is not going to last very long if it continues to be a contest of who can scum it up the most, and jumps/exploits are included in that.
The reason I have no issue with your wsg jumps is that the ones that are a single drop, such as tot are achievable without knowledge of specific spots.


People comparing the TP jump to ToT are just plain moronic, they are completely different
I very strongly disagree with people glitch jumping with flags to the point where everyone is waiting for them to jump down for an opportunity to kill... the solution shouldn't be to have EVERYONE spend their time to try and learn these jumps through whatever way they can manage, that's just unfair to the rest of the community. For alliance tonight we've been facing a heavy FotM team full of classes that are known for being OP, a glitch jumping FC, and a lot of people having their first glimpse into the bracket. I've seen multiple people saying they've lost interest after only a few games and it's a little disheartening. I know it's hard to give up an obvious advantage, but I'm encouraging anyone and everyone to tone down the terrain bug abusing because it's not something most people are interested in.
all u retards are bitching about one jump while we have an enh speedpotting and arcane/flashbombing on cd ALL FUCKING NIGHT who hurt games more?
ok, so assuming we just stop using the jump, let's move on to a more significant abuse being made by one of your guild members (@jcm): flash bombs/arcane bombs

anyone in the TS could have heard the crying going on about it, to the point where we said multiple times "kill gaytwinker in mid before he can get to FC because he is going to bomb"

of course we didn't afk out, even though we lost 7 games because of it
My point being: Don't let a jump be allowed to a certain extend, since certain is not specified. Hence why I don't understand how you can be a Bracketmaster, since you clearly are not aware of this essential rule of thumb.
Like I said, stop the twin peaks jump and I will stop flash bombing. Since it looks like the jump is done with, I'll stop as well.

Fair deal.
ok, so assuming we just stop using the jump, let's move on to a more significant abuse being made by one of your guild members (@jcm): flash bombs/arcane bombs

anyone in the TS could have heard the crying going on about it, to the point where we said multiple times "kill gaytwinker in mid before he can get to FC because he is going to bomb"

of course we didn't afk out, even though we lost 7 games because of it

One guy flash bombing isn't the reason you lost those games
all u retards are bitching about one jump while we have an enh speedpotting and arcane/flashbombing on cd ALL FUCKING NIGHT who hurt games more?

Obviously MVP. He's the reason games ended early.
ok, so assuming we just stop using the jump, let's move on to a more significant abuse being made by one of your guild members (@jcm): flash bombs/arcane bombs

anyone in the TS could have heard the crying going on about it, to the point where we said multiple times "kill gaytwinker in mid before he can get to FC because he is going to bomb"

of course we didn't afk out, even though we lost 7 games because of it

Understandable to be frustrated over that. I was not aware of what was going on until very late in the night. I've spoken to Trevor and his argument was he was only doing it to MVP because of MVP's actions. Regardless, he's agreed to stop using them.

I'm sorry I was so late to that particular issue.
My point being: Don't let a jump be allowed to a certain extend, since certain is not specified. Hence why I don't understand how you can be a Bracketmaster, since you clearly are not aware of this essential rule of thumb.

Yeah, I definitely understand why you're wondering about that. It's basically because of the skype convo:

if its not class specific then it should be fine. that being said we cant enforce everything, that's more of a ethics problem as in, we cant do anything about it, we can ask him not to do it, but in the end he will
- Skype

Because it's another thing that can't really be controlled, and Living disagreed with it being banned. I'm trying to find some sort of happy medium that lets you continue playing the way you do without ruining the game for the other team.

I mean you're a great player and pretty much an invaluable addition with your fcing to the horde team. I don't want to lose you, but I also don't want your actions to stop people from playing.

I could just be a power wielding maniac and ban everything left/right and centre, but I'm trying to do what will be best in the long term for the bracket.
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Like I said, stop the twin peaks jump and I will stop flash bombing. Since it looks like the jump is done with, I'll stop as well.

Fair deal.

you were flashbombing before and after the jump was used you continued flashbombing speed potting and aercane bombing on cd all night
Yeah, I definitely understand why you're wondering about that. It's basically because of the skype convo:

- Skype

Because it's another thing that can't really be controlled, and Living disagreed with it being banned. I'm trying to find some sort of median that lets you continue playing the way you do without ruining the game for the other team.

I mean you're a great player and pretty much an invaluable addition with your fcing to the horde team. I don't want to lose you, but I also don't want your actions to stop people from playing.

I could just be a power wielding maniac and ban everything left/right and centre, but I'm trying to do what will be best in the long term for the bracket.

I understand that it's frustrating that I use a jump that no one knows about.

However, the next TC will be level 39, with TP being in the map pool. And you can't be all noob-friendly in a competitive tournament environment.

So yes, I understand that innovation is bad for a noob-friendly environment, I get that. Therefor I'll stop doing that in pugs, however banning this jump which literally a cat can do in the Twink Cup would really make me question the ones managing the whole thing. Because the logic wouldn't be there.

So are we on even ground now? I believe we understand each others views better atm.

And for the future, don't ever use "Certain" as a value in your rules. It's basics for creating a rule-book man.
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However, the next TC will be level 39, with TP being in the map pool. And you can't be all noob-friendly in a competitive tournament environment.

So yes, I understand that innovation is bad for a noob-friendly environment, I get that. Therefor I'll stop doing that in pugs, however banning this jump which literally a cat can do in the Twink Cup would really make me question the ones managing the whole thing. Because the logic wouldn't be there.

I'll ignore the unneccesary disparaging remarks and say this: I presently have no say in the 39 TC. I have applied to be a part of the committee for that, but all the rules and info come from Living. It's his project. It's up to him what will be allowed and what will not.

On the same note though, in regards to the 39 bracket in general including pugs, that's my field. I asked Living, Scope, Nastay (when he comes back) to be bracket managers because I respect and value their ideas and input, and I don't want just 1 person making all the decisions regarding the bracket. Input is good, and I will no doubt be wrong on occasion.

But the bottom line and final decision is with me for now, until the community group votes to kick me out before I Julius Caeser the bracket or the bracket dies from my horrendous decisions. The only reason I have not out right banned the jump is because I don't see the point. If it gets to a point I want it to never happen again, then I'll take TP out of the queue pool. Having seen you use it to a non game breaking level, I'm hoping it will continue to that level if at all. I just don't want to hear someone sat their for 10 minutes then reset stacks against a team. That is horrendous gameplay.

So yeah, we're good now.

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