A matter of Hunters

People QQ about hunters on forums because they want the hunters to feel bad, or atleast show them the reality of how OP they really are.

Playing to win, yeah sure, you can win as pretty much any class, but hunters are the easiest class to win with. Now what if everyone rolled hunters, how fun would it be to just meet other hunters all the time? And is it really fun to never get a real challenge?

I've played hunters a very long time - I know this, and imho it just got too easy playing them. I wanted a challenge instead of dominating the battleground completely. Maybe others will feel the same? No offence to those who have played their hunter for a long time and that love the hunter class, but the hunters I really hate and that I wish to go delete their chars are the extremely bad hunters who still dominate because of their class and not because of their "skill", who act like spoiled kids.

What I would like to see is concussive shot or wing clip moved up to a higher bracket.

And @ Lloydganks: Seems to me like your way to play to win is to roll another twink hunter. No, I won't play to win, and I hope others won't either. Hunter vs hunter fights are boring, and if everyone played to win we would have 20 hunters every WSG. =)
Doffe said:
And @ Lloydganks: Seems to me like your way to play to win is to roll another twink hunter. No, I won't play to win, and I hope others won't either. Hunter vs hunter fights are boring, and if everyone played to win we would have 20 hunters every WSG. =)

you know, hunters actually have counters, even at level 19. you guys could....oh i don't know, make a thread about different ways to counter hunters? instead of just incessantly posting cry-fits about how people who are playing to win are rolling 19 hunters?

lloyd definately isn't saying roll another hunter
add cast time to conc. shot (2sec), and increase all the cooldowns of ALL hunter abilities.

pet training level 20

wing clip too


problem solved!
Druiddroid said:
lloyd definately isn't saying roll another hunter

No, ofc he isn't. I know people can kill hunters, but as he said, 99.9% wants to win without much effort. :/ Would be awesome if 70% of the hunter population would make other classes, because the WSGs just seem like massive hunter zergs :p

I'm just playing stupid, just like the hunter guy somewhere on the first page.
it always was a rock-paper-scissor game to begin with !

let's say hunters were nerfed to death that even they couldn't dish out more then 10 dps per game... people would bitch about other classes being too op for them ! its always like, nerf the rock cause i can't beat it with scissor so it must be too op ! same goes for those using paper, nerf the scissor they best me and its impossible. the rock do not care and answer, who cares just kick their ass and win dammit !

but there is one fact that people forget about, that fact alone makes real twink choose hunters or rogues ! the fact is, theres a lot more leather gears with stamina and agility at low level then there is in clothes or mail. and by low level i'm saying 59 and down ! i dont know why blizzard likes leather so much. i had a shaman once, and i figured that leveling enhance was a lot faster then elemental or resto, just because i was seeing a lot more gears in leathers who offered melee stats !

when you take that into account you understand those people who say, this class is too OP. of course it is, most of the gears you can have were designed for it. the guy comes in, makes his research on what he can do, look thru the gears and find more leather then anything, so he decides ok, its gonna be easier setting up a leather class then... so he has 4 choices only... shaman, druid, hunter, rogue... he checks the stats and see stamina and agility all over the place, so he checks with the 4 classes... shaman needs strenght if i go enhance... agility is good but it doesn't use it to full extent, then he goes to druid and says the same about that bear form. then comes the other two, and right there it clicks, one is melee and the others is all about staying far away out of reach. who wouldn'T take a class who can half kill someone without that person being able to go near you. and so they choose a hunter for those sole reasons.

but that logic do not work...

once in a BG it is a totally different story. first of all, there are twinks on the other side too, damn i'm not alone... no problem i'll just let them be and so they will too. but then again, wrong logic, twinks searches for more twinks, as if they beat the twinks, they can run the BG. then the they wont get near, its all good until that rogue with crippling poison shows up in your back. or that warrior who came out of nowhere hamstringing you to death. now you cant get away and that minor speed increased was just there, nullified !

where does that leads us...

the scoreboard we so know means nothing...

