A couple of lvl19 questions....

I just found this community and absolutely love it!

1. I was unaware of the 3.1 changes until I read about them here. I had already started a 19 bracket hunter. He is currently lvl 10. I have the BoA shoulders with the pvp enchant. I also have some white legs with the blue clefthide leg armor on them just to assist in leveling. Where should I go with this character in the meantime? I really wanna start BGing asap but not sure what to do at this point. I obviously don't want to spend gold on things that will not be here after 3.1.

2. I would like to also start a 19 bracket healer. With 3.1 what would be my best option?

Welcome Freakaccident, Glad to have you here at TwinkInfo. Im Moderator Naturaltalnt, feel free to hit me up with any questions regarding the site.

As for your 19 questions, I cannot help you as I play 29/39, but im sure one of our more dedicated 19 players will come along shortly to assist you. ;)
First of all, I can't see why you enchanted a white item with the Clefthide Leg Armor.

Total waste of resources, as you'll have to change the item as soon as you go up 4 levels anyway.

It's not as if levelling is that difficult nowadays with normal gear.

All this rubbish about the BoAs being a levelling tool is just crap, IMO.

Anyway, the short answer to both your points is: Wait until the patch is out.

There is so much speculation banded about that it's just not worth spending any gold at the moment until we know for certain which way the wind is blowing.
Boris_amj said:
First of all, I can't see why you enchanted a white item with the Clefthide Leg Armor.

Total waste of resources, as you'll have to change the item as soon as you go up 4 levels anyway.

It's not as if levelling is that difficult nowadays with normal gear.

All this rubbish about the BoAs being a levelling tool is just crap, IMO.

Anyway, the short answer to both your points is: Wait until the patch is out.

There is so much speculation banded about that it's just not worth spending any gold at the moment until we know for certain which way the wind is blowing.

I enchanted a white item with the blue clefthide because I can. I hate the 1-10 on a hunter and wanted the advantage. I also put fiery on a lvl 3 1h axe. I agree with the BoA as a leveling tool. The 10% isn't much and the stats are pretty much a joke. The pvp enchant is nice though. Combined with the clefthide I actually had fun dueling pre-pet.
Boris_amj said:
First of all, I can't see why you enchanted a white item with the Clefthide Leg Armor.

Total waste of resources, as you'll have to change the item as soon as you go up 4 levels anyway.

It's not as if levelling is that difficult nowadays with normal gear.

you can use a pair of white or grey pants for leveling on any character. so it's good to do so. you can keep using the white pants, over and over, to level many characters from 1 to like 40, or maybe even higher.

All this rubbish about the BoAs being a levelling tool is just crap, IMO.

BoAs give extra experience. are you kidding?

the stats aren't great, but they're solid for any level you're at...BoAs are just good items to have for leveling all around. you can wear them from like 1-60 and have pretty good stats and less actual leveling to do. 10% more exp on 3 BoAs means you're going to have to do what, a hundred less hours of leveling? :D
Anyway, the short answer to both your points is: Wait until the patch is out.

There is so much speculation banded about that it's just not worth spending any gold at the moment until we know for certain which way the wind is blowing.
As for what others have said, waiting for the next patch might be the best option.

However, I can answer your question about 19 healers (this would be before 3.1, of course, but it won't change too much).

Really, when figuring out a 19 healer, it comes down to playstyle. Do you want to heal and support most of the time, or do you want to heal and also be offensive? Do you want utility and FCing abilities as well as healing, or do you want to take a lot of damage and be able to heal yourself through?

Some classes fit into more than one of those questions, but for the most part, heres the healers lined up:

Druid: A druid is a good healer at 19, but most of that healing can be nullified by the presence of a dispeller such as a shaman or priest. However, druids have the very nice backup ability of becoming a very powerful FC.

Paladin: While paladins are not quite as good at healing as they once were, they still are effective. Their heals will not be as powerful as the other healers, and they won't have as much mana, but their utility abilities (blessings, hands, HoJ) and armor make them good for a variety of uses. A healing paladin essentially doubles as a spell-power paladin, and they do a decent chunk of damage.

Priest: Usually referred to as the best 19 healer, priests have not only giant healing spells, but also a large jumble of other beneficial effects (Renew, PW: S) and the king of them all, Dispel Magic. Priests are probably the easiest to play decently, because people will be yelling at you even if you only get one heal off. Dispel is also a key ingredient in premades as it dispels most slowing or CC effects.

Shaman: Some may not call the shaman an effective healer for a couple of reasons; they only have one heal, and they have no pushback reduction. However, their base heal is the highest of all classes, and it will hit harder than a priest's if the spellpower is the same. However, shaman are utility people, and that means they are offensive damage dealers, CCers, and just about everything you can think of. I play one, its a helluva good time, but its tough to learn at first.
On the Healer Question

I played a Priest and a Druid.

Personaly i like the Druid best because of the mobility with all the Hots.

Priest i think gets boring because of the Manareggen nerf inc.
if you want to start playing BGs, get some levels and do it.

if you are alliance, get to lvl 16 and grab the ring and chest. as horde you can stop at 14 or 16...don't matter afaik. get the weapon from WCquest then.

