A Fireside Chat with Holy Crit

Good work being such an active guild. If I wasn't so attached to my priest, server and faction, I'd come say hi.

Holy Crit tends to rip me a new asshole every time I play against them, always a challenging game :)
The day you had 20 members online was the greatest day of your guild.
For us it was just a Tuesday.

Not that size matters or anything, and Quality>Quantity being way superior.

View attachment 3656
This was taken a few days ago without even being much bothered.

Feel free to check out our own site! Home | Gurubashi Surf Club (Just in beta stage-getting a real domain, and still working on some technicalities)

- No trolling or bad intentions meant with my post!

holy crit is diferent guild, they accept anyone who wants to join, no matter skill lvl or intentions, they play it just for "fun" aka premading vs f2ps.

GSC is the opposite, much better organisated and does not accept any 24twink wanting to join, and have great quantity of players with quality.

But nice special olympics anyway, is good to see holycrit doing more then just premades vs pugs.
Does it matter what GSC does and what Holy crit does? Stop invading their thread with GSC stuff pls.
Constant premading burnt me out. Now I just occasionally solo queue. But burnt me out after 2 years so fun was had. Results may vary

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Gurubashi Surf Club scammed me on Caverndeep Trudgers.

Vanillamilk, you promised you wouldnt use the boots on your own characters but you did.
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The nice thing about this game is that you can have a an elitist guild, and you can have a casual guild, and it's ok for both of them to exist. To each their own.
Sweet! Thanks for making the post I plan on xfering my monk or making a feral druid in your guild once my monk is complete :D
Props to Yndigo.

As for the rest of it - it's nice to see some people finding a place to go, and also to see a more relaxed attitude floating around this forum.
Props to Yndigo.

As for the rest of it - it's nice to see some people finding a place to go, and also to see a more relaxed attitude floating around this forum.

Why make enemies of the people you're likely to play with/against time after time?

Better to have a twink community than a twink war. Hence why I'm making a Horde twink shortly, possibly on Azuremyst... who cares what side I'm on, I just love twinking.
I have played with groups from Holy Crit and have played against Holy Crit. I will say there are a couple really good players and have also found a couple of them really helpful (somfas).
Sadly thou, speaking only for myself I find that the actions of a couple go directly against some of points that brainwash makes in his post an example being : we do not tell others how to play: This is a case of the actions of a few have tainted the group as a whole.
I love all of the responses to this thread. (Even the haters)

I agree that different types of guilds can coexist. The nice thing about holy crit is that we have some really good, hardcore twinks, and some casual, just-for-fun types.
We have trolls and we have people who spend 12 consecutive hours in a day running people through dungeons and getting people rare vanity items (i.e. Somfas)
I don't take it as my job to tell people how to act, just as my philosophy is on telling them how to play: do what you want as long as everyone is positive and has fun.
The fact that we pulled off our event with no major drama is a big testament to the sort of environment that inclusiveness and positivity can create.
The fact that we have the sheer numbers of satisfied members that we do shows that people enjoy this sort of environment.
The free BiS enchants don't hurt either.
My primary goal is not to care about what people think of our guild, but to increase the fun and activity in this bracket. We have succeeded wildly on all accounts and I encourage you to join us in this mission.

Our next event will be happening in roughly 5 weeks, just enough time to transfer some BOAs and gear a toon to be the next champion of the arena.
Feel free to ask me any questions in game.
Happy Valentines <3
Love, Brainwash - GM of Holy Crit - Azuremyst
My primary goal is not to care about what people think of our guild, but to increase the fun and activity in this bracket

This is why anyone who has been in this bracket and knows the type of guild HC is cant take this thread seriously. I love (honestly I do) all the fake niceness and people saying nice things about one another in this thread however it's a joke and a sham.

Wheres the mentions of the 10 man premades gy farming random pugs for 19 minutes? Wheres the mention of that fun?

Wheres the mentions of the numerous times HC 5 mans have been known to kick someone who refused to gy farm or attempted to cap the 3rd flag? Wheres the mention of that activity?

You have the right to make a thread promoting your guild and trying to recruit people for the sake of your guild however i have the same right to tell that new person that reads this and thinks its a nice guild that it in fact isnt for the sake of the bracket.
This is why anyone who has been in this bracket and knows the type of guild HC is cant take this thread seriously. I love (honestly I do) all the fake niceness and people saying nice things about one another in this thread however it's a joke and a sham.