he checks the scoreboard telling himself i sucked, this class sucks, i'm gonna switch to something else... but the scoreboard tells them otherwise, they got th emost honorable kills, they got the best kill vs death ratio, and they got the top damages. so they're like... WOW i did a lot better then i thought this class rocks ! and so they keep it and try to be top board in everything in every god damn BG telling that they are good at this as the scoreboard says them they are.

this right there, will never change !

even with different nerfs, even with different classes changes...

it will just never changed, as long as people will be sheeps following what you said as reasons, or as long as they check for gears to begin with instead of classes themselves.

i'm a hunter, i love the class, i love to handle my pet, i like every god damn aspect of it. not because it owns, seriously i got owned more then enough times and i will still be owned by serious players. but because overall, at every god damn bracket, even 80... i like playing my hunters !

and those saying hunters owns every bracket, i'm sorry to tell, but 60+ you dont see hunters owning anybody, they're getting their ass handed to them... at a point that at 80 arenas, you dont see any of them at all ! prooving my point, they are not bad... people just dont think they are cause of gears !


stop looking at what you can do with each class... think of what you like in each class !

then choose your class as your heart tells you to. i swear that even if you lose to often, you'll be gladly going back to that class and try to proove its worth it !
i made a hunter


Never again will i play it.
Lloydganks said:
oh, and news flash: you're not skilled. i have never even played with you before, and i could pretty comfortably wager my account on the fact that some retard who can't spell, write in halfway correct english, or comprehend why it is that people would want to play THE STRONGEST, MOST EASYMODE CLASS in a level bracket is no good at pvp.

^Amazing english right there; nice run-on mark twain...
ArthurianKnight said:
this right there, will never change !

even with different nerfs, even with different classes changes...

it will just never changed, as long as people will be sheeps following what you said as reasons, or as long as they check for gears to begin with instead of classes themselves.

your ONLY twink - a hunter

lvl 19 hunters hurt me and i do not like it. Make them stop hurting me. Please.
The man with the bow told me there was candy in his trunk. There's no candy in his trunk, and why does he keep poking me with his arrow? :(
Lloydganks said:
now start playing to win instead of polluting the forums with this crap.

hehe, that's more like it.

and to you that never read anything by Sirlin, he has some interesting things to say about gaming.


Omgimarogue said:
your ONLY twink - a hunter


how about i have 10 chars on rivendare, 4 of which are 70+ and 1 is 80.

how about i played this game for the last 3 years and i had like 3times that ammount of char in the making. how about i have played like 4 different classes in BG twinks at 19-29.

heres a bit of a rundown...

i started with a warrior, suppose to be my main, ended up as my frist twink 19. played him for months on end, was awesome... then twinks came in got owned, had lots of fun int he process but decided it was time for me to go up, so it go up to 29. then i played a priest to 29, had experience since my main was a priest to begin with. decided to ditch the project after only a few plays. tryed druid, but after alevel 10 i couldn't bare the switch of form.

that's only half the story, i don't need to go farther cause nobody care nayway. right now the only twink i have is brandatwo, which unfortunetly is missing her twin sister brandaone who sold her accounts to a guy who just never played with it. anyway, but i have 4 other twinks int he making...

19, priest, healer

29, hunter

29, shaman, healer

39, warlock

for now, only two of them are ready for the quest lines...

as for the 49 twink i want, i'm still thinking !

all this to tell you, do not judge on a simple fact as having only 1 twink, when i was twinking ever since i started playing !

anyway, back to the point of this thread...

hunters are there for a purpose, people who tell you this game is all about killing and dps just never considered the sole purpose of having those BGs to begin with. i mean they are team efforts, and for now those teams who just think of killing always lose in my battlegroup... the group that wins is the most diversified one ! Since nobody ever goes healing, its even worse since we can count on nobody to help us survive. the why i am creating a healer for those PUG i like so much !
Agree 100% with ArthurianKnight. I purely like to play hunters - all aspects of the class - whether it be as a semi-twink, in a group, raid or solo - I love my hunters and have them at all levels.