16 is nice, cause you will have 3pts in focused aim and 3pts in carful aim.

besides this you gain access to mongoose bite, immo trap and the next rank of raptor strike. multi is the only thing you will miss.

be sure to visit wowhead to search for gear you can wear with lvl 16.

like http://www.wowhead.com/?item=6467 / http://www.wowhead.com/?item=10412 / http://www.wowhead.com/?item=14150 / http://www.wowhead.com/?item=12977 / http://www.wowhead.com/?item=5444 / http://www.wowhead.com/?item=2169 / http://www.wowhead.com/?item=14151 / http://www.wowhead.com/?item=5423 / http://www.wowhead.com/?item=6505 / http://www.wowhead.com/?item=22982 / http://www.wowhead.com/?item=13136

i played a 19 priest and liked it. PW:S/fear will give you a nice punch of surviveability.

are we talking about ally or horde?

if ally, a human priest will always be a good choice.
Welcome to the crew-

As a rogue in the 19's my heart always jumps when I see a Druid healer in the mix! Paladins and Priests are fine, but the players themselves tend to be hit or miss; and priests are going to be very squishie in 3.1 Nerf-o-matic patch.

Your best bet is to follow what's been said- wait on rolling a new twink until 3.1 is out.

And nice tip on the whites/leg patch and being able to move them from toon to toon- wish I thought of that when leveling my 29 Druid!
Sorry I cannot help you much on the 19 healer. I personally had a FC/Healer Druid back in the day, I love hots and power shifting; but it was quite hard on the mana back then. I am not sure how it is now. I rolled a 19 Pally back in the day and I HATED the casting time. . . .

As for the Hunter, I am in your exact same shoes. I am currently Level 10 about 500 exp from 11.

While I have been waiting for info about 3.1, I have:

(1) Maxxed my professions

(2) Farmed enough honor for my Horde Battle Standard

(3) Ghost looted my Venomstrike and Odo's Belt

(4) Explored as many areas as I could

(5) Fished every Sunday in STV

The only thing I am missing for my hunter right now are bracers. But even so, I am very reluctant to level him right now. I always have a fear of leveling my twink even at level 10.
Well I got to lvl 13 yesterday leveling my skinning to 150. Solo killing the lvl 19-20s needed gave me more XP than I would have liked and I couldn't round up enough mobs in one spot to do the skinning trick. Not sure if I can get to 225 solo. Kinda wish one of my 80s was on a separate account. Note to self. Never log out in an Inn or city. I'm a noob like I said earlier.

I also got engineering to 150 and made the goggles. They will hold me over until I can get some time on a Sunday to fish.

I did some WSG yesterday and did quite well considering. My DPS was quite low and I was running out of mana before I could kill some people while I was kiting them.

Venomstrike is #1 on my agenda at this point. 2 WC runs yesterday with no drops. Hopefully I can get some more runs today and do the dead in the pit of water trick.

I have a couple friends that are going to help me out so the skinning and gear I need may not be too bad. I do however have a second account I used for dual boxing for a bit that has expired. It does not have WOTLK on it though. I may get a game card and upgrade to wotlk this weekend when I get paid and move one of my 80s to it. Running myself would be about 300x easier than getting someone to run me that knows what they are doing.

OH and I just read that I can use Stone Keeper's Shards to buy Wintersgrasp Commendations then mail them to my 13 to get the honor to buy the Insignia of the Horde. I have plenty enough to get that. Sweet!

EDIT - Here is her armory if anyone is interested. Nothing special. - [char=Lothar]Showgnomercy[/char]
Oh I didnt realize that Wintersgrasp Commendations were BoA

I just took my twink straight to WG and farmed honor. I usually had to get there 20 mins early and start the raid. Funny how, no one says anything when you are the raid leader. But if you join someone else's raid, "OMG SUB 80 KICK HIM!!!"

One suggestion I have is you can switch back and forth between a high level and your twink to get skinning mobs.

1) Position your twink in a high density skinning area

2) Use your high level to gather lots of mobs, kill them close to where you twink logged out

3) Loot droppables

4) Log back onto the twink for skinning

I personally did this spot for 150-225


There are stags and alpha wolves here.
Ultiknight said:
Oh I didnt realize that Wintersgrasp Commendations were BoA

I just took my twink straight to WG and farmed honor. I usually had to get there 20 mins early and start the raid. Funny how, no one says anything when you are the raid leader. But if you join someone else's raid, "OMG SUB 80 KICK HIM!!!"

One suggestion I have is you can switch back and forth between a high level and your twink to get skinning mobs.

1) Position your twink in a high density skinning area

2) Use your high level to gather lots of mobs, kill them close to where you twink logged out

3) Loot droppables

4) Log back onto the twink for skinning

I personally did this spot for 150-225


There are stags and alpha wolves here.

Oh wow I never thought of doing that with my higher toon. Thanks!

