A few tricks/tips for Feral Dmg druids

818 on a ferocious bite? Thats impressive, the discrepancy no doubt came from the additional energy. In regards to stacking combo points, i don't believe that i said you shouldn't be using them, but i said rather that saving energy with less than 6secs left on rake for a more powerful ferocious bite is not a great idea unless you are able to go for a kill. Agility is better than haste if you are in a situation where burst is king, otherwise haste provides the best static dps. Sader can be nice for scoring a kill in conjunction with popping herb and berserking, but i havent played this out yet myself to try it out.
In relation to this what do you think about one thread with good tactics, rotations and perhaps macros for each class?

For e.g. I use for each shot at my hunter a macro like that (perhaps it's pretty basic, but perhaps would be interesting to share tricks for each class)

#showtooltip arcane shot

/cast [nomod] !auto shot

/cast [nomod] arcane shot

/cast [mod:shift, target=focus, exists, nodead] !auto shot

/cast [mod:shift, target=focus, exists, nodead] arcane shot

/cast [mod:ctrl, target=mouseover, exists, nodead] !auto shot

/cast [mod:ctrl, target=mouseover, exists, nodead] arcane shot

> macro is bind to E

> shift + ctrl are also bind to lateral mouse buttons (don't have to, but in some situations very useful, love my Logitech G700 :p)

I think everybody knows, if you use in a macro /cast !auto shot before the ability e.g. arcane, you'll shoot by pressing the button once first the auto shot and then the arcane


1. have target 1

2. set focus to target 2 (bind my middle mouse button to that, have a special focus macro to focus mouseover target or current target with midifier, if no target/mouseover -> clear focus)

procedure (arcane shot is not opener, first serpent sting with similar macro -> bind to "F") then:

1. press E once (auto shot + arcane shot on target)


2. press (bash!) shift+E (auto shot + arcane shot on focus)

then press button for other ability without modifier (target) -> diversify with other abilities (steady whatever) and again with the modifier (for focus target)

Benefit (for me):

having 2 targets under "pressure" if you're doing right and before each ability (arcane or whatever) your toon will shoot an auto shot immediately

AND (it looks like that for me)

if you press shift+E (auto shot + arcane on focus) an auto shot is released nearly the same time to your normal target automatically

Try it out and if I don't talking to much scrap, let's open a new thread or better one guide with sections for every class. Everyone can make suggestions in this thread and it will be sorted by the compiler.

Very interested in your opinions and ideas about that :)


I recommend the addon SnowfallKeyPress -> This addon accelerates key bindings so that they are activated by key press rather than key release (which is standard in wow) -> using this addon = more DPS
sometwink said:
In your opion Haste on weapon/ gloves vs agl? or a combo?

Well it is up to you. Personally I prefer all agility rather than a combo or all haste. I MIGHT sacrifice 15 agility to gloves for 10 haste, but I cant find that enchant....and honestly i dont know if it is worth it. I put 20 haste on a weapon with close to the same stats as my BoA, and tested them out to see what would happen. I crit more in agility, but i still crit a bit in the 20 haste....but i didnt see much of a difference with energy regen. maybe that is because i dont have 10 haste to gloves to make it 20 haste....honestly idk. But it is completely up to you. Ask Kore what the difference is between all agility and all haste energy regen.

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