As someone that truly enjoys BG's, regardless of how well my characters are geared, (my first two a SP and mage both in quest greens/blues no enchants way back when - lol!), I'm sure many people pick hunters for all the wrong reasons, but don't assume every person picks class X just because it's easy.

It most definitely wasn't my motivation!

In BGs, I don't believe in GY camping, farming lowbies, or trying to be top of the charts, etc. I've spent alot of time learning to play a hunter well - not that I'm uber, just goaling for not being a huntard!

Personally I like the challenge of a mixed team on both sides - all levels, abilities, skills and seeing if we can pull it together to work as a team to capture those flags and win before they opposing side does!

I do agree it would be great if Blizzard would limit the number of a specific class in each BG at all levels (whomever brought that up - great idea!). It probably would extend queue times, but then more variety might consider playing if they know only so many rogues, hunters, DKS will be in a BG.
Blizzard will never, ever make a change like that, goes completely against their casual friendly approach to the game. Restricting things people can do based on their class seems stupid, and on bgs with long que times already a change like this would result in an enormous outcry.

As far as balancing hunters goes, it's going to be extremely difficult to change things without them impacting on end game.

Nerfing auto shot damage could work though :S
i dont think auto-shot nerf solved anything... the fact is the pet is the one dishing out the damage. not you... a hunter without any pet would surely be a lot less powerfull. but the pet is what makes the class to begin with. what people seems to not understand well is that a hunter without his pet, has no way to win a fight unless he really knows how to play his class.

CC the pet and your hunter is half his power gone, just like a hunter is quite good in melee range too, but it sure do not dish as much damage as he would if he was ranged, so keeping it close makes you win more against it. the dead zone is also a great place to be even if its hard to keep your character in it !

i just think hunters like any other class are doing well in DPS cause they have nothing else to do. just like a priest is dishing more heals then dps to begin with. reguardless of how you are built and which spec you choosed, a priest at 19 can never be anything else then a healer. for his abilities at that level are not top enough. other classes, hybrid ones like druids paladins and shamans on the other hands can become quite a lot more then they really should be. but thats why i love playing at 19, not much abilities and talents barely do anything. at 19 skill is a lot more important then the class you play !

i know many will disagree on this one...

but if you take 2 classes, and compare them equal to equal, you'll see that some classes are made for specific jobs and nothing else. this at low level is quite more obvious then it is at in end games !
Abrahms said:

For hunters, I hate em. If they Raised the lvl of Concussion shot to 20 or so, Id be happy. I know that other classes have their own Stun/Slowing abilities, but they dont have the ability to A. Run and shoot with a pet also chasing the chaser and attcking the chaser. and B. Run back, stun/slow, shoot shoot shoot, slow, shoot shoot, run, slow, HK!

I have 4 twinks, the last one I made was a hunter just for pure fun. I camped at level 15 for over a month and still topped dps and kills in ALMOST every pug I was in. I killed fully geared rogues easily.. With that being said, when I got to 19 and geared out, you could take away my conc shot and I would still do so. The funniest part of this is I dont use a pet with any kite abilities. I use a nightelf with Echiyaki (Grey lion from summoned from the barrons) I liked the fact that I could stealth my pet and stealth myself to guard flag.

Hunters are so OP that you could take away conc shot and their pet and people would still roll them and people would still win. I honestly believe nothing will ever change with the hunter being OP in the 19 bracket.

My advice is to get on a premade team and expect to steam rolled by groups of hunters in pugs because... Its going to happen.

ArthurianKnight said:
what people seems to not understand well is that a hunter without his pet, has no way to win a fight unless he really knows how to play his class.

Edit, I just read this, also I dont agree with this, but to make things more fun I wish hunters got thier pets at level 20, it would make them a lot less attractive to new people rolling the 19 bracket, and a lot fun to play.

Delete Hunters as a class.

Give all existing Hunters an I.O.U. that says Abrahms Is Uber.

And have a naked gnome race to the Undercity.

If a Gnome Hunter wins the race, the Hunters can come back.


Your Chances of winning are 0.0000000000% (Percent courtesy of Thottbot.con )

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