Wheres the mentions of the 10 man premades gy farming random pugs for 19 minutes? Wheres the mention of that fun?

Wheres the mentions of the numerous times HC 5 mans have been known to kick someone who refused to gy farm or attempted to cap the 3rd flag? Wheres the mention of that activity?

You have the right to make a thread promoting your guild and trying to recruit people for the sake of your guild however i have the same right to tell that new person that reads this and thinks its a nice guild that it in fact isnt for the sake of the bracket.

Funny how they asked a f2p to post this up....and cmon Lil you know how 24s are with f2ps...especially HC guild...HoneyBadger already mentioned that he/she recruits 24s to infest the bracket with it.
Funny how they asked a f2p to post this up....and cmon Lil you know how 24s are with f2ps...especially HC guild...HoneyBadger already mentioned that he/she recruits 24s to infest the bracket with it.

Farming f2ps is HC's definition of "fun"
Dear Twink Info,

I asked Phrontisery to post this for me because I'm retarded and don't have the mental capacity to make an account.

I wanted to fill you guys in on the sort of homoerotic fun we have in Holy Crit.
You've seen us around the bracket because we're terrible and need 10 man to engage in our homoerotic activity(some members more than others) but we've never had a significant presence on this site because no one gives a shit.

Tomorrow at 4 server time we are having a 24s special olympics.

Say what you will about holy crit, but let me tell you the facts:

We are currently the most active 24 guild hands down and still the worst guild over all the years
We are an inclusive guild above all. We care about having fun(which is queuing 10 mans and farming jaja's)

We have survived in this bracket for YEARS because we only succeed at killing f2ps
This tells you that our guild environment is fulled with braindead shitters.
Guilds come and go because they realize how shit the bracket is, but Holy Crit has been here in the beginning because we can't achieve in anything else.

Brainwash, GM of Holy Crit - The biggest joke of a guild


-The one true King

And this, students, is an example of how not to get people to join your community. What's that Timmy? You say some people will join him? That's a very good point Timmy. Anyone want to explain to Timmy why that is? Yes Sally? Yes, that's correct Sally, he may succeed in getting a few people to join him, but they will likely be people who already were going to join him, making his post wasted effort. This is because many of the people on the fence in any situation will see through Ad Hominem attacks and other similar attempts to confuse an issue. They are more likely to see such attempts as acts of desperation rather than as true arguments made from a confident position of strength. That's a gold star for Timmy and gold star for Sally.

Ok, class, that's all for today. Be sure to complete your worksheets on Ad Hominem and Ad Populum attacks by tomorrow, and don't forget to also come to class with a screenshot of an example of poor trolling and an example of good trolling. Be prepared to share them with the class and explain why they are good examples. Dismissed!
This is why anyone who has been in this bracket and knows the type of guild HC is cant take this thread seriously. I love (honestly I do) all the fake niceness and people saying nice things about one another in this thread however it's a joke and a sham.

Wheres the mentions of the 10 man premades gy farming random pugs for 19 minutes? Wheres the mention of that fun?

Wheres the mentions of the numerous times HC 5 mans have been known to kick someone who refused to gy farm or attempted to cap the 3rd flag? Wheres the mention of that activity?

You have the right to make a thread promoting your guild and trying to recruit people for the sake of your guild however i have the same right to tell that new person that reads this and thinks its a nice guild that it in fact isnt for the sake of the bracket.

Now this is a good example of fair and reasoned criticism. My first twink guild used to farm people with premades, then we got bored with that, and focused on finding competition, or doing arenas in-guild, or just doing random stuff like dance parties in wsg. Also, when we identified other twinks that we knew, we avoided farming them so that we wouldn't scare them off.

However, 20-24 today is a very different situation from 30-39 back in TBC. Based on the existence of F2Ps, I'm not sure that farming actually harms the activity of the bracket at all, so I'm skeptical that <Holy Crit>'s behavior hurts the bracket per se. However, judging by people's responses, it probably hurts their image, which is too bad. I'm a fan of acting classy, even when bored or annoyed.

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