I think I have decided on a course of action though. I have a 70 Paladin on another server that I have considered moving to my current server anyway. I am going to do a server and account transfer to my other account and just renew the subscription on that account. No need for Wotlk since the paly is 70 (I hope. He will be coming from a wotlk account but is still 70.). In addition to that the Paly can pull most of an instance and consecrate all of the mobs in one shot. Much easier than it would be with my 80 Fury war. EDIT - Yes SFK takes like 4 pulls because of the locked doors.

So from what I gather the way to get my gear will be to keep the twink outside the instance, pull and kill up to first boss with paly, move twink to range of boss, kill boss with paly, and loot on twink. Repeat. For Serpentis just let the twink die in the water pit below serpentis and kill boss on paly.

EDIT - Just read the guide on letting the boss kill the twink before using the higher level to kill the boss to avoid xp from the boss kill.
Hey and Welcome to the forum ;)

I got a 19 hunter my self and was planning on makeing a lvl 19 priest healer and 29 druid healer - but decided to wait to the patch to hit the realm. Alot can happen and its a shame to waste +500 g on items that you can use.
Argh said:
Hey and Welcome to the forum ;)

I got a 19 hunter my self and was planning on makeing a lvl 19 priest healer and 29 druid healer - but decided to wait to the patch to hit the realm. Alot can happen and its a shame to waste +500 g on items that you can use.

Yeah. I'm not spending anymore gold than I already have. Going to do what I can until the patch and enjoy WSG with what I already have. Still a lot to do even if the patch changes do go through. I need the neck, pvp trinket, and standard along with all of the BoP gear. I'd like to have all of my BoP gear except the SFK quest ring by 15. That should last me till the patch.

You might want to do the same. get to 10ish and get all of your professions and what not leveled up.

I DID turn in points for a Tabard of the Frost today though. I'm pretty confident I'll be sticking with this particular hunter.
Ultiknight said:
I just took my twink straight to WG and farmed honor.
Blizzard hotfixed the "twinks in WG" thing and I thought the comendations required the Marks, not the shards- something to look over...
Rayekk said:
Blizzard hotfixed the "twinks in WG" thing and I thought the comendations required the Marks, not the shards- something to look over...

Each Wintergrasp Commendation requires 30 Stone Keeper's Shard according to Wowhead. I'll find out for sure when servers come up and we have WG.

EDIT - I just read the notes on Wintergrasp Commendation on Wowhead and apparently they are 9 WG marks now and can't be bought with shards. You were correct.
Freakaccident said:
So from what I gather the way to get my gear will be to keep the twink outside the instance, pull and kill up to first boss with paly, move twink to range of boss, kill boss with paly, and loot on twink. Repeat. For Serpentis just let the twink die in the water pit below serpentis and kill boss on paly.

EDIT - Just read the guide on letting the boss kill the twink before using the higher level to kill the boss to avoid xp from the boss kill.

At 13, you might not need to worry about ghosting. But its all up to you on how you want to manage the exp.

If you are doing SFK pre-18, you only need to kill Odo for his belt. Basically what I did is:

1) Sit twink outside

2) Higher level solos till Odo's room

3) Turn on master looter

4) Zone in the twink, no need to move him. (Odo's room is basically vertically above the enterance.

5) Solo Odo and hopefully master loot the belt to the twink.

Took me three tries to do it this way.

For WC, I definitely ghost regardless of level because you can potentially kill like 40+ mobs which is wayyyy too much exp for my liking.
Freakaccident said:
Yeah. I'm not spending anymore gold than I already have. Going to do what I can until the patch and enjoy WSG with what I already have. Still a lot to do even if the patch changes do go through. I need the neck, pvp trinket, and standard along with all of the BoP gear. I'd like to have all of my BoP gear except the SFK quest ring by 15. That should last me till the patch.

You might want to do the same. get to 10ish and get all of your professions and what not leveled up.

I DID turn in points for a Tabard of the Frost today though. I'm pretty confident I'll be sticking with this particular hunter.

Sounds like you got it all sorted out :) with the skinning part, just follow the skinning guide and you will be lvl 225 in 30 min or less and it wont take long to get the WSG items exp. for the "flag" as i call it:p

And with WC and SFK i just waited outside then let one of my friends or a random person that i bribed kill all the mobs and then just enter and kill the boss, i am so unlucky with drops that i have to kill the boss atleast 10 times before i get my loot! And i WC you can just stand at the "water-drop-zone" and let the high lvl kill the boss, it saves alot of time and xp.

Just pm if you got any questions about hunters.
Ultiknight said:
At 13, you might not need to worry about ghosting. But its all up to you on how you want to manage the exp.

If you are doing SFK pre-18, you only need to kill Odo for his belt. Basically what I did is:

1) Sit twink outside

2) Higher level solos till Odo's room

3) Turn on master looter

4) Zone in the twink, no need to move him. (Odo's room is basically vertically above the enterance.

5) Solo Odo and hopefully master loot the belt to the twink.

Took me three tries to do it this way.

For WC, I definitely ghost regardless of level because you can potentially kill like 40+ mobs which is wayyyy too much exp for my liking.

Great! Thanks a lot for the tip!

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