A few tricks/tips for Feral Dmg druids


yes...i know Kore is the master of all druids and he knows more than me...but for some things we have different views. He is rly smart and i would follow his guide if i were u(which i do for the most part) But my trick/tip is a little different than his:

He says stacking combo points aren't good at 19. I can agree to an extent. I was dueling a hunter and stacked like 5 (just to see how much dmg) and i got a 818 crit on FB. Normally non crit a 5 pointer does around 250 dmg. a 1 pointer is like 60 dmg. Sure bgs and duels are different, in bgs i usually only do around 3 combo points then use FB. My rotation is pretty simple for bgs: Mangle, rake, mangle, FB. Now for duels, it is: Mangle, rake, get out of cat form, pop ur instant HoT, Thorns, cat form, and mangle then FB. But that's just my opinion. Yes i would follow Kore's guides to just about everything, but sometimes it is good to hear different voices on things.
Lawlpurge said:
All I see you doing is being a douche to people.

I care, it's always good to see people throw out new ideas and strats, thanks for the post.

All day every day.
In your opion Haste on weapon/ gloves vs agl? or a combo?
if you highlight over agi on a druid char sheet it says that it only contributes to +crit% is this true? Can someone equip/unequip some agi item that has no strength and tell me if how much the attack power changes?
ceruleus said:
if you highlight over agi on a druid char sheet it says that it only contributes to +crit% is this true? Can someone equip/unequip some agi item that has no strength and tell me if how much the attack power changes?

Kore nametooshort said:
1 agi gives 2ap, crit and dodge (it no longer gives armor)

1 str gives 2ap

ty kore! i was really wanting to know this
hmmmmmmm so now that makes me want to make a i guess crit build. if u can pop that much on bis or close to bis maybe it could be a reliable finisher. so yea anymore confermation on the would awesome like would it be worth stackin crit for the crit strike?
Well. Stacking combo points in a WSG/AB setting is not really the best thing to do, but in a duel it could be a clever thing to do, if you can get that unexcpected burst. It will really make you in control of the duel. So yes, I apreciate the tip of yours, but would still not stack to much combo's in a battleground. :)
greentea said:
hmmmmmmm so now that makes me want to make a i guess crit build. if u can pop that much on bis or close to bis maybe it could be a reliable finisher. so yea anymore confermation on the would awesome like would it be worth stackin crit for the crit strike?

Yeah, I was gonna try to stack crit also, I saw a hunter with 32% and that made me pretty interested. Critting once every 3 attacks is pretty damn good. Yesterday I was critting 623 on my undergeared haste druid and normally it was only hitting 170's. Im guessing it works.
i would stack combo points with a agi druid. becuase that gives the most ap and crit chance. and take crit strike were ever u can get it. would be interesting :D and per say premade if cordinated properly could stand to be a very reliabe efc killing strat with other dps of course but once the druid is ready just blow them up :D id say maybe 2-3 shadow pirest/locks for dots and shields with pally/druid healer, im leaning towards pally with 6 sec stun and 2 sec racial. in theory could be very deadly :D
Bragh said:
Well. Stacking combo points in a WSG/AB setting is not really the best thing to do, but in a duel it could be a clever thing to do, if you can get that unexcpected burst. It will really make you in control of the duel. So yes, I apreciate the tip of yours, but would still not stack to much combo's in a battleground. :)

yea thats kinda what i meant...use it for duels only. i usually only stack about 3 points in bgs.
greentea said:
i would stack combo points with a agi druid. becuase that gives the most ap and crit chance. and take crit strike were ever u can get it. would be interesting :D and per say premade if cordinated properly could stand to be a very reliabe efc killing strat with other dps of course but once the druid is ready just blow them up :D id say maybe 2-3 shadow pirest/locks for dots and shields with pally/druid healer, im leaning towards pally with 6 sec stun and 2 sec racial. in theory could be very deadly :D

i agree...but i would also check out Kore's guide. i have heard him say on occasions that 20 haste to wep and 10 haste to gloves is a good way to go. personally i rather have more ap/crit than energy regen....and if u want a mix...i would go 25 agility to wep and then 10 haste to gloves. but i go 25 agility to wep and 15 agility to glove(dont have 15 yet) cuz i prefer burst dmg over energy regen

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