A Plea to Roll Horde

Higher FPS too for those of you whose PCs are currently sucking air to barely live.
I must say today horde have been really OP. 10 games, 9 loss 1 win.

You guys must remember that the faction balance can change in a week.
Hiidden said:
I must say today horde have been really OP. 10 games, 9 loss 1 win.

You guys must remember that the faction balance can change in a week.

Yup, looks like more skilled players are finally rolling Horde. Seems like TI isn't the only community twinking this bracket. The guys over at 4chan have been doing it for 2 or so weeks now.
Also there's more than one game happening at once now. Looks like there are 2-3 games happening at one time. Looks like you just got unlucky.
Piesmo said:
Yup, looks like more skilled players are finally rolling Horde. Seems like TI isn't the only community twinking this bracket. The guys over at 4chan have been doing it for 2 or so weeks now.

And the alliance is so used to winning without using tacts that they never really had to L2P and gets owned for it now when horde finally have skilled players.

All I have to say as an alliance is : YEESEEEEEEEESSSSS, finally some interesting games INC! :)
Okay, havnt played F2P yet and i think imma make 1 this weekend, if i find the time. Im going to roll horde (after reading this thread, i dont really care about how much i win, i just want some time off my main)

I havnt read much f2p threads, but i understand that cloth users is the way to roll horde? cause best quest gear?
Installing the game now. Going to go Horde, any class you need? I've been out of the loop since WotLK, so I need to relearn the game and don't know what is good.

Zuty said:
Installing the game now. Going to go Horde, any class you need? I've been out of the loop since WotLK, so I need to relearn the game and don't know what is good.


Hope to see you in-game Zuty. From what I've seen (ofc it all depends on the day and time of day, etc.), Horde could use more healers that actually know what they're doing. And just in general, people that can help promote sticking together and going for the objective (and usually healers are the best at that since people want to be healed). Whenever I play Horde is all over the place, spread out, and running around like a chicken w/o a head. They sometimes seem to group up when escourting the fc but once Ally stops them the first time they just seem to give up on the objective.

Inkobah said:
Hope to see you in-game Zuty. From what I've seen (ofc it all depends on the day and time of day, etc.), Horde could use more healers that actually know what they're doing. And just in general, people that can help promote sticking together and going for the objective (and usually healers are the best at that since people want to be healed). Whenever I play Horde is all over the place, spread out, and running around like a chicken w/o a head. They sometimes seem to group up when escourting the fc but once Ally stops them the first time they just seem to give up on the objective.


I will get right on to make a healer then. I made a Warrior just to derp around on and edit the interface, so now I have something to do!

Can parties be formed between F2P account to F2P account or do you need someone who has a full account to start the party? Because then we could just have a huge raid going at all times as a way to quickly chat in game. I'll go park my butt in Vent tho while I run around on my new healer.

If anyone still needs a port to shattrath, whisper me in game and ill get one for everyone. If they ask for tip NP I have 80g
On one hand, I don't like that I can't give my guy some greens to help him level and not die every two minutes. On the other hand, CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!

I'm still upset that we can't at least join a guild, that's my only gripe.

Zuty said:
On one hand, I don't like that I can't give my guy some greens to help him level and not die every two minutes. On the other hand, CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!

I'm still upset that we can't at least join a guild, that's my only gripe.


Ye, really missing the guild option. On the top of my head that is probably the 1 thing I would change if I could only change 1 thing. (yes, even before kicking 24 hunters:p )
Med'an said:
Ye, really missing the guild option. On the top of my head that is probably the 1 thing I would change if I could only change 1 thing. (yes, even before kicking 24 hunters:p )

Agreed. I can live without access to AH or chanting/sending gear to my character; I don't mind and actually like working for all of my gear. Not having a guild sucks, because you can't communicate with other players; makes the game feel like it isn't an MMO.

I wonder if I could argue that case with Blizz, either give us guild access and we can't get ranked up in the guild or allow us to talk in channels we create